Title: 1 of 67
1Structural Design in the South America
(Venezuela), Teaching and Research
by Luis Paredes Department of Stability School of
Architecture and Design University of Los
Andes Merida, Venezuela
2Outline of Presentation
- This presentation will
- provide an introduction to Venezuelan Steel
Design - design philosophies in Venezuela and other South
American Countries - examples of buildings and design details
- Our home university, education, research
facilities - Our current research.
3Venezuela. Facts
- Venezuelan National Institute of Statistics,
- It has a population of 27,250,414. July
2006. - Venezuela is a country of immigrants. About
two-thirds of the population are mixing.. - Venezuela is among the most urbanized countries
in Latin America. - Largest cities Caracas, Maracay, Maracaibo,
Valencia, Ciudad Guayana - Area Total 916.445 Km2
- Density 30.2 /km²
- The petroleum (oil) sector dominates Venezuela's
mixed economy, 80 of exports. - Other major exports are gas, bauxite, aluminum,
steel, fishes, petrochemicals, agriculture,
gold, diamonds - Nafta/gasoline price 0.0325 US/lt
4Provinces of Venezuela
5Provinces of Venezuela
6National Policies and Methods
Venezuelan Building Design Code, COVENIN
1753-2002. UBC-US Seismic Resistant Buildings
Code COVENIN 1756-2000. Seismic Microzonification
in few cities. Steel Code. LFRD and Plastic
Design (AISC and LFRD) Venezuela Bridge Design
Code, the standard for bridge construction, is
the governing code for the design of bridges in
Venezuela based Japan and NZ Codes. 2000 Bridges
in Venezuela are the responsibility of Federal
Goverment (Infrastructure). All majority bridges
are buildings in Reinforced Concrete. Oldest
Bridges (50) are steel...
7Infrastructure Categories.
Bridges Metal Culverts Pipelines Railroads Transm
ission Towers Petroleum facilities Industrial
Facilities. (Steel factories)
8Infrastructure Categories.
Petroleum facilities. Complejo Refinador
Paraguana (Paraguana Refinery Complex)
Largest Refinery in the World 1 Million
barrels/day 56 millions lts/day
13Oil Facilities
14Seismic Design Code
15Bridge Design Code
16Our home university, education, research
Funded march 29, 178511 Faculties3 Campus
Merida, Tachira and Trujillo35.000 students
aprox5000 professors600 Graduate
17Our current research
Theory of the Damage Concentrated.
Griffith s Criterion
18Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Griffith s Criterion
Resistance to cracking R, Material Property, tests
energy dissipation rate G Numerical Analysis
19Theory of the Damage Concentrated
20Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Law of state and law of evolution of the plastic
Effective Stress Cauchy Stress
Law of State
law of evolution
The function of yield of a material damaged
21Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Law of state and law of evolution of the plastic
Law of evolution of the damage for fragile
Plastic deformation null
deformation energy density
energy dissipation rate in an element of volume
Criterion Grifftih
22Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Unilateral damage
Effective Stress
State law
23Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Unilateral Damage
expression of the complementary energy
energy dissipation rates
24Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Behavior of the Concrete one employing a model of
unilateral damage
25Theory of the Damage Concentrated
26Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Generalized Deformations (infinitesimal
Local transformation Matrix
27Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Generalized Deformations (large deformations)
28Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Generalized Stresses and Forces
Inertial Forces Matrix
29Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Equilibrium Dynamic
From Virtual Work
30Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Behavior Material
To solve structure we need Equilibrium
Eqs. Compatibility Eqs. Behavior Eqs or Behavior
Classic Beam Theory Euler-Bernoulli
31Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Law of behavior elastic-plastic for members of a
plane frame
Evolution Law
32Theory of the Damage Concentrated
ElastoPlastic Frames with Cinematic Hardening
Yield Function c property R lineal hardening R
cp p max plastic def
33Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Frame Analysis
The model admits that the dissipation of energy,
damages and plasticity, they concentrate on the
kneecaps while the central section of the
beam-column remains elastic (lineal or not).
According to the theory of continuous damage to
model the process of mechanical degradation of
the material and its resultant behavior, a
variable is introduced (damage) that takes values
between zero and one. The damage in that case
measures the relative density of the microdefects
in the material
34Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Theory of the damage concentrated for monotonic
35Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Theory of the damage concentrated for monotonic
Flórez-López 2, advances that the deformations
owed al damage are
State Law is
36Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Theory of the damage concentrated for monotonic
Small Deformations
37Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Complementary deformation respect damage
The laws of evolution were expressed with aid of
the functions of yield (f) and of damage (g) for
each inflexible kneecap. Said functions depend
on the dissipation rates (M and G) and the
internal variables and Damage and Plastic
38Theory of the Damage Concentrated
The functions of yield are obtained in base to
the hypothesis of equivalence in deformations,
which consists of admitting that the behavior of
the material damaged is equal al of an intact
material whenever be substituted the effort by
the effective effort
Reinforced Concrete
My, c, Gcr and q are members constants
39Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Evolution Laws
Plastic Behavior
Damage Evolution Laws
40Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Parameters or constants
41Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Parameters or Constants
Applying Conditions Borders
42Theory of the Damage Concentrated
Parameters or Constants
43Theory of the Damage Concentrated
The theory of the damage simplified permits to
obtain satisfactory results in simulations of
monotonic solicitations or loads
Without I engage, a structure in its useful life
will be able to be submitted to cyclic loads,
reason by which is not agrees to use the model
simplified due to that said model cannot
represent the hysterétic behavior of the damage
neither the fatigue of low cycles. Reason by
which the model simplified should be modified to
manage to represent such effects. The fatigue of
low cycle due to that the increment of the damage
can occur during phases of load still when the
value of the maximum displacement have itself
reached in the first cycle of load.
44Theory of the Damage Concentrated
45Theory of the Damage Concentrated
46Theory of the Damage Concentrated
47Theory of the Damage
48Theory of the Damage
49Theory of the Damage
50Theory of the Damage
51Theory of the Damage
52Theory of the Damage
53Theory of the Damage
54Theory of the Damage
56Theory of the Damage
57Theory of the Damage
58Theory of the Damage
59Theory of the Damage
60Theory of the DamageSteel
61Theory of the Damage.Steel
62Theory of the Damage
63Theory of the Damage
64Theory of the Damage
65Theory of the DamageSteel. ExampleDamage
66Theory of the DamageDamage Evolution.Positive
and negative Damage
67Conclusion and Summary
- Universidad de los Andes. Merida
venezuelawww.ula.vePortal de Porticos / Frames
orced Masonry Steel Reinforced Concrete 2D ?3D