Title: Implementation and Acceptance Testing
1Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- Physical Implementation
- Criteria
- 1. Data availability
- 2. Data reliability
- 3. Data currency
- 4. Data consistency
- 5. Data flexibility
- 6. Data efficiency
2Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- 1. Data availability The required data and
relationships are stored
in the database - 2. Data reliability Data will not be lost nor
corrupted - 3. Data currency The data value is the latest
value of the data item
3Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- 4. Data consistency The same data values will
be obtained for the
same item in different queries at
the same time - 5. Data flexibility Extension can be made to
meet new requirements without
rebuilding the
database - 6. Data efficiency Storage and retrieval are at
minimum cost
4Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- The major components of the implementation model
are - 1. A data model structure
- 2. Data definition languages to define the data
model structure - 3. The data access commands. Access
specifications are embedded in programs, views,
reports - 4. Physical structures - based on volumes, usage,
frequency of use, response times required, number
of concurrent users..
5Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- The Enterprise Model
Data Model Structure -
Programs and enquiries - Access Specifications to
access the database -
Logical data
model structure - Database Specification
Physical database structures - Quantitative data
6Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- 4 fundamental capabilities of a DBMS
- 1. The DBMS must provide a natural interface of
user data - 2. The interface must be independent of any
physical storage structures - 3. Different users should be able to access the
same database using different views of the
database - 4. Changes to the database to be made without
affecting programs which make no use of the change
7Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- The Operational Environment
- Specialised use by one or a few people
- The database is an integral part of a business
operation and must be accessible to a large
number of users who may be spread over many
locations, and work in different time zones
8Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- Other considerations
- Concurrency control
- Access controls
- Recovery systems
- Database privacy
9Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- A suggested Test Specification outline
- Test the functional areas
- Maintenance
- Analysis
- Tools
- Exit Procedures
- Overall operation - menu navigation, forms
opening, forms closing, button operation. - Transition to a new or former state
10Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- Maintenance data entry
- Forms navigation
- Valid data entries
- Valid / correct calculations
- Tools - probably searching and sorting
11Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- Test each attribute in forms, views, reports
- Order of presentation / appearance of input
attributes - Navigation around or through forms - Tab key,
Enter key - Is the progression accurate ? - what you expected
? - - smooth ?
- What is the user reaction ? - the Quality
Reviewer in your team is an excellent user. - Indicate actions, Expected results, Actual
results or OK.
12Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- Test forwards and reverse cursor movements
- What error messages occur ?
- What triggers them ?
- How are they cleared - not a full restart ?
- Do you have standard error messages or is there
a clear indication of the cause and correction of
the error ? - Are attributes type protected ? Size protected ?
13Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- Do you have data presentation rules ?
- e.g. - the first character of a string in
Capitals - - punctuation
- - signs or identifiers on numeric values
displayed - - decimal points included and positioned
correctly - - dates in British form e.g. 12/09/2002 or
12-October-2002 - How are empty attributes presented ? Blank, ??,
no value displayed ?
14Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- What is your policy on deletions ? Tag and
retain, release, archive ? - Are there any warning messages ?
- Is referential integrity affected ?
- Are deletions logged or archived ?
- Who can delete ?
- Is there a choice to proceed to deletion or not ?
15Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- How do you intend to record
- successful tests
- problems in tests
- the action taken and the result of a re-test
- who took part in the test
- who prepared the data
- who prepared the control output
- who ran the test
- who investigated the fault, if any
16Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- What does the user expect to see ?
- Is the user impressed ?
- Does the user require changes (terms,
progression, colours, positioning ..) (Quality
reviewer possibly the team coordinator) ? - When were the various tests performed ?
- What was the equipment / software configuration ?
- Is it compatible with the end-users equipment
and operating system ?
17Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- What are the criteria for a
- a successful test
- an unsuccessful test
- Do you intend for a team walkthrough before a
test is made or a revision test is made - Who certifies the test result
- Who organises the test schedule - who monitors it
18Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- Do you intend to include a glossary of terms in
your Acceptance Test Specification - which terms
? - Could these be superceded by a training session
with the - user ?
- What if the user leaves, gets another job,
- What form of certification are you going to
present to the end-user ?
19Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- What is the recommended method of recovery ?
- Does it work ?
- Is it automated or will the end user need to run
through a series of keyboard operations - How clear are the instructions - is it likely
that the end user will overwrite critical data ? - Will you train the user as part of your delivery
package ?
20Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- What are the security provisions ?
- Who will administer them ?
- How secure are they ?
- What risk is there to the end user when the
system fails ? - Is there any fall back position / procedure ?
21Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- Are you able, or do you intend that the end user
will have access to ongoing support ? - How ?
- What are your suggestions to the end user
regarding - software upgrades (e.g. Windows2000 to WindowsXP)
- hardware upgrades
- on line connections to the system
- on line customer/account tracking (e-commerce)
- customer on line access
- service and support
22Implementation and Acceptance Testing
- How do you intend to load the initial working
data for - the client ?
- Who supplies the effort and meets the cost ?
- How many rows / records are involved ?
- Is there going to be a delay time prior to the
system being operable ? - How would this gap be controlled - e.g.
transactions occurring but not able to update ?
23Implementation and Acceptance Testing