Title: Chy 475
1Chy 4752013 Radiation relations lineshapes
- Time-dependent perturbation theory
- Radiation density, Intensity and Electric Field
Einstein coefficients - Lineshapes and dynamical information from
2Expansion in a complete set of states
3Time-dependent perturbation theory1
4Time-dependent perturbation theory2
5Time-dependent perturbation theory3
6Time-dependent perturbation theory4
7Time-dependent perturbation theory5
8Time-dependent perturbation theory6
9Time-dependent perturbation theory7
10Time-dependent perturbation theory8
11Radiation relations
12Black-body radiation and Plancks Law
13Equilibrium in the presence of radiation
14Kinetics equilibrium expressions compared
15Compare Einstein expression with Plancks
16Einstein coefficients
17What is B12 in terms of H(t) ?
18What is B12 in terms of H(t) ?
19What is B12 in terms of H(t) ?
20Lifetime is controlled by A21 in the absence of
other factors!