Title: Personality
1Chapter 13
- An individuals characteristic pattern of
thinking, feeling, and acting.
Each dwarf has a distinct personality.
3Psychodynamic Perspective
- Freuds clinical experience led him to develop
the first comprehensive theory of personality,
which included the unconscious mind, psychosexual
stages, and defense mechanisms.
Culver Pictures
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
4Divisions of Consciousness
- Conscious mind - level of the mind that is aware
of immediate surroundings and perceptions. - Preconscious mind - level of the mind in which
information is available but not currently
conscious. - Unconscious mind - level of the mind in which
thoughts, feelings, memories, and other
information are kept that are not easily or
voluntarily brought into consciousness. - Can be revealed in dreams and Freudian slips of
the tongue.
5Exploring the Unconscious
- A reservoir (unconscious mind) of mostly
unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and
memories. Freud asked patients to say whatever
came to their minds (free association) in order
to tap the unconscious.
- The process of free association (chain of
thoughts) leads to painful, embarrassing
unconscious memories. Once these memories are
retrieved and released (treatment
psychoanalysis) the patient feels better.
7Id, Ego, Superego
- The ego functions as the executive and mediates
the demands of the id and superego. (rational and
logical) - Reality principle - principle by which the ego
functions the satisfaction of the demands of the
id only when negative consequences will not
result. - The superego provides standards for judgment (the
conscience) and for future aspirations moral
center - Ego ideal - part of the superego that contains
the standards for moral behavior. - Conscience - part of the superego that produces
pride or guilt, depending on how well behavior
matches or does not match the ego ideal.
8Id, Ego and Superego
- The Id- unconsciously strives to satisfy basic
sexual and aggressive drives, operating on the
pleasure principle, demanding immediate
gratification. - Libido - the instinctual energy that may come
into conflict with the demands of a societys
standards for behavior. - Pleasure principle - principle by which the id
functions the immediate satisfaction of needs
without regard for the consequences.
9Fig. 12-2, p. 473
10Personality Development
- Freud believed that personality formed during the
first few years of life divided into 5
psychosexual stages. During these stages the ids
pleasure-seeking energies focus on pleasure
sensitive body areas called erogenous zones. - Fixation - disorder in which the person does not
fully resolve the conflict in a particular
psychosexual stage, resulting in personality
traits and behavior associated with that earlier
11Stages of Personality Development
- Oral stage - first stage occurring in the first
year of life in which the mouth is the erogenous
zone and weaning is the primary conflict. Id
dominated. - Fixation smoking, drinking, excessive eating,
sucking thumb
12Stages of Personality Development
- Anal stage - second stage occurring from about 1
to 3 years of age, in which the anus is the
erogenous zone and toilet training is the source
of conflict. Ego develops. - Anal expulsive personality - a person fixated in
the anal stage who is messy, destructive, and
hostile. - Anal retentive personality - a person fixated in
the anal stage who is neat, fussy, stingy, and
13Stages of Personality Development
- Phallic stage - third stage occurring from about
3 to 6 years of age, in which the child discovers
sexual feelings. Superego develops. - Oedipus complex- situation occurring in the
phallic stage in which a child develops a sexual
attraction to the opposite-sex parent and
jealousy of the same-sex parent. A girls desire
for her father is called the Electra complex. - Penis Envy for girls
- Identification - defense mechanism in which a
person tries to become like someone else to deal
with anxiety.
14Stages of Personality Development
- Latency - fourth stage occurring during the
school years(6-Puberty), in which the sexual
feelings of the child are repressed while the
child develops in other ways. - Becomes more social.
- Genital fifth stage sexual feelings reawaken
with appropriate targets.
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16Defense Mechanisms
- The egos protective methods of reducing anxiety
by unconsciously distorting reality.
- Repression banishes anxiety-arousing thoughts,
feelings, and memories from consciousness. - Physical or sexual abuse in childhood
- Regression an individual faced with anxiety
retreats to a more infantile psychosexual stage
childlike behaviors - College student sucking their thumb
17Defense Mechanisms
- Reaction Formation causes the ego to
unconsciously switch unacceptable impulses into
their opposites. - People may express feelings of purity when they
may be suffering anxiety from unconscious
feelings about sex. - Projection leads people to disguise their own
threatening impulses by attributing them to
others. - Accusing people of being loud, when its really
18Defense Mechanisms
- Rationalization offers self-justifying
explanations in place of the real, more
threatening, unconscious reasons for ones
actions. - I'm on a diet but if I didnt eat that cheesecake
it would have went to waste - Displacement shifts sexual or aggressive impulses
toward a more acceptable or less threatening
object or person, redirecting anger toward a
safer outlet. - Teacher has a bad day yell at the students!
19Defense Mechanisms
- 7. Denial is rejecting the truth of a painful
reality - Refusal to accept a frightening medical diagnosis
- 8. Sublimation an undesirable emotion or drive is
substituted with a socially acceptable one - Want to hit someone join boxing
- 9. Suppression is a conscious attempt to push
something out of memory
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21The Neo-Freudians
- Neo-Freudians - followers of Freud who developed
their own competing theories of psychoanalysis.
22The Neo-Freudians
- Like Freud, Adler believed in childhood tensions.
However, these tensions were social in nature and
not sexual. A child struggles with an inferiority
complex during growth and strives for superiority
and power.
National Library of Medicine
Alfred Adler (1870-1937)
Birth Order Theory- first born child more goal
oriented than the next
23The Neo-Freudians
- Like Adler, Horney believed in the social aspects
of childhood growth and development. She
countered Freuds assumption that women have weak
superegos and suffer from penis envy instead
men suffer from womb envy. - Basic anxiety - anxiety created when a child is
born into the bigger and more powerful world of
older children and adults.
The Bettmann Archive/ Corbis
Karen Horney (1885-1952)
24The Neo-Freudians
- Jung believed in the collective unconscious,
which contained a common reservoir of images
derived from our species past. - This is why many cultures share certain myths and
images such as the mother being a symbol of
nurturance. - Personal unconscious - Jungs name for the
unconscious mind as described by Freud. - Collective unconscious Jungs name for the
memories shared by all members of the human
species. - Archetypes - Jungs collective, universal human
Carl Jung (1875-1961)
25The Modern Unconscious Mind
- Modern research shows the existence of
non-conscious information processing. This
- schemas that automatically control perceptions
and interpretations - the right-hemisphere activity that enables the
split-brain patients left hand to carry out an
instruction the patient cannot verbalize - parallel processing during vision and thinking
- implicit memories
- emotions that activate instantly without
consciousness - self-concept and stereotypes that unconsciously
influence us
26Evaluating the Psychoanalytic Perspective
- The scientific merits of Freuds theory have been
criticized. - He is too male-centered.
- Psychoanalysis is meagerly testable.
- Most of its concepts arise out of clinical
practice, which are the after-the-fact
27Assessing Unconscious Processes
- Evaluating personality from an unconscious minds
perspective would require a psychological
instrument (projective tests) that would reveal
the hidden unconscious mind.
Projective tests personality assessments that
present ambiguous visual stimuli to the client
and ask the client to respond with whatever comes
to mind.
28Rorschach Inkblot Test
- The most widely used projective test uses a set
of 10 inkblots and was designed by Hermann
Rorschach. It seeks to identify peoples inner
feelings by analyzing their interpretations of
the blots.
Lew Merrim/ Photo Researcher, Inc.
29Most Popular Responses Bat (53), Butterfly
(39) When seeing card I, subjects often inquire
on how they should proceed, and questions on what
they are allowed to do with the card (e.g.
turning it) are not very significant. Being the
first card, it can provide clues about how
subjects tackle a new and stressful task. It is
not, however, a card that is usually difficult
for the subject to handle, having readily
available popular responses.
30Thematic Apperception Test(TAT)
- Developed by Henry Murray, the TAT is a
projective test in which people express their
inner feelings and interests through the stories
they make up about ambiguous scenes.
Lew Merrim/ Photo Researcher, Inc.
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32Projective Tests Criticisms
- Critics argue that projective tests lack both
reliability (consistency of results) and validity
(predicting what it is supposed to).
- When evaluating the same patient, even trained
raters come up with different interpretations
(reliability). - Projective tests may misdiagnose a normal
individual as pathological (validity). - Subjective - concepts and impressions that are
only valid within a particular persons
perception and may be influenced by biases,
prejudice, and personal experiences. This is a
problem with projective tests.
33Humanistic Perspective
- By the 1960s, psychologists became discontent
with Freuds negativity and the mechanistic
psychology of the behaviorists. - Person-centered and positive about human potential
Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)
Carl Rogers (1902-1987)
34Self-Actualizing Person
- Maslow proposed that we as individuals are
motivated by a hierarchy of needs. Beginning with
physiological needs, we try to reach the state of
self-actualizationfulfilling our potential.
Ted Polumbaum/ Time Pix/ Getty Images
35Karl Rogers Theory of Personality
- Self-concept - the image of oneself that develops
from interactions with important, significant
people in ones life. - Who am I? (How do I think of myself?)
- Self - archetype that works with the ego to
manage other archetypes and balance the
personality. - Real self - ones perception of actual
characteristics, traits, and abilities. - Ideal self - ones perception of whom one should
be or would like to be.
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37Rogers Theory of Personality
- Positive regard warmth, affection, love, and
respect that come from significant others in
ones life. - Unconditional positive regard - positive regard
that is given without conditions or strings
attached. - Conditional positive regard- positive regard that
is given only when the person is doing what the
providers of positive regard wish. - Fully functioning person a person who is in
touch with and trusting of the deepest, innermost
urges and feelings.
38Evaluating the Humanistic Perspective
- Humanistic psychology has a pervasive impact on
counseling, education, child-rearing, and
management with its emphasis on a positive
self-concept, empathy, and the thought that
people are basically good and can improve. - Opponents view it as unrealistically positive and
hard to measure empirically
39The Trait Perspective
- An individuals unique constellation of durable
dispositions and consistent ways of behaving
(traits) constitutes his or her personality.
Examples of Traits
Honest Dependable Moody Impulsive
Each personality is uniquely made up of multiple
40Exploring Traits
- Gordon Allport first developed a list of about
171 traits and believed that these traits were
part of the nervous system. - Cardinal Trait- single most dominant
- Central Traits- 5-10 significant tendencies
- Secondary Traits- often present but not as
defining - Raymond Cattell reduced the number of traits to
between 16 and 23 with a computer method called
Factor Analysis. - 16 Personality Factors (16 PF)
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42Trait Theories of Personality
- Factor analysis, a statistical approach used to
describe and relate personality traits. - Surface traits - aspects of personality that can
easily be seen by other people in the outward
actions of a person. - Source traits - the more basic traits that
underlie the surface traits, forming the core of
personality. - Example Introversion - dimension of personality
in which people tend to withdraw from excessive
43Hans Eysenck
- Hans and Sybil Eysenck suggested that personality
could be reduced down to two polar dimensions,
extraversion-introversion and emotional
stability-instability. - PEN- Psychoticism- emotional caring
- Extroversion- outgoing
- Neuroticism- emotional stability
- Personality inventories are questionnaires (often
with true-false or agree-disagree items) designed
to gauge a wide range of feelings and behaviors
assessing several traits at once. - The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
(MMPI) is the most widely researched and
clinically used of all personality tests. It was
originally developed to identify emotional
45MMPI Test Profile
46The Big Five Factors
- Todays trait researchers believe that earlier
trait dimensions, such as Eysencks personality
dimensions, fail to tell the whole story. So, an
expanded range (five factors) of traits does a
better job of assessment.
47The Big Five Factors
- Conscientiousness - thoughtfulness of others
responsibility or dependability reliable - Agreeableness the range from easygoing,
friendly, and likeable to grumpy, crabby, and
unpleasant honest, considerate, likable - Neuroticism - degree of emotional instability or
stability anxious, self conscious - Openness - willingness to try new things and be
open to new experiences. - Extraversion - referring to ones need to be with
other people outgoing, expressive - Extraverts - people who are outgoing and
sociable. - Introverts - people who prefer solitude and
dislike being the center of attention.
49Questions about the Big Five
Quite stable in adulthood. However, they change
over development.
1. How stable are these traits?
Fifty percent or so for each trait.
2. How heritable are they?
These traits are common across cultures.
3. How about other cultures?
50Evaluating the Trait Perspective
- The Person-Situation Controversy
- Walter Mischel (situationist) (1968, 1984, 2004)
points out that traits may be enduring, but the
resulting behavior in various situations is
different. Therefore, traits are not good
predictors of behavior. - Average behavior remains the same
51Social-Cognitive Perspective
- Albert Bandura (1986, 2001, 2005) believes that
personality is the result of an interaction that
takes place between a person and their social
context. - Blends cognitive, social, and behavioral elements.
Albert Bandura
52Social-Cognitive Perspective
- Reciprocal determinism We develop through
watching others, but we choose our environments,
which exposes us to certain people and
situations, which in turn leads to make other
choices, which exposes us to different
experiences etc. - Self-efficacy individuals perception of how
effective a behavior will be in any particular
circumstance (NOT the same as self-esteem). - Control the outcomes in ones environment
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54Individuals Environments
- Specific ways in which individuals and
environments interact
The school you attend and the music you listen to
are partly based on your dispositions.
Different people choose different environments.
Our personalities shape how we react to events.
Anxious people react to situations differently
than relaxed people.
Our personalities shape situations.
How we view and treat people influences how they
treat us.
55Julian Rotters Social Learning Theory
- Social-cognitive psychologists emphasize our
sense of personal control, whether we control the
environment or the environment controls us. - External locus of control refers to the
perception that chance or outside forces beyond
our personal control determine our fate. - Internal locus of control refers to the
perception that we can control our own fate. - ie. Why you cant get an A?
56Optimism vs. Pessimism
- Martin Seligman
- An optimistic or pessimistic attributional style
is your way of explaining positive or negative
- ie. How long bad periods will last?
- Optimistic- wont last!
- Pessimistic- forever
- Positive psychology aims to discover and promote
conditions that enable individuals and
communities to thrive.
57Learned Helplessness
- When unable to avoid repeated adverse events an
animal or human learns helplessness and will stop
trying all together.
58Evaluating the Social-Cognitive Perspective
The social-cognitive perspective on personality
sensitizes researchers to the effects of
situations on and by individuals. It builds on
learning and cognition research.
- Critics say that social-cognitive psychologists
pay a lot of attention to the situation and pay
less attention to the individual, his unconscious
mind, his emotions, and his genetics.
59Self-Serving Bias
- We accept responsibility for good deeds and
successes more than for bad deeds and failures.
Defensive self-esteem is fragile and egotistic
whereas secure self-esteem is less fragile and
less dependent on external evaluation. - Self-handicapping is how many protect their
self-image by creating a ready excuse for
failure. We protect our self-image by
attributing our failure to external factors
rather than to ourselves, creating a no-lose
situation for our self-esteem. .