Title: Opportunities for Adult Learners Through Integrated E-Learning
1Opportunities for Adult Learners Through
Integrated E-LearningÂ
- Nantha Kumar Subramaniam
- Mohammed Yusoff
- Maheswari Kandasamy
- Open University Malaysia
2Delivery of Lifelong learning at OUM
3Integrated e-learning
4- .What to do?
- ..How to do it?
5Integrated e-learning..How to do it?
- Many experts do not believe that a unilateral
approach of using technology to support learning
will be successful. - Instead, based on our own experience conducting
online courses for almost 10 years and work done
by Jochems et al. (2003) and Garrison et al.
(2001), integrated e-learning will be effective
if it is implemented in an integrated manner that
incorporates the following SIX critical
principles to empower the learners learning
6Six principles..
- Integrated e-learning has to take pedagogical and
technical aspects into account - E-Learning has to be learner-centered whereby
learners would be the primary focus of attention
as opposed to the traditional emphasis on the
instructors - The best approach to teaching and learning is the
bi-instructional method where e-learning is
utilized for independent study to support
self-managed learning (SML) and indirect
instruction to support peer collaboration,
interaction and eliminate isolation.
7Six principles (ctd)
- Assessment must become an integral part of
e-learning so that the learners know their
ranking and ways to improve it. - A successful online learning must support have
instructor presence, social presence and
cognitive presence as proposed in the Community
of Inquiry (CoI) model - A successful online learning must support
learner-learner, learner-instructor and
learner-content interactions.
8Conceptual Framework
9iBook The iBook is the online module which is
more engaging and interactive
10 iForum Here, the instructor will act as the
formal authority for this subject by answering
the learners questions in the forum
11 iLecture iLecture will enable the learners to
learn from subjects matter experts but at their
own leisure
12 iTutorial The iTutorial will enable the
learners to have a feel of an actual classroom
without actually having to attend one.
13cForumCollaborative Learning among learners
14Smart ForumComputer monitored collaborative
15iActivityFlash-based assessment which requires
the learners to do some activities
16Self AssessmentSelf assessment is provided in
the form of Multiple Choice Questions with
automated feedback
17iHelpiHelp will provide possible answers for the
learners queries on the subject matter in the
form of FaQs
18- .putting all the pieces together
19Main page of myVLE
21Integration of the materials
22Tracking System
23 24Learners EvaluationLikert scale of 1 (strong
disagree) to 5 (strongly agree)
25Whats next
- Integrated e-learning? Virtual Classroom
- Inclusion of Google apps
- Intelligent Question Answering System with
diagnostic capabilities for immediate feedback
26Integrated e-learning The way forward
Traditional class e-Learning
Figure A
Figure B
- Technology is an important component in LLL
delivery - There is no one-fit-all kind of solution when
comes to technology - The one presented is one of the possible model
using myVLE (OUMs LMS) - Definitely the model need to be further refined
so that e-learning becomes the primary source for
learning and subsequently classroom learning can
be eliminated.