Weight Management and Diabetes in American Society - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Weight Management and Diabetes in American Society


Weight Management and Diabetes in American Society Dr. Andrew R. Dyer Chiropractic Physician Back to Health Center Dayton, OH – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Weight Management and Diabetes in American Society

Weight Management and Diabetes in American Society
  • Dr. Andrew R. Dyer
  • Chiropractic Physician
  • Back to Health Center
  • Dayton, OH

Does Being Thin Mean You Are Healthy?
(No Transcript)
Community Diabetes Lecture
  • How long do you want to live? How long do people
    live with diabetes?
  • 19 million people currently diagnosed with
    diabetes in US (Fastest growing dis)
  • 41 million people are developing it.
  • Symptoms of diabetes
  • Current medical treatment and medications
    glucophage, pumps, sprays
  • What are the long term complications?
  • 80 die of heart disease
  • Kidney disease, failure, dialysis (21,000/mo),
    transplant (150,000)
  • Vision problems leading to blindness
  • Peripheral neuropathy leading to amputations
  • What is diabetes?
  • Food, digestion, liver
  • Hypoglycemia, Hyperinsulinism, Insulin
    Resistance-Syndrome X, Diabetes,
  • Drugs impair liver function and digestion,
    receptor sights, insulin
  • 98 Billion spent on diabetes in 1997. The
    current medical treatment causes the patient to
    progress needing more and more treatment/drugs
  • Diet, vitamins
  • Urinalysis and blood testing with proper analysis

Pg. 41
Diabetes The Whole StoryHow you feel is no
indication of how healthy you are.
  • Fastest growing disease in every age group
  • More common in developed countries
  • More common in the affluent in all countries

Longevity Mostly, its a matter of choice, but
over all children today wont live as long as
their grandparents.
  • How long do you want to live?
  • Life expectancy 77.2 years-a record high for
    children born in 2001
  • Girls 79.8 years
  • Boys 74.4 years
  • USA Today 10-6-2003 National Center for Health
  • How long do you want to be free to
  • Walk
  • See
  • Spend time the way you want

Cost the US 98 billion in 1997
Cost of Diabetes
  • Indirect costs, including disability payments,
    time lost from work, and premature death, totaled
    54 billion
  • Medical costs for diabetes care, including
    hospitalizations, medical care, and treatment
    supplies, totaled 44 billion.

Diabetes 1 2 are multi-factorial
  • Direct Causes
  • Viruses
  • Auto-immune disease
  • Vaccinations
  • Refined carbohydrates
  • Drugs
  • Steroids- asthma, lupus, ms etc.
  • Blood pressure drugs,
  • antibiotics etc.

Pg. 41
Diabetes 1 2 are multi-factorial cont.
  • Other factors
  • Genetics
  • Vanadium
  • Chromium
  • Manganese
  • Dairy
  • Aspartame
  • Processed meats, hot dogs, bacon, sausage,
    bologna, pork- 46 increase when frequently eaten
  • 39 increase with hydrogenated fats
  • Pop/colas
  • Coffee, caffeine
  • Refined carbohydrates

Pg. 41
FDA approved Exubera by Pfizer, Inc and Inhaled
Insulin Jan 26, 2006
  • It will be much more expensive then insulin shots
  • Regular insulin will still be needed to some
  • Effect of Insulin on sinus passages and lung
    tissue long term is unknown
  • Current known side effects coughing, sore
    throat, dry throat, dry mouth
  • There is some concern about chronic inhalation of
    a growth protein directly onto the lungs
  • Consistent dosage
  • Must inhale exactly with the same speed and depth
  • Having sinus conditions and colds will lower
  • Smoking may alter/increase absorption

Pg. 41
Insulin Side Effects
  • Some adverse effects of insulin injections are a
    higher risk for hypoglycemia, significant weight
    gain leading to adverse effects on blood pressure
    and cholesterol levels, hypokalemia,
    lipodystrophy, hypersensitivity, and increased
    insulin antibody production.
  • Common side effects from insulin injections
    include allergic reaction such as itching or
    hives, acne, swelling in the face or hands,
    tingling or swelling in the throat or mouth,
    tightness in the chest, breathing trouble
    seizures, fainting, and red, itchy, or swollen
    skin where the injection was given.

Pg. 41
Diabetes Symptoms
  • NO SYMPTOMS in the early stages
  • increased thirst
  • increased urination
  • change in urine
  • fatigue
  • vision problems frequent prescription changes
  • poor healing
  • edema
  • neuropathy

Pg. 41
Diabetes associated factorsThis is not a
comprehensive list.
  • Aricept
  • Cortizone
  • Prednisone
  • Dyazide
  • Entex
  • Flovent
  • Zestril
  • Furosemide
  • Lasix
  • Ortho Novum
  • Pamelor
  • Paxil
  • Toprol
  • HCTZ

Secondary Chromium Picolinate/GTF Vanadium Nia
cinamide Fenugreek Gymnema Sylvestre Bitter
Primary (All diabetics should be on these
nutrients) Vit C Vit E Magnesium EPA
Whats going on down there?
  • The cells within the pancreas are responsible for
    producing insulin in order to package and store
  • A healthy liver is responsible for over 500
    bodily functions.

Newsweek September 4, 2000
Diabetes Risk on the Rise?
  • A study from Cornell University, published in the
    Journal of the American College of Nutrition,
    1986, which found that children who develop
    diabetes mellitus were twice as likely to have
    been fed soy.
  • A November 1994 warning was published in
    Pediatrics in which the Nutrition Committee of
    the American Academy of Pediatrics advised
    against the use of soy formulas due to the
    diabetes risk.

40 of U.S. Adults
  • Revised Definition Means Millions More Have
    Pre-Diabetes "Pre-diabetes" a condition that
    raises a person's risk of developing type 2
    diabetes, heart disease, and stroke is far more
    common in America than previously believed,
    according to a new HHS estimate released today.
    About 40 percent of U.S. adults ages 40 to 74
    or 41 million people currently have the
    condition, which is marked by blood glucose
    levels that are higher than normal but not yet
    diabetic. Many people with pre-diabetes go on to
    develop type 2 diabetes within 10 years.

How can someone with Diabetes get healthier?
  • Have they been tested by a qualified
  • Dietary modifications, along with the use of
    proper vitamins and supplements work very
  • Blood analysis is the key to finding out if other
    processes in the body are preventing efficient
    sugar handling.

Case Dawn Diamond
Case Dawn Diamond
What Did She Do?
  • Did we give her the Diabetic vitamin of the
  • Did we suggest she follow the Diabetic Diet?
  • She stuck very closely to the guidelines that we
    were able to lay out for her based on what was
    seen in her blood tests. She also monitored her
    sugar levels at home daily.
  • The progress that was seen is well documented and
    by the numbers. If the numbers look better, than
    we know that what were doing is working.

61 yr old female, 53, 117 lbs
  • 10 yr history of chronic drug abuse
  • Known diagnosis of Hepatitis C
  • She did not know until after our testing that her
    liver condition may have been aggravated by a
    condition called hemochromatosis.
  • 4 months on the program Results on next page!!!

Another Successful Patient
This lady was very highly motivated
  • She had complete faith in the program but it
    waivered a little bit the first few weeks
  • She called me almost daily the first two weeks on
    the program
  • She didnt feel great when her sugars where over
  • After four months her sugars are averaging
    between 117-149 when she monitors them three
    times per week

Heres what she did
Remember this
  • This is a vitamin and supplement program that was
    specifically recommended for this patient based
    on her test results.
  • These are not the only things we asked her to
    change and her dietary commitments were key to
    her success as well.
  • This list of vitamins and supplements are not the
    same ones that every patient that has diabetes
    would be recommended.

Weight Issues
  • Dietary Choices
  • Portion Control
  • Avoid three main things White Sugar/Flour,
    Additives/Preservatives, Diet and Regular Soda.

  • 1/3 (33) of all adults are obese 59 million
  • 23 in 1994
  • 15 in 1980
  • Only 1 in five consider themselves obese (People
    consistently underestimate their weight
  • 15 of children age 6-19 were seriously
    overweight 9 million which is triple the number
    in 1980
  • Journal of American Medical Association, 10-2002
  • Dayton Daily News, 10-9-2002 (2000 government

Weighty Health Problems
  • Obese people spend 36 more for health services
    and 77 more for medications than the average
  • This is more than twice as much as the costs
    incurred by smoking.
  • The health costs and condition of an average
    obese individual and a person of optimum weight
    could be compared to the average 50-year-old
    versus a 30-year-old.
  • RAND Corp. Health Affairs, March 2002

The Day After Experts Puzzled Over Increased
Death Rate in ACCORD Study from Heartwire a
professional news service of WebMD February 7,
2008 (Bethesda, MD)
  • Group receiving intensive glucose lowering
    showed a higher mortality rate than those
    receiving standard care.
  • The goal of the study was to have patients A1C to
    be below 6.0 and glucose close to 100.
  • we have done extensive analyses and not
    identified a cause for the increased mortality.
  • Too Many Interventions?
  • Buse's personal belief "The patients enrolled in
    this study were quite vulnerable in that they
    were relatively old (average age 62). The
    intensive group had extremely rigorous treatment,
    with some patients taking four shots of insulin
    and three pills and checking their blood-sugar
    levels four times a day. Perhaps this was just
    too many drugs at too high a dosage, and the
    effort required just stressed them out too much.
    I think our conclusion is therefore that we
    should not be zealots about lowering blood sugar
    at all costs. We must understand that there are
    risks and benefits and one size probably does not
    fit all patients," he said.

16 yr old female
  • Height 52
  • Weight 169 lbs.
  • Blood analysis done 2-16-2006.
  • After 14 days on the program, her mother called
    me to say that the young girl had lost 13 lbs
  • She was following a good clean diet, taking
    supplements, and exercise wasnt increased at
  • Her body was functioning more OPTIMALLY.

  • Many studies on animals have shown that saccharin
    can cause cancer of the urinary bladder.
  • In other rodent studies, saccharin has caused
    cancer of the uterus, ovaries, skin, blood
    vessels, and other organs.
  • Other studies have shown that saccharin increases
    the potency of other cancer-causing chemicals.
  • The best epidemiology study (done by the National
    Cancer Institute) found that the use of
    artificial sweeteners (saccharin and cyclamate)
    was associated with a higher incidence of bladder

Saccharin, Heed the label warning?
  • In May 2000, the U.S. Department of Health and
    Human Services removed saccharin from its list of
    cancer-causing chemicals.
  • Later that year, Congress passed a law removing
    the warning notice that likely will result in
    increased use in soft drinks and other foods and
    in a slightly greater incidence of cancer.

  • Sold commercially as Equal and NutraSweet.
  • The three components
  • Aspartic acid
  • Methanol
  • Phenylalanine
  • These components break down into formaldehyde,
    formic acid and diketopiperazine, a chemical
    which can cause brain tumors.
  • All of these substances are known to be toxic to
  • Questions have arisen about the quality of the
    cancer tests, which should be repeated.

  • Some persons have reported adverse behavioral
    effects (dizziness, hallucinations, headache)
    after drinking diet soda.
  • There is little evidence that this or other
    artificial sweeteners have helped people lose
    weight. Indeed, since 1980, consumption of
    artificial sweeteners and rates of OBESITY have
    both soared.

Remember the Final Foundation
  • The years of eating sub-optimal food leads to the
    gradual development of disease. 
  • You cannot correct it without a nutritionist who
    does metabolic testing (bloodwork) to determine
    exactly what you need

Back to Health Center
  • 5785 Far Hills Ave.
  • Dayton, OH 45429
  • 937-433-3241
  • If you would like to receive our monthly
    newsletter via email, contact mail_at_bk2health.com
  • Dr. Merkle and Dr. Dyer co-host Back to Health
    Your Guide to Better Living
  • You can hear more of these topics and ideas every
    Saturday from 11am-12pm on AM 1290 WHIO and 95.7
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