Oppositional Defiant Disorder - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Oppositional Defiant Disorder


Oppositional Defiant Disorder (313.81) Pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior * (p. 102) The disturbance in behavior causes clinically significant ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Oppositional Defiant Disorder Conduct Disorder
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (313.81)
  • Pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant
    behavior (p. 102)
  • The disturbance in behavior causes clinically
    significant impairment in social, academic, or
    occupational functioning
  • The behaviors do not occur only during the course
    of a psychotic or mood disorder
  • Criteria are not met for either conduct disorder
    or antisocial personality disorder

ODD cont.
  • 4 or more of the following need to be present
  • often loses temper
  • often argues with adults
  • often actively defies or refuses to comply with
  • often deliberately annoys people
  • often blames others
  • often easily annoyed by others
  • often angry or resentful
  • often spiteful or vindictive

ODD cont.
  • Parents may present with complaints that client
    constantly misbehaves refuses to listen to them
  • You may notice very poor parent-child
  • The client may deny all or some of the parents
    assertions, or blame others
  • There may be swearing, temper tantrums, yelling,
    and fighting client may be easily frustrated
  • There may be co-occurrence of substance or
    polysubstance use
  • In school, there may be some of the same problems
    as at home

ODD cont.
  • More boys than girls (before puberty)
  • After puberty, genders relatively equal
  • Boys behavior usually more confrontational
  • Usually evident before 8 and no later than early
  • Family history of similar dx., or symptomology
    (i.e., marital stress)

Conduct Disorder 312.81 Childhood-Onset (lt 10
y/o)312.82 Adolescent-Onset (gt 10 y/o)312.89
Unspecified-Onset (if age is unknown)
  • There are also severity specifiers
  • Mild, Moderate, Severe
  • This usually refers to the number of conduct
    problems type

Conduct Disorder, cont.
  • 3 or more criteria within the following
    categories within the past 12 months with at
    least 1 criteria present in the past 6 months.
  • Aggression to people and animals
  • Destruction of property
  • Deceitful or theft
  • Serious violation of rules
  • pp.98-99 lists the criteria

Conduct Disorder, cont.
  • While this may be an appropriate diagnosis, it
    often carries long term implications
  • Symptoms (behaviors) can vary with age
  • The earlier the more destructive behaviors, the
    worse the prognosis
  • Generally, the more destructive behaviors emerge
  • ODD is often a precursor to CD
  • More common in boys, especially the childhood
    onset type
  • CD often remits in adulthood, although many go on
    to develop Antisocial Personality Disorder

Caveats when considering either ODD or CD as a
provisional dx.
  • Keep in mind who is providing the information
    (parents, school, physician, law
    enforcement/courts, the client)
  • They may have biases
  • They may be poor historians
  • They may have an agenda
  • Many of these behaviors may be transient
    (especially during developmental periods)
  • Keep in mind the context
  • Gather as much information, and from a variety of

Lets try a few!
  • A 9 y/o boy is brought in by his mother. She
    relates that he has become more and more sullen.
    He yells at his older sister he refuses to clean
    up his room. Mom says he has always been
    difficult to control. A lot of time outs, and I
    have taken away his Nintendo.
  • At school, he has gotten two referrals to the
    office One was for calling the teacher stupid
    when he got an answer wrong. The other was for
    pushing another student because he didnt throw
    me the ball. He has been in ISS several times,
    since the beginning of the school year.
  • The boy tells you that people get make me mad.
    He also states that nobody likes him.

What do you think.?
  • You are asked to interview and assess a 13 y/o
  • She tells you that she has been arrested twice in
    the past
  • two months. The first time was for fighting
  • girl at the mall. She related that the girl
    asked for it.
  • The second time was for stealing makeup from
  • a car in her apartment complex She tells you that
  • knew the owner, and that it was okay to use her
  • makeup.
  • She also tells you that she ran away last month,
  • smokes a blunt every now and then.
  • Last year, she would leave school sometimes to
    go see
  • her boyfriend at his work.

Any thoughts on this client?
  • You interview a 12 y/o boy and his mother. They
    are referred
  • by the childs pediatrician. Mother and child
    appear to have
  • very strong attachments. They both relate that
    the client has
  • been angry lately. He was also kicked off the
    baseball team
  • for repeatedly throwing his bat and storming off
    the baseball
  • field. When asked, the client states that the
    umpires were
  • out to get me. Mom tells you that when he gets
    in trouble,
  • his father gets after him, and accuses her of
    babying him.
  • The client says she will stay in her room all day
    and that my
  • parents fight a lot. My dad says she takes
    happy pills.
  • The client tells you other kids make fun of him
    for being
  • a little chubby. He says that he really does not
  • Mom stated that when he was a baby, he cried all
    the time.
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