The Excretory System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Excretory System


The Excretory System Excretion is the removal of the waste products of metabolism from living organisms. The accumulation of these waste products would be toxic if ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Excretory System

The Excretory System
  • Excretion is the removal of the waste products of
    metabolism from living organisms.
  • The accumulation of these waste products would be
    toxic if they were not eliminated.
  • In plants and simple animals, waste products are
    removed by diffusion. Plants, for example,
    excrete O2, a product of photosynthesis.

Water Dehydration synthesis and cellular respiration
Carbon dioxide Cellular respiration
Salts Neutralization reactions
Urea Deamination (removal of amino group from amino acids
Uric acid Nucleic acid breakdown
Organs of Excretion
  • There are four major organs involved in
  • 1. The lungs
  • 2. The liver
  • 3. The skin
  • 4. The kidneys

  • Cellular respiration occurs in every living cell
    in your body.
  • Carbon dioxide is produced as a waste product. 
    As the carbon dioxide accumulates in body cells,
    it eventually diffuses out of the cells and into
    the bloodstream, which eventually circulates to
    the lungs.
  • In the alveoli of the lungs, carbon dioxide
    diffuses from the blood, into the lung tissue,
    and then leaves the body every time we exhale. 
    Some water vapor also exits the body during

  • As you already know, sweat comes out of pores in
    your skin. 
  • Sweat is a mixture of three metabolic wastes
    water, salts, urea.
  •   So as you sweat, your body accomplishes two
  • 1) sweating has a cooling effect on the body,
  • 2) metabolic wastes are excreted.

  • The skin is made up of two layers
  • 1. The thin epidermis at the top
  • 2. The thicker dermis below.  This is where
    oil glands, hair follicles, fatty layers, nerves,
    and sweat glands are found.

  • The sweat gland is a tubular structure tangled
    with capillaries (the smallest of blood vessels).
  • This close association of tubes allows wastes
    (water, salts urea) to diffuse from the blood 
    into the sweat gland.
  • When body temperature rises, the fluid (sweat) is
    released from the gland, travels through the
    duct, and reaches the skin surface through
    openings called pores.

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  • The liver is a large, important organ.  In fact
    it is the largest internal organ in our bodies. 
    Its numerous functions make it "part" of the
    circulatory, digestive, and excretory systems.
  • In excretion, the liver removes the NH2 from
    amino acids in proteins. This is called

  • The by-product of deamination is ammonia, a
    water-soluble gas.
  • Ammonia is extremely toxic so it is combined with
    CO2 to make urea.
  • Urea is much less toxic and can dissolve in the
    blood for excretion through the sweat or through
  • Uric acid is formed by the breakdown of nucleic
    acids in the liver.

  • The kidney is the major organ of excretion.
  • The kidney is also a major regulatory organ.
  • Through the formation of urine, it is
    responsible for the following
  • Removal of organic wastes urea, uric acid and
    the breakdown products of hemoglobin and hormones
  • Regulation of concentrations of important ions
    sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfate
    and phosphate ions

  • Regulation of pH balance of body control levels
    of H, HCO3- and NH4
  • Regulation of Red Blood Cell production. The
    kidneys release erythropoietin, which regulates
    the production of RBCs in the bone marrow.
  • Regulation of blood pressure regulation of
    fluid volume of the body.
  • Limited control of blood glucose and blood amino
    acid concentration eliminate excess amounts

Structure of the Kidney
  • Renal Capsule A smooth semitransparent membrane
    that adheres tightly to the outer surface of the
  • Renal Cortex The region of the kidney just below
    the capsule. This part of the kidney is rich is
    arterioles and venules.

  • Renal Medulla The region below the cortex that
    is segregated into triangular regions. The
    triangular regions are the renal pyramids, which
    are striated (or striped) in appearance due to
    the collecting ducts running through them.
  • Renal Pelvis A cavity within the kidney that is
    continuous with the ureter. The pelvis has
    portions that extend towards the renal pyramids.
    These extensions are called calyces.

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The Nephron
  • The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron.
    Each kidney contains over one million of these
    microscopic filters.
  • About 20 of the total blood pumped by the heart
    each minute will enter the kidneys to undergo
    filtration. This is called the filtration fraction

The nephron
Urine Formation
  • Occurs in the nephron through three processes
  • Glomerular Filtration
  • Tubular Reabsorption
  • Tubular Secretion

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Glomerular filtration
  • The transfer of fluid and solutes from the
    glomerular capillaries into Bowmans capsule.
  • Blood enters the glomerulus under pressure. This
    causes water, small molecules (urea, glucose,
    amino acids) and ions to filter through the
    capillary walls into Bowmans capsule.
  • Large blood components (RBCs, WBCs, platelets
    and proteins) cannot filter through.

  • The fluid in the Bowman's capsule appears very
    much like interstitial fluid without the
    proteins. It is called the nephric filtrate
  • The glomerular capillaries are substantially more
    (100 to 1000X) leaky than regular capillaries and
    have 2-3 times more pressure than regular
  • Glomerular filtration rate is fairly constant.
    (130 ml/min or 7.8 l/hr). This means that about
    190 L of filtrate is formed every 24 hours by
    both kidneys

Tubular Reabsorption
  • Occurs in the Proximal convoluted tubule, the
    Loop of Henle and the Distal convoluted Tubule.
  • Materials which are required by the organism are
    returned to the bloodstream water, ions,
    glucose, amino acids etc
  • The kidney does not work by a process of
    identifying what is bad rather it works by
    identifying those things that are good for the

  • Much of the urea is lost simply because the
    kidney chooses not to recover it after it has
    been filtered.
  • Any small foreign molecule that has entered our
    blood, even if it has not existed in human
    evolutionary history (drugs, new pollutants, etc)
    can be removed by the kidney.

Proximal convoluted tubule
  • The cells of the tubule are lined with
    microvilli. Why?
  • Reabsorption of glucose, amino acids, and most
    inorganic salts occurs here.

  • Na ions are transported out of the tubule by
    active transport, through carrier molecules.
  • Cl- ions and HCO3- ions follow by charge
  • As these solutes move out of the tubule, they
    create an osmotic gradient and water moves out of
    the tubule and back into the blood, through
  • About 80-85 of the water in the filtrate is
    reabsorbed in the proximal tubule.

  • Glucose and amino acids attach to carrier
    molecules and are transported out by active
  • This requires a lot of energy so there are many
    mitochondria in the cells of the proximal tubule.
  • There is a limit to the amount of sodium, glucose
    and amino acids that can be reabsorbed by the
    carrier molecules the threshold limit. When
    this limit is reached, these substances are
    excreted in the urine.

  • H ions are secreted into the proximal tubule.
    This helps regulate pH.
  • About 50 of the urea that was in the nephric
    filtrate is reabsorbed in the tubule. This is a
    passive mechanism. The rest is excreted in the

The loop of Henle
  • The descending loop of Henle is permeable to
    water. Water is reabsorbed into the peritubular
    capillaries by osmosis.
  • The filtrate decreases in volume,but increases in
    osmotic concentration.
  • Salt (NaCl) becomes concentrated in the filtrate
    as the loop penetrates the inner medulla of the

  • The ascending loop of Henle is permeable to salt
    but not to water. Sodium is actively transported
    out of the filtrate and chlorine follows by
    charge attraction.
  • The volume of the filtrate does not change, but
    the concentration decreases.
  • The peritubular capillaries ensure a rich blood
    supply for reabsorption

The Distal Convoluted Tubule
  • More sodium is reclaimed by active transport, and
    still more water follows by osmosis.
  • Although 97 of the sodium has already been
    removed, it is the last 3 that determines the
    final balance of sodium.
  • This determines the water content and blood
    pressure in the body.
  • The reabsorption of sodium in the distal tubule
    and the collecting tubules is closely regulated,
    chiefly by the action of the hormone aldosterone.

The Collecting Duct.
  • The filtrate now flows into the collecting duct,
    which gathers fluid from many nephrons.
  • Urine flows from the collecting ducts into the
    renal pelvis to the ureters and into the bladder.

  • Water regulation occurs here.
  • The plasma membranes of the cells of the distal
    tubule and the collecting duct have transmembrane
    channels made of a protein called aquaporin.
  • When these channels are open, water can pass
    through very quickly. These water channels are
    responsive to levels of antidiuretic hormone

Tubular secretion
  • This is the third mechanism of excretion.
  • Secretion occurs when substances are transported
    from the blood directly into the distal tubule.
  • Hydrogen, potassium, and ammonium ions are
    actively secreted into the tubule. This helps to
    regulate pH.

  • If the pH of the blood becomes too acid, more H
    ions are secreted into the tubule.
  • If the pH of the blood becomes too alkaline, then
    secretion of H is reduced.
  • The pH of urine can vary from 4.5 to 8.5
  • Certain drugs, such as penicillin, are also
    secreted into the tubule for excretion.
  • Secretion occurs in the proximal tubule, the
    distal tubule and the collecting duct.

  • While we think of the kidney as an organ of
    excretion, it is more than that.
  • It does remove wastes, but it also removes normal
    components of the blood that are present in
    greater-than-normal concentrations and reclaim
    these components when they are present in the
    blood in less-than-normal amounts.
  • Thus the kidney continuously regulates the
    chemical composition of the blood within narrow
    limits. The kidney is one of the major
    homeostatic devices of the body.

Urine Testing
  • Color Normal urine will vary from light straw to
    amber color.
  • The color of normal urine is due to a pigment
    called urochrome, which is the end product of
    hemoglobin breakdown 
  • Hemoglobin ? hematin ? bilirubin
    ?urochromogen ? urochrome

  • The following changes in colour have pathological
  • a. Milky presence of pus, bacteria, fat.
  • b. Reddish amber presence of urobilinogen or
    porphyrin. Urobilinogen is produced in the
    intestine by the action of bacteria on bile
    pigments. Porphyrin may be evidence of liver
    cirrhosis, jaundice, Addison's disease, and other
  • c. Brownish yellow or green presence of bile
  • d. Red to smoky brown presence of blood and
    blood pigments.

  • Carrots may cause increased yellow color due to
    carotene, while beets cause reddening and rhubarb
    may cause the urine to become brown. These food
    items and certain drugs may color the urine, yet
    have no pathological significance.

  • glucose is not normally present in the urine
    because all of it is usually reabsorbed from the
    renal tubules into the blood.
  • When the glucose concentration of the filtrate is
    within the normal limits (70-110 mg per 100 ml),
    there is a sufficient number of carrier molecules
    in the renal tubules to transport all the glucose
    back into the blood.

  • However, if the blood glucose level exceeds its
    threshold (for glucose, about 180 mg per 100 ml),
    there will not be enough carrier molecules to
    reabsorb all of the glucose.
  • The untransported glucose will end up in the
    urine and result in a condition known as
  • The main cause of glycosuria is diabetes mellitus

Ketones (Ketonuria)
  • Normally, no ketones are present in urine.
  • Detectable levels of ketone may occur in urine
    during physiological stress conditions such as
    fasting, pregnancy, and frequent strenuous
  • When there is carbohydrate deprivation, such as
    in starvation or high-protein diets, the body
    relies increasingly on the metabolism of fats for

  • This pattern is also seen in people with diabetes
    mellitus, where the lack of insulin prevents the
    body cells from utilizing the large amounts of
    glucose available in the blood.
  • When the production of the intermediate products
    of fatty acid metabolism (ketone bodies) exceeds
    the ability of the body to metabolize these
    compounds, they accumulate in the blood and spill
    over into the urine (ketonuria).

  • Freshly voided urine is usually acidic (around pH
    6) but the normal range is between 4.8 and 7.5.
  • The pH will vary with the time of day and diet.
    High acidity is present in acidosis, fevers, and
    high protein diets. Excess alkalinity may be due
    to urine retention in the bladder, chronic
    cystitis, anemia, and obstructing gastric ulcers.

  • Since proteins are very large molecules, they are
    not normally present in measurable amounts in the
    glomerular filtrate or the urine.
  • The detection of proteins in the urine,
    therefore, may indicate that the permeability of
    the glomerulus is abnormally increased.
  • This may be caused by renal infections
    (nephritis), or it may be caused by other
    diseases that affect the kidney,such as diabetes
    mellitus, jaundice, or hyperthyroidism.
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