27 Business Tips - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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27 Business Tips


27 Business Tips from 25 years in business – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 27 Business Tips

27 Business Tips
  • from 25 years in business

A bias for the future require it!
  • Orient your efforts around your view of tomorrow
  • People drift backwards when they cant envision
    the future
  • The best way to guide the direction of your group
    or yourself is to know the end goal
  • Create a view with enough appeal to pull you

Major Accounts Know what else you can do for
  • Know what sales could be, not just what they are
  • Never rely solely on the sales person to manage
    major accounts
  • Create a consistent method for surfacing all
    account information, best case and worse
    case-type discussions
  • Too many executives assume that things are fine
    when they arent

What drives your managers?
  • There are three primary drivers that motivate
  • A need for power
  • A need for achievement
  • A need to affiliate with others
  • Take time to know your own drivers and then learn
    the drives of everyone on your staff

What do you really want?
  • Accept that your own vision and purpose are the
    key success factors for the company
  • People always want to serve the vision Keep it
    visible and fresh
  • Adopt the concept Vision first, goals second
  • Encourage your team to refresh team goals each 90

Practice putting yourself first
  • Self reliance and self trust are two skills that
    contain your greatest potential develop both
  • Develop your own end view or primary aim as
    leader and trust that is what people need from as
    the leader
  • You can avoid getting pulled in multiple
    directions by trusting your own set of high

Plans are good execution is better.
  • Raise performance by insisting on full execution,
    follow through and reporting on all current
  • Be willing to weed out those who cant perform.
    Doing so is a big change for the better for
    those who can perform

Laws of Attraction and the Creative Gap
  • Assume that every condition you encounter is in
    harmony with the organizations current nature,
    beliefs and expectations
  • Work on creating the desired conditions by
    changing expectations do not settle for what is
  • Assess the dominant thinking of your management
  • What do you see, how do they think, what do they
    believe is possible, what do they expect
  • Create and measure the gap

Anticipate what you think is next
  • When you learn to anticipate what will happen
    next, you are better able to plan for it to
  • Make it your practice to explore new/better
    opportunities for the coming 6 months all year
  • Work with your team to adopt a forward thinking
    element in all meetings and reviews

Insure long term progressThe 90-day feedback
  • Develop the habit of comparing the actual results
    that you achieved with what you expected
  • 90 days usually gives enough time for the action
    plan to take hold
  • Get used to a 90-day re-assessment time frame
    i.e, 4 times per year
  • Dont wait 5 6 months to assess progress. that
    may be too late

A sense of direction will accelerate growth
  • When the team can sense that they are headed in
    the right direction, innovation, ideas, energy
    and effort will increase
  • Apply a simplified Action Research model in all
    conversations. Ask What impcat will the action
    have on the direction we are heading?

Make up your mind
  • Uncertainty creates stress. If you are stressed
    in any area, it is time to make a decision
  • Problems are just a signal to your mind that it
    is time for you to either learn something or do
  • Make todays decisions based on your expectations
    for tomorrow

Increase the odds for a successful project
every time
  • For any project, first know what factors are
    necessary to build urgency and sense of winning
    with your team
  • Focus on what can be done today to improve the
    situation and clear the path. There is always
  • Build in short term, tangible results (wins) in a
    short period of time

Sales Force Upgrade a six month process
  • Use three thought starters once each month
  • What do we value most about our X process?
  • What value does this sales department generate
    when at its best?
  • What does a future-focused, effective sales
  • department look like?

Lead by Expectations
  • Most employees/managers suffer from low
  • The expectations you hold of the (sales) team
    will usually prove true
  • High expectations send the message that you
    believe in the teams possibilities
  • Decide to expect the best then go to work to
    make it happen

Invisible blocks to growth
  • With any team or individual watch for these human
  • We are doing the best we can comments
  • We have a routine that we follow and have had it
    for years attitude
  • Performance expectations have not increased for
  • Work flow, plans and measures are all left to
  • Accountability for actual results is not

Become a purpose driven business
  • Organize around business goals (contribution) and
    personal values
  • Build a belief in excellence, accomplishment and
    continuous improvement into all areas of the
  • Connect accomplishment with individual growth and
  • Know that the future is bright and in sync with
    your purpose

Clarify performance expectations every month
  • Arrange a sit down, private quality discussion
    with each manager
  • For every role, get all the expectations on the
  • Decide the 3 key results required from the role
  • Separate the results expected from how those
    results may be accomplished
  • Allow for maximum flexibility in how the job is
    done, as long as the results are delivered

Encourage self set goals and self evaluation
  • Since it is never a good practice to judge
    others, have employees managers
  • Fully discuss with each manager their role,
    expectations, guidelines and resources. Reach
    pinpoint agreement
  • Have the manager write a summary of the
    discussion, the performance goals they have set
    and when the next discussion shall take place
  • The core of this process is having managers
    manage themselves and staying focused on results,
    not activity

If you want change, get plenty of up-front input
  • Avoid jumping on the change band wagon too
  • If you expect commitment, you must first have
  • Have your team
  • Paint a detailed picture of the desired end state
  • Move on to action planning
  • Decide what conditions are causing a need for

Stay alert to your priorities
  • It more easy than ever to become distracted
    without realizing that you are off track
  • Learn to ask yourself
  • What one thing could you do this week that would
    make a tremendous difference in your results?
  • The underlying goal is to develop self management
    and the ability to think ahead

Want change? Start a revolution!
  • Stop solving problems. Move toward creating new
    possibilities instead
  • Build on your teams individual strengths and
    talents, and watch new ideas flow
  • Involve managers and employees that have a
    passion for creating new ideas, and problems will

Keep the big picture in full view
  • Your view of the future is either
  • a source for new ideas and energy
  • or
  • your biggest competitor

Sales managers must lead
  • Sales people seek/require growth, possibilities
    at their work
  • Since achievement motivates, plant seeds of
    opportunity week after week for the entire sales
  • Insist that sales people seek out and then report
    significant accomplishment every month
  • Convey the message that constant, positive change
    is how we do things here

Why individual strengths matter
  • Using strengths (in the role) is the shortest
    path to high end performance
  • Individual strengths, when expressed, provide the
    person a sense of achievement, fulfillment
  • Achievement is the greatest motivator for high
    performing individuals

How to avoid getting slowed by the status quo
  • Status quo is simply a result of a weak vision
  • A picture of the desired future is the quickest,
    easiest, and most natural way to eliminate all
    status quo thinking
  • Enlist everyone to map out what is positive,
  • possible and rewarding for the company, the
    team, and the service you deliver

Raise your standards
  • Learn how to employ a true win/win standard
  • Knowing that you depend on others for results, be
    clear on the principles and values you stand on
  • Clear standards help all to see the wins that are
  • Be willing to say no when your standards are

The leaders personal mission statement
  • A personal mission statement should be a
    requirement for all leaders
  • It will force you to decide
  • What you want to be
  • What you want to contribute
  • How you want to impact others
  • Your top three talents
  • Your top three values
  • The positive impact on the company from having a
    well thought out, current, and comprehensive
    personal mission statement cant be overstated
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