Title: Oppositional Defiant Disorder What is it
1Oppositional Defiant DisorderWhat is it?
- Larry Burd
- Department of Pediatrics
- University of North Dakota
- 701-777-3683
2Onset in Childhood
- Temperament
- Developmental Disorders
- More boys
3Accompanying Disorders
- ADHD gt80
- Speech and Language Disorders
- Social Skill Defecits
- Sleep Disorders
- Gross Motor Delay
4Low Frustration
5Sleep Disorders
- Late to bed
- Up at night
- Snoring
- Parents bed
6Ending Activities
7Gross and Fine Motor
- Dressing
- Tying shoes
- Zipping
- Writing
- lt Bilateral coordination
8Peer Relationships
- Social skills
- Exploitation
- Empathy
- Attachment
- Many single parents
- Limited resources
- Family History (20-30)
10ODDWhat to Do
11Oppositional Defiant Disorders ___ Speech
delays ___ Language delays ___ Difficulty
understanding ___ Irritable ___ Impatient ___ Slee
p problems ___ Hard to get to bed ___ Wakes up
often ___ Gets out of bed in the night ___ Sleeps
with parent(s) ___ Hits ___ Kicks ___ Bites ___ Th
rows ___ Temper tantrums ___ Wont
listen ___ Hyperactive ___ Poor
attention ___ Social skill deficits ___ Poor
coordination ___ Clumsy Most
frequent _______________________ _________
______________ Most difficult _______________
- Parent training
- Time out
- Positive behavior management
- Speech and language therapy
- ADHD treatment
13Parent Training
- Education
- Planned Ignoring
- M Ms
- The Store
- Bedtime
- Getting dressed
- Respite care
- Sleep in own bed
14Management Time Out
- Time away
- 1 - 2 minutes each year
- 1 2 behaviors
- Attend to positive behavior
15Positive Behavior
- Does child have the behavior on demand?
- Catch em being good
- Stars
- MMs
16Speech Language Therapy
- Expressive
- Receptive
- Comprehension
- Assessment
- Education
- Behavioral Intervention
- Medication
- Bedtime ritual
- set time 800 830
- 4-5 activities
- no scaring
- reward success last nights success
19Getting Dressed
- Allow plenty of time
- Pick the clothes
- Reward success
20The Store
- Go when you dont need anything
- Talk before going in
- Have reward ready
- No second chance that day
21Social Skills
- Observe
- Identify
- Teach
- Positive skills
- Identify skilled partner
- Short - short
- Low key approach
- Ignore temper tantrums
- Catch em being good
24Easy Living
- Plan ahead
- Slow pace
- Reward change
25Better Listening
- Come here
- Eat this M M
- Treasure hunt
26Everybody Gets to Sleep
- Bed time ritual
- No more talking
- No hugs of kisses
- No drinks
- Sleeps in own bed (no exceptions)
27Attending and Behavior Change
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32Picture or Reward
Picture or Reward
Target Behavior __________________________________
___________ Morning ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Afternoo
n ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Target Behavior __________________________________
___________ Morning ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Afternoo
n ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Evening ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
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34Teaching and Learning
- Task _______________________________
- Reinforcer___________________________
35- Task_________________________________
- Reinforcer
No change
36Teaching and Learning
- Task_______________________________
- Reinforcer
- Doesnt understand - Cant do it
Doesnt work
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