Title: OO Design
1OO Design
2Analysis to Design
- Do the RIGHT thing
- Requirement Analysis
- Domain Modeling with addition of attributes and
associations - Use Case Modeling (Behavioral modeling)
- Requisite Pro and Use case diagrams
- Do the thing RIGHT
- Responsibility assignment
- Object Design
- Design Class diagrams
- Determining visibility
- Interaction diagrams (Sequence diagrams
Collaboration diagrams, Class diagram)
3OO Design Introduction
- A logical solution based on OO paradigm is
developed - Constitutes a design model
- Creation of Interaction diagrams (collaboration
among objects and/or sequence of messages) - Class diagrams are drawn in parallel with or
after the interaction diagrams
- Fundamental principles of Object design are -
- Responsibility assignment and
- Design patterns
- GRASP (General Responsibilities Assignment
Software Patterns) describe the principles of
object design and responsibility assignment,
expressed as patterns.
- It is a contract or obligation of a classifier
- It is assigned to classes during object design
- Type of Responsibilities
- Knowing (e.g. a Sale is responsible for knowing
its total) - about private encapsulated data
- about related objects
- about things it can derive or calculate
- Doing (e.g. a Sale is responsible for creating
SalesLineItems) - something itself
- initiating action in other objects
- controlling and coordinating activities in other
- Responsibilities are translated into methods
- Depending upon the granularity, several methods
are implemented to fulfill the responsibilities - Methods either act alone or collaboratively
- Both responsibilities and methods are reflected
in interaction diagrams
7Responsibility Methods in Interaction Diagram
Responsibility To create Payments
- A pattern is a named problem/solution pair that
can be applied in new context, with advice on how
to apply it in novel situation and discussion of
its trade-offs.e.g.Pattern Name Information
ExpertSolution Assign a responsibility to the
class that has the information needed to fulfill
it.Problem It Solves What is a basic principle
by which to assign responsibilities to objects.
9The First Five GRAS Patterns
- They are -
- Information Expert (or Expert)
- Creator
- High Cohesion
- Low Coupling
- Controller
- They cover very basic, common and fundamental
design issues
10Information Expert
- It guides that objects do things related to the
information they have. - It is a class that has information necessary to
fulfill the responsibility - There may have partial information experts who
will collaborate for the responsibility
Design Class Responsibility
Sale Knows sale total
SalesLineItem Knows line item subtotal
ProductSpecification Knows product price
11Expert Illustration To find out the grand total
Domain model showing association of Sale
12Expert Illustration To find out the grand total
- More than one class can act as information
expert. - They collaborate by passing messages.
- Knowing Line Item sub total and knowing product
price in order to get the grand total. - Responsibilities are being added to both
interaction and Class diagrams also.
13Expert Pro and Cons
- Advantages -
- Encapsulation is maintained
- Behavior is distributed across the classes
- Disadvantages -
- Leads to problems of coupling, cohesion and
- It guides assigning responsibilities related to
the creation of objects - The concept of aggregation is the basic guiding
principle of the Creator. - It suggests that the enclosing container or
recorder class is a good candidate for the
15Creator Illustration Creating a Sales Line Item
Sale Domain
16Creator Illustration Creating a Sales Line Item
17Creator Pro and Cons
- Benefits -
- Low coupling is supported i.e lower maintenance
dependence and higher possibility of reuse. - Contraindications -
- In special cases, all creations are delegated to
a helper class called Factory. (Which is against
the principle of Creator)
18Low Coupling
- It suggests assigning a responsibilities to
classes such that their placement does not
produce negative results. - It recommends designs of classes to be more
independent and hence reduce the impacts of
change. - No absolute measure of low/high coupling,
designer has to assess it so that negative
results would not occur.
19Low Coupling Illustration Creating a Payment
Creator pattern suggests Register as a candidate
for creating the Payment.
Coupling of Register class to the knowledge of
Payment class
20Low Coupling Illustration Creating a Payment
An alternate solution Coupling of Sale class
with the Payment class
Sale creates the Payment does not increase the
21High Cohesion
- High functional cohesion exists when the
elements of a component (e.g. a class) all work
together to provide some well-bounded
behavior - Booch - High Cohesion has fewer methods, with highly
related functionality, collaborates with other
objects to share the effort. - High Cohesion pattern has real world analogy or
delegating the too much work.
22High Cohesion Illustration Creating a Payment
Register creates the Payment by taking the work
by itself Low cohesion
23High Cohesion Illustration Creating a Payment
Register delegates the work to Sale Low cohesion
24High Cohesion Pro and Cons
- Advantages -
- Maintenance and enhancement is simplified
- Low coupling is often supported
- Reuse is increased.
- Disadvantages -
- Distributed servers take more overhead and pay
reduced performance - For only one person to maintain and support the
component, it is difficult.
- It provides guidance for handlers for external
inputs / events messages or signals that system
receives. - It delegates, coordinates and controls the work
to other objects does not do the actual work. - The System class made during the analysis phase,
is now taken care of by Controller class.
26System Class to Controller Class
Register acts as the single Controller Class
Two handlers act like Controllers
27Controller Illustration enterItem()
28Controller Illustration enterItem()
Possible handlers are -
29Controller Pro and Cons
- Increased potential for reuse
- Pluggable interface (i.e. application logic is
not handled in the interface layer) - It guarantees that system operations within a use
case occur in a legal sequence (It is possible if
the same controller is used throughout the use