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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: General

Stewardship and Oversight of the Airport
Improvement Program (AIP)
Prepared for Biennial Fraud Awareness
Conference Arlington, VirginiaPresented
by Elliott Black Deputy Director Office of
Airport Planning and Programming Federal
Aviation Administration Date Wednesday, July
28, 2010
Track Title
  • Implication of Fraud on the
  • Safety of Infrastructure Projects

  • Overview of the FAA Office of Airports
  • Focus on the Airport Improvement Program (AIP)
  • Relationship between AIP and other FAA programs
    and functions
  • How the FAA leverages limited Federal resources
    to protect the traveling public
  • Best practices in stewardship and oversight

FAA Office of Airportskey program areas
  • Planning support
  • Environmental review
  • Financial assistance programs
  • Planning, engineering and construction standards
  • Airport certification program(CFR Part 139)
  • Compliance with grant assurances

Planning Support
  • National planning standards and guidance
  • National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems
  • Ensure sponsors are eligible
  • Identify eligible and justified projects
  • Work with state aeronautical agencies on state
    system plans
  • Support metropolitan system plans
  • Work with individual airport sponsors to review
    activity forecasts, draft airport master plans
    and Airport Layout Plans (ALPs)

Environmental Review
  • Review proposed development (regardless of
    funding source) in accordance with the National
    Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
  • Ensure proper coordination including public
    consultation and interagency review
  • Evaluate ability of proposed actions to secure
    other environmental permits

Financial Assistance Programs
  • Airport Improvement Program (AIP)
  • Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) program

Airport Improvement Program (AIP)
Airport Improvement Program (AIP)
  • Ticket taxes flow into the Airport Airway Trust
  • Congress appropriates funds for the FAA to award
    grants to eligible airport sponsors.
  • Requires local match (varies based on airport
  • Strict eligibility rules based on different AIP
    funding categories, facility types, airport sizes
    and functions and other criteria.(continued)

Airport Improvement Program (AIP) (contd)
  • Strict implementation rules.
  • Federal procurement regulations.
  • Grant assurances and obligations.
  • Use of electronic clearinghouse to maximize
    electronic funds transfer.

Structure of Airport Improvement Program
(AIP)FY-2009 (3.4 billion in new grants)
(excludes ARRA funds)
Data Source Internal FAA data (pending
publication of FY-2009 Annual Report to Congress).
Program Structure and Administration of the AIP
  • More than 2,000 annual grants awarded nationwide.
  • Broad variety of grants and grant recipients
  • Size and type of airport organizations.
  • Variety of relationships with state and local
  • Range of capabilities and resources of the state
    aeronautical agencies.
  • Variability of internal staff resources and
  • Variety of project sizes, types and
    implementation timeframes.
  • Variability of consultant support.
  • Tremendous geographic distribution.
  • Different state laws affecting capital planning
    and grant administration.

Complex system of diverse airports
Airport Type Number of Airports of U.S. Enplanements Examples
Large Hub (gt1.0 of all enplanements) 29 68.0 JFK, Chicago OHare, LAX, DFW, Atlanta, etc.
Medium Hub (0.25 - 1.0 of all enplanements) 37 20.0 Anchorage, Kansas City, Cleveland, Reno, etc.
Small Hub (0.05 - 0.25 of all enplanements) 72 8.0 Richmond, Des Moines, Akron-Canton, Fresno, etc.
Non-Hub (gt10,000 enplanements, but less than 0.05 of all enplanements) 244 3.0 Nantucket, Charleston, Duluth, Phoenix Mesa, etc.
Non-Primary Commercial Service (gt2,500 enplanements and scheduled service) 121 0.1 Cold Bay (AK), Saranac Lake (NY), Cedar City (UT)
Relievers (gt100 based aircraft or 25,000 annual itinerant operationsother criteria apply as well) 269 0.0 Teterboro, Oakland-Pontiac Van Nuys, etc.
General Aviation 2,560 0.0 Akiachak (AK), Allentown Queen City (PA), etc.
NPIAS airports 3,332 99.1
Low Activity Landing Areas 16,402 0.9
Grand Total 16,732
(No Transcript)
Relationships with State and Local Governments
  • Airports may be owned and operated by
  • States
  • Counties
  • Municipalities
  • Independent authorities
  • Joint government agencies (e.g., multiple towns
    or cities)
  • Channeling Act provisions
  • Block-grant provisions

State Block Grant Program
  • Core element is to give states greater control
    over where to apply AIP State Apportionment
    funds, in return for taking on greater
    responsibility for the associated capital
    planning, grant administration and related legal
    and administrative requirements.
  • Limited to ten (10) states.
  • Nature of partnership between FAA and block-grant
  • Block-grant state takes on Federal
    responsibilities, including all legal
  • Careful balance to be achieved in other
    relationships (i.e., with individual airports and
    other state agencies).
  • Federal funds are still Federal funds, even in a
    block grant.

State Block Grant Program (contd)
Stewardship and Oversight
  • Education, publication and guidance
  • Internal FAA staff
  • State aeronautical agencies
  • Airport sponsors
  • Planning and engineering consultant communities
  • Pre-application process
  • Application and review process
  • Grant approval process
  • Risk-based approach to grant administration
  • Grant closeout

Education, Publication and Guidance
  • Internal FAA staff
  • State aeronautical agencies
  • Airport sponsors
  • Consultant communities
  • Airport planning
  • Airport engineering
  • Construction management
  • Financial planning and advisory firms
  • Accounting firms

Recent Points of Additional Emphasis to Airports
  • Re-familiarize yourself and your staff with all
    Federal grant requirements.
  • Ensure airport staff and consultant personnel
    understand the importance of complete, clear and
    timely documentation.
  • If you are not prepared to be held accountable
    in every regard, then consider carefully before
    requesting and accepting Federal funds.
  • AIP certification requires grantees to certify
    that they will not be giving grants to debarred
    or suspended parties.

Pre-Application Process
  • Ensure projects proposed for grants are
    consistent with established national criteria.
  • Ensure amounts and types of entitlement funding
    are accurate for each sponsor.
  • Ensure budgetary sub-allotments are duly
    authorized and entered correctly in the agencys
    accounting system of record.

(No Transcript)
Application and Review Process
  • FAA reviews grant applications for completeness
    and consistency with the established Airports
    Capital Improvement Plan (ACIP) process.
  • Ensure FAA does not offer grants to sponsors that
    have been determined to be noncompliant with
    grant assurances.
  • Ensure sponsor risk level is properly established
    and/or updated before recommendation for funding
    is initiated.

Risk Level Assignment
Grant Approval Process
  • Ensure that grants programmed (for either new or
    amended grants) do not exceed available funds.
  • Ensure Grant Offer letter (and any amendments)
    meet all AIP grant requirements.
  • Ensure sponsor certifies that it has the legal
    authority to accept the grant and all associated
  • Ensure that only authorized obligations are
    entered into Delphi.

Risk-Based Approach to Grant Administration
  • Ensure that only sponsors in good standing get
    access to ECHO, and only after specific
  • For non-ECHO payments, ensure that only approved
    payments are made.
  • For ECHO payments, ensure that sponsors with
    repeated drawdown irregularities lose ECHO
  • Ensure any sponsor that is suspended cannot
    access the ECHO system.
  • Ensure sponsors submit quarterly performance
  • Standardized nationwide documentation

Internal Reviews and Evaluations
Grant Closeout and Documentation
  • Ensure final project documentation requirements
    are fulfilled.
  • Ensure FAA notifies sponsors of grant closeout.
  • Ensure grant closeout is entered in both
    accounting system of record and grant planning
  • Ensure sponsor cannot draw or reimburse funds
    through ECHO once grant is closed.
  • Ensure that funds recovery procedures (if
    applicable) are followed.

Audit Requirements
  • Ensure that sponsors who receive more than
    300,000 in Federal funds in a given year satisfy
    all OMB Circular A-133 audit requirements.
  • Ensure FAA follows up on any discrepancies found
    in an audit report.

Tools and Metrics for Monitoring Grant Drawdown
Tools and Metrics for Monitoring Grant Drawdown
Airport Design Standards
  • Establish and promulgate standards and policies
  • FAA Advisory Circulars mandatory for all
    Federally obligated airports
  • Planninge.g., runway length, runway/taxiway
    separation, Runway Safety Areas (RSAs), Runway
    Protection Zones (RPZs), Object-Free Areas
    (OFAs), airspace review process, signage and
    marking requirements, etc.
  • Engineeringe.g., pavement design standards,
    drainage, electrical and lighting requirements,
    surface treatment (grooving), etc.
  • Constructionquality control for construction,
    operational safety during construction, NOTAM
    process, obstruction lighting, etc.
  • Maintenance and operationse.g., snow and ice
    control, runway surface condition monitoring,
    rubber removal, preservation of pavement
    markings, ARFF communications, etc.

14 CFR Part 139 Airport Certification
  • Periodic inspection of airports (both scheduled
    and unscheduled surveillance)
  • Assist airport operator in meeting regulatory
  • Continuous educational outreach to disseminate
    best practices in airport management
  • Inspect certificated airports to
  • Ensure compliance with the regulation, including
    self-inspection and documentation requirements
  • Ensure FAA design standards are being followed
  • Check for operational and construction safety
  • Verify airport emergency response capability

Airport Safety Data Program (non-certificated
  • State aeronautical agencies inspect
    non-certificated airportsapproximately one-third
    of the public use, non-Part 139 airports
  • Inspectors document and notify airport owners/
    operators of any
  • Safety deficiencies
  • Unsafe conditions
  • Potential problem areas
  • FAA trains inspectors through GCR (initial and
    recurrent training).
  • GCR also maintains the publicly accessible 5010
    database containing all airport master records.

Compliance with AIP Grant Assurances
Acceptance of Federal funding obligates airports
to comply with an extensive list of grant
  1. General Federal Requirements
  2. Responsibility and Authority of the Sponsor
  3. Sponsor Fund Availability
  4. Good Title
  5. Preserving Rights and Powers
  6. Consistency with Local Plans
  7. Consideration of Local Interest
  8. Consultation with Users
  9. Public Hearings
  10. Air and Water Quality Standards
  11. Pavement Preventive Maintenance
  12. Terminal Development Prerequisites
  13. Accounting System, Audit, and Record Keeping
  14. Minimum Wage Rates
  15. Veteran's Preference
  16. Conformity to Plans and Specifications
  17. Construction Inspection and Approval
  18. Planning Projects
  1. Operation and Maintenance
  2. Hazard Removal and Mitigation
  3. Compatible Land Use
  4. Economic Nondiscrimination
  5. Exclusive Rights
  6. Fee and Rental Structure
  7. Airport Revenues
  8. Reports and Inspections
  9. Use by Government Aircraft
  10. Land for Federal Facilities
  11. Airport Layout Plan
  12. Civil Rights
  13. Disposal of Land
  14. Engineering and Design Services
  15. Foreign Market Restrictions
  16. Policies, Standards, and Specifications
  17. Relocation and Real Property Acquisition
  18. Access By Intercity Buses
  19. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises

For complete text of all assurances, see
  • Complex program requiring unique measures to
    protect Federal resources.
  • Extensive education, publication and guidance
  • Oversight and stewardship measures before, during
    and after grant award
  • Risk-based approach to grant management
  • Corollary means of monitoring performance,
    efficiency and effectiveness
  • Program administered in conjunction with other
    programs to ensure safety of the traveling public

Thank you! Questions? Elliott
Black Deputy Director Office of Airport Planning
and Programming (202) 267-8775elliott.black_at_faa.g
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