Checklist - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Extra Tallit for reader Kippa Tsit tsits Webcam Shofar Keys for building Envelopes Biz cards Welcome cards Sign Sandwich boards Congregational Projector Blue cord to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Checklist

  • Supplies
  • Plastic spoons, knives and forks
  • Coffee maker
  • Coffee
  • Coffee cups
  • Water/juice cups
  • Juice
  • Food/desert
  • Tablecloth
  • Napkins
  • Torah scroll
  • Tallit
  • Extra Tallit for reader
  • Kippa
  • Tsit tsits
  • Webcam
  • Shofar
  • Keys for building
  • Envelopes
  • Biz cards
  • Welcome cards
  • Sign
  • Sandwich boards
  • Congregational
  • Projector
  • Blue cord to projector
  • Power cord extension to projector
  • Computer
  • Power cord to computer
  • Mouse for computer
  • Net antennae
  • Usb cord for antennae
  • Usb extension for antennae

Temple Sheckles Available In The Hallway!
Romans 31 What advantage then hath the Jew? Or
what profit is there of circumcision? 2 Much in
every way!
  • low the Shofar

  • Why do we blow the Shofar?
  • Exodus 1916
  • On the morning of the third day there was
    thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over
    the mountain, and there was the sounding of a
    very loud SHOFAR blast. Everyone in the camp
  • Because this is the way G-D begins sacred

HEMA ISRAELHear oh Israel
  • Shema Israel Adoni Elohaynu
  • (Hear oh Israel the L-RD our G-D)
  • Adoni Echad
  • (The L-RD is one)

HEMA ISRAELHear oh Israel Part 2
  • Barukh shem k'vod malkhuto l'olam va'ed.Blessed
    be the Name of His glorious kingdom for ever and

hy do we recite/sing the SHEMA?
  • Because Messiah said it was the greatest
  • Mark 1228-29
  • 28 And one of the scribes came, and having heard
    them reasoning together, and perceiving that He
    had answered them well, asked Him, Which is the
    greatest commandment of all?
  • 29 And Yeshua answered him, The first of all the
    commandments is, Hear, O Israel The Lord our God
    is One Lord

e-nay Ma TovBehold how good - Psalm 1331Am
  • He-Nay Maw tove
  • Behold how good
  • Oo-maw nyeeem
  • And how pleasant it is
  • Shevet aw-heem
  • For brothers to dwell
  • Gum Yaw Hawd
  • In unity

menCL 3 A
  • A-men .A-men.A-men, A-men, A-men
  • Baw-rouk Ha-Shem, Baw-rouk Ha-Shem,
  • Blessed be the Name, blessed be the Name
  • Baw-rouk Ha-Shem Me-she-ach
  • Blessed be the Name of Messiah

Chavareem Toveem!
  • Chavareem Toveem!
  • Meet any new people. Let them see that Messianics
    truly understand community and brotherly/sisterly
  • If someone is already talking to a visitor stand
    in line to meet them dont just walk away. We
    want to descend on them like they are a lost
  • Say hello to old friends. Find out how their week
    has been going. Show that you care.
  • Say hello to anyone you have something against
    and give them a hug ?. There is room in the Body
    for forgiveness.
  • Exercise modesty with your hugs.

Chavareem Toveem
Chavareem Toveem
  • Chavereem toveem (Good friends) Chavereem Toveem
    (Good friends)
  • this is the time to stand up and sing
  • Chavereem Toveem (Good friends) Chavereem Toveem
    (Good friends)
  • on this Sabbath day it's an offering we bring
  • Baruch HaShem chavere shellee (Blessed be The
    Name my friend)
  • we're brothers and sisters one family
  • Chavereem toveem chavereem toveem
  • this is the time to stand up and sing
  • Chavereem toveem chavereem toveem
  • on this Sabbath day it's the offering we bring
  • Baruch HaShem chavere shellee
  • united in Him we will live throughout eternity.
  • Chaveereem toveem

  • Read John 5 17-18 then read Dr. youngs article.
  • Joann, Barbara, Pam, Karin, Jesse, Bob, Mona
    and Gleeah (joining us in 4 weeks) for physical
  • Pray for Mona for healing (shes doing much
  • Prayer for Salvation for loved ones and the
    Jewish people
  • Interviews for Amy, pray for favor and G-ds
    perfect plan in her life.

  • Sha'alu shalom YerushalayimPray for the Peace of
    Jerusalem. May His Shalom (Yeshua) come quickly.

  • Sha'alu shalom YerushalayimPray for the Peace of
    Jerusalem. May His Shalom (Yeshua) come quickly.

-Seh ShalomCL3 Play Em
  • Em
  • O-seh Shalom Beem rue-mawv
  • Am D7
  • Who yah-seh Shalom aw-lay-nu
  • Am D7
  • V'al kol Yees-raw-ale
  • Em Am
    Em Bf7 Em
  • B'-eem rue Eem rue Ah- main
  •  -------------------------------------------------
  • Em
    Am D7
  • Ya-a-seh sha-lom Ya-a-seh sha-lom
  • G Bf7

  • Shalom aw-lay-new Val kol Yees-raw-ale
  • Sing twice 2X
  • May He who makes peace in His heights make peace
    upon us and upon all IsraelAmen."

ring our gifts to the altar
  • We Bring Our Sacrifice With Praise
  • We Bring Our Sacrifice With Praise
  • Unto the House of the LORD (2 X)
  • And we offer unto Him
  • Our sacrifices with thanksgiving
  • And we offer unto Him
  • Our sacrifices with joy

La'asok B'divray Torah Blessing Before The
Reading Of The Torah
Next Weeks Parsha
  • Mar 12, 2011 Vayikra ("And He called")Someone
    (anyone) please read the first sentence only of
    the Book of Leviticus.
  • Torah Leviticus 11-526
  • Would Bob please read the first sentence of the
    Book of Leviticus please?
  • Haftarah 1 Samuel 151-34
  • Brit Hadasha Luke 1-3

  • Mar 5, 2011 Pekudey ("Accounts")
  • Torah Exodus 3821-4038
  • Haftarah 1 Kings 740-50
  • Brit Hadasha Mark 16
  • Were going to read
  • Torah Ex. 3932 to end of chapter
  • Haftarah 1 Kings 740-50
  • Brit Hadasha 169-end of chapter

Baruch HaShem!!!
  • After the reader completes the portion they say,
    Baruch HaShem. At that point, feel free to say
    Baruch HaShem which means Blessed be The
  • If that portion gets you excited, lets hear it
    in your voice.

Ex 39 End of Chapter
  • 32 Thus all the work for the tabernacle, the tent
    of meeting, was finished, with the people of
    Isra'el doing everything exactly as ADONAI had
    ordered Moshe. 33 Then they brought the
    tabernacle to Moshe -the tent and all its
    furnishings, clasps, planks, crossbars, posts and

Ex 39 End of Chapter
  • 34 the covering of tanned ram skins, the covering
    of fine leather and the curtain for the screen
    35 the ark for the testimony, its poles and the
    ark-cover 36 the table, all its utensils and the
    showbread 37 the pure menorah, its lamps and
    their arrangement for display, its accessories
    and the oil for the light

Ex 39 End of Chapter
  • 38 the gold altar the anointing oil the
    fragrant incense the screen for the entrance to
    the tent 39 the bronze altar with its bronze
    grate, poles and all its utensils the basin with
    its base

Ex 39 End of Chapter
  • 40 the tapestries for the courtyard, with their
    posts and sockets the screen for the entrance to
    the courtyard, with its ropes and tent pegs all
    the utensils for the service in the tabernacle,
    the tent of meeting

Ex 39 End of Chapter
  • 41 the garments for officiating, for serving in
    the Holy Place the holy garments for Aharon the
    cohen and the garments for his sons to serve in
    the office of cohen. 42 The people of Isra'el did
    all the work just as ADONAI had ordered Moshe.

Ex 39 End of Chapter
  • 43 Moshe saw all the work, and-there it was! -
    they had done it! Exactly as ADONAI had ordered,
    they had done it. And Moshe blessed them.
  • END

1 Kings 740-50
  • 40 Hiram made the ash pots, shovels and
    sprinkling basins. With that, Hiram completed all
    the work he had done for King Shlomo in the house
    of ADONAI - 41 the two columns, the two moldings
    of the capitals on top of the columns, the two
    nettings covering the two moldings of the
    capitals atop the columns,

1 Kings 740-50
  • 42 the 400 pomegranates for the two nettings, two
    rows of pomegranates for each netting, to cover
    the two moldings of the capitals atop the
    columns, 43 the ten trolleys, the ten basins on
    the trolleys, 44 the one Sea, the twelve oxen
    under the Sea,

1 Kings 740-50
  • 45 the ash pots, the shovels and the sprinkling
    basins. All these articles that Hiram made for
    King Shlomo in the house of ADONAI were of
    burnished bronze. 46 The king cast them in the
    plain of the Yarden, in the clay ground between
    Sukkot and Tzartan.

1 Kings 740-50
  • 47 Shlomo did not weigh any of these objects,
    because there were so many of them thus the
    total weight of the bronze could not be
    determined. 48 Shlomo made all the objects that
    were inside the house of ADONAI the gold altar
    the table of gold on which the showbread was

1 Kings 740-50
  • 49 the menorahs - five on the right and five on
    the left in front of the sanctuary - of pure
    gold the flowers, lamps and tongs of gold

1 Kings 740-50
  • 50 the cups, snuffers, basins, incense pans and
    fire pans of pure gold and the hinges of gold,
    both those for the doors of the inner house, the
    Especially Holy Place, and those for the doors of
    the house, that is, of the temple.
  • END

169 to end of chapter
  • 9 When Yeshua rose early Sunday, he appeared
    first to Miryam of Magdala, from whom he had
    expelled seven demons. 10 She went and told those
    who had been with him, as they were crying and
    mourning. 11 But when they heard that he was
    alive and that she had seen him, they wouldn't
    believe it.

169 to end of chapter
  • 12 After that, Yeshua appeared in another form to
    two of them as they were walking into the
    country. 13 They went and told the others, but
    they didn't believe them either. 14 Later, Yeshua
    appeared to the Eleven as they were eating, and
    he reproached them for their lack of trust and
    their spiritual insensitivity in not having
    believed those who had seen him after he had

169 to end of chapter
  • 15 Then he said to them, "As you go throughout
    the world, proclaim the Good News to all
    creation. 16 Whoever trusts and is immersed will
    be saved whoever does not trust will be
  • END

169 to end of chapter
  • 17 And these signs will accompany those who do
    trust in my name they will drive out demons,
    speak with new tongues, 18 not be injured if they
    handle snakes or drink poison, and heal the sick
    by laying hands on them."

169 to end of chapter
  • 19 So then, after he had spoken to them, the Lord
    Yeshua was taken up into heaven and sat at the
    right hand of God. 20 And they went out and
    proclaimed everywhere, the Lord working with them
    and confirming the message by the accompanying

Noten HaTorah
  • Baruch atah Adonay Eloheynu melech ha'olam, asher
    bachar banu mikol-ha'amim, venatan lanu
    et-torato.Baruch atah Adonay, noten hatorah.
  • Blessed are You, LORD our God, king of the
    universe, who chose us from all the peoples and
    gave to us His Torah. Blessed are You, LORD,
    giver of the Torah.

Video Cam Reminder
  • Turn on the video camera.

Todays Joke
  • Mrs Rubenstein is a very caring lady who spends a
    lot of her spare time visiting and helping sick
    members of her synagogue. Her car is also well
    known in the community because its decorated all
    over with lots of Hebrew decals and bumper
    stickers showing the Jewish charities she helps
    and a big Israeli flag covers most of her back
    window.One day, as she is driving to one of the
    home cares she regularly visits, her car runs out
    of gas and splutters to a stop.

Todays Joke
  • "Oy veh," she says to herself, "and just when Im
    late." Fortunately, she remembers shes only a
    half mile from the nearest gas station, so she
    walks to the station to get help. "Hi," Mrs
    Rubenstein says to the man behind the till, "Ive
    run out of gas and Im hoping you can lend me
    your gas can. Ill pay you for the gas I use and
    Ill return your can as quickly as possible."

Todays Joke
  • The attendant replies, "Im sorry, lady, but Ive
    lent out my only one not more than 5 minutes ago.
    Im expecting it back in about 2 hours, so if you
    want, you can wait here for it." But as shes
    behind schedule, Mrs. Rubenstein goes back to her
    car to find something that she could use to fill
    with gas.

Todays Joke
  • Then, what good fortune, she notices the bedpan
    she always keeps handy in case of patient needs.
    So she takes the bedpan to the gas station, fills
    it and carries it back to her car.

Todays Joke
  • As shes filling it up, two men slowly pass by,
    they see the big Israeli flag on her car and see
    her pouring fluid into her gas tank. One turns to
    the other and says,

Todays Joke
  • "If the car starts, I'm converting to Judaism."

The Rebbes Parsha
  • Mark 16

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • By Rabbi Stanley

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • Before we get started I want to go over a couple
  • Theres been some questions concerning why we
    havent covered more for particular topics.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • In other words, why havent we covered more
    concerning the blood of Yeshua or why we have
    we been spending so much time concerning history
    rather then teaching the doctrine of Salvation
    and so forth.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • Those are valid questions and I want to give some
    answers to that.
  • First of all, we (Believers) cant understand
    anything about Yeshua until we know a few things

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • We first have to hear the Word so we can then
    understand it.
  • We cant understand the Word until we understand
    what its about.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • One cant accept Yeshua unless they understand
    why He died for them.
  • One cant understand why He died for them unless
    they understand what sin is.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • If we have incorrect doctrine in our lives we now
    have a third issue to deal with.
  • We have to unlearn that false doctrine then we
    can act on the truth.
  • The way I see what were teaching in Messianic
    Judaism is kind of like a pie.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • I relate well to pie and many things in my life
    can be directly related to it ?.
  • So its like a pie.
  • It doesnt matter if its a chocolate pie or a
    banana cream pie.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • As long as it is a pie I feel we can communicate

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • So many Pastors capitalize on this and they say
    things like, You have hear Jesus. If you dont
    hear Jesus taught, then theres something wrong.
  • And I agree with that.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • But they mean it differently then the Messianic
    Movement does.
  • First theyre insinuating Jesus to be J E S U S.
    NOT Yeshua.
  • If its just a name thing, then why wont they

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • So firstly if you come from a Church background
    and you dont hear
  • J E S U S
  • Subconsciously, you may feel youre not hearing
    Jesus taught.
  • Secondly

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • If someone were to ask you if youre hearing
    about G-d being taught, theyd say Yes, the Rabbi
    teaches about G-d every week.
  • Now what just happened?

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • Theyve just separated Jesus from G-d. Theyve
    unwittingly just propagated polytheism, the
    belief in many gods.
  • What Im saying is this

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • If youre hearing about G-d in Messianic
    Synagogue, youre hearing about Jesus.
  • And if youre hearing about the Holy Spirit,
    youre hearing about Jesus.
  • Theyre the same G-d.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • And I know we all know that, but often times we
    dont really know that.
  • Ill say this
  • We need to focus more on the Oneness of G-d then
    we do on the tri-partite aspect of G-d.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • We cant forget the tri-partite aspect of
  • G-d or we forget Yeshua.
  • But if you focus too much on the tri-partite
    aspect theres a human danger that one can begin
    to separate them too much, we can then be in
    danger of heresy.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • There is this underlying deception in most
    churches which has convinced people that they
    (The Father and Jesus) are two separate entities.
  • Now where would such a thought come from?

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • Immediately (first), it comes from Bible College.
  • In Bible College we are taught without the words
    being said that there was a God of the Old
    Testament and a God of the New Testament.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • The God of the Old Testament Jehovah was an
    angry, judgmental and unforgiving God.
  • That is why we needed an intermediary Jesus to
    take our case before the judgmental God.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • Jesus was the loving God and He was all about
    forgiveness, grace and mercy.
  • Because of Jesus we can now enter heaven through
    His grace whereas before we entered by works.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • I can take these exact thoughts smooth it out a
    little and most Pastors will agree with these
  • And that is horrific!

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • Heres how it sounds smoothed out.
  • Jehovah required sacrifice and works in Old
    Testament times. When Jesus came He became our
    mediator and we are now saved by grace.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • I could smooth this out in 3 different ways yet
    still retain the exact same thought.
  • And that thought would still be conveying heresy.

Messianic Judaism 101Class 3
  • Not only will I tell you its heresy, Ill tell
    ya what brand it is.

Marcionism Christianity
  • Id like you to meet
  • Marcion of Sinope 85-160 AD
  • From Turkey
  • His teachings were followed for centuries.
  • He was a son of a -----

Marcionism Christianity
  • Marcion was the first Christian leader to propose
    and delineate (describe precisely) a Canon.
  • Ive taught here before that the idea of a Canon
    (Holy inspired writ, basically what books should
    be in the Bible) was not a Jewish concept.

Marcionism Christianity
  • It was a Christian concept, specifically a
    Marcionite concept.
  • Before Marcion, there was no New Testament!
  • And in this Canon of his he left out a few books
    that we have today.

Marcionism Christianity
  • He started off this process by separating the God
    of the Old Testament from the God of the New
  • The God of the Old Testament was a harsh God
    according to him.

Marcionism Christianity
  • Jehovah was a very judgmental God, not a very
    loving God (The G-d of the Jews) but Jesus then
    came and He was a forgiving, merciful and patient

Marcionism Christianity
  • Therefore Marcion declared that Christianity was
    distinct from, and in opposition to, Judaism.
  • Marcion didnt even say the Old Testament was a

Marcionism Christianity
  • To the contrary, he said it was true.
  • He even said that Jehovah was God. Just a
    different God then Jesus and that one couldnt
    exist without the other.
  • That they were so tied together like they were
    One in essence.

Marcionism Christianity
  • You also want to remember that Tertullian was
    born the year that Marcion died.
  • Tertullian coined the word Trinity.

Marcionism Christianity
  • Who better to define the word then the person who
    coined it.
  • 3 Persons One substance
  • G-d is not 3 persons, He is One G-d.
  • 3 parts not three persons.

Marcionism Christianity
  • This is a three headed god.

Marcionism Christianity
  • Rule 1 in Messianic Judaism 1 G-d 3 Parts.

Marcionism Christianity
  • You tell an orthodox Jew you believe G-d is three
    persons and hell rightly call you a
  • Say it to a Kabalist and hell say, Great!

Marcionism Christianity
  • They believe in the Ten Sephirot.
  • The Ten Sephirot are ten personalities of God.
  • G-d is not schizophrenic!
  • Wait for my teaching, Trinitarianism Kabbalism

Marcionism Christianity
  • Theres some Pastors teaching some very bad stuff
    out there.
  • Theyre teaching 3
  • G-ds under the word trinity
  • But Rabbi, they dont know any better. They
    dont know the difference between three persons
    and three parts.

Marcionism Christianity
  • Ok, Im on board.
  • These Pastors that are supposed to know the
    truth, the very basic idea that G-d is One.
    Theyre excused.
  • Though they teach other people that G-d has 3

Marcionism Christianity
  • And G-d forbid they ever bring me before theyre
    Elders on this question and put me on the hot
    seat questioning if I believe in One G-d.

Marcionism Christianity
  • Rabbi, do you believe in One God?
  • Yes, yes I do.
  • But Im not so sure that you do.
  • As a people weve believed in One G-d for quite
    some time (Abraham's birth 1,948 years after the
    Creation, or 1948 AM (Anno Mundi, "Year of the

Marcionism Christianity
  • We say the Shema every week. How many times do
    you declare His Oneness Pastor?
  • Theyre excused again.
  • But for how long?

Marcionism Christianity
  • Well a lot of Christians ate Marcionism up. It
    made sense to them.
  • If you dont have a clear understanding of
    Judaism, its easy to believe that they are 2
    different Gods.
  • Most Christians today believe that even though
    they dont realize it.

Marcionism Christianity
  • Marcion didnt stop there, he then saw a bit too
    much Judaism in the Gospels and later on he
    decided, they had to go.
  • The books he kept for his Canon were the writings
    of Paul.

Marcionism Christianity
  • His favorite book of course was Galatians. He
    felt Galatians was very anti-Law, in fact the
    most anti-Law book in the Bible.

Marcionism Christianity
  • By eliminating the rest of the Scriptures he was
    left with his followers simply reading Galatians
    and Paul's other writings reading them over and
    over and over again.

Marcionism Christianity
  • Some in the Christian Church began to see the
    problem with Marcionism and they fought against
  • They barely won.

Marcionism Christianity
  • Marcionism was almost the death of Christianity
    as we know it today.

Marcionism Christianity
  • Marcionism was declared to be heresy and then
    forgot about for quite a while.
  • But it slowly started creeping up again.

Marcionism Christianity
  • This time under the guise of Grace Theology.
  • Again the differentiation of the G-d head came
    back into focus.

Marcionism Christianity
  • And once we focus on that too much, its a very
    easy step to get back to a three headed God.
  • Its much better to focus on One G-d and try to
    understand Him along those lines and then your
    theology will stay stable.

Marcionism Christianity
  • Even though today the Church includes the Old
    testament and the Gospels in their Bibles, they
    virtually ignore the Old Testament

Marcionism Christianity
  • And though they include the Gospels in their
    Sunday sermons they completely de-Judahize it,
    which effectively incapacitates (Webster's def
    To deprive of strength or ability) it.

Marcionism Christianity
  • So the Church has devolved back into Marcionism
    and has added a few catchy slogans and buzzwords
    which make it unclear and difficult to peg this
    particular theology.

Marcionism Christianity
  • Theyve made it cloudy and spiritualized aspects
    of the faith.
  • But it can be revealed
  • For example
  • (Us) Pastor, do you believe in One G-d?
  • (Pastor) Yes, yes we do.

Marcionism Christianity
  • (Us) Is Jesus anti-Law?
  • (Pastor) Yes, yes he is.
  • (Us) Did Jesus give the Law?
  • (Pastor) No, God did

Marcionism Christianity
  • (Us) therefore Pastor you do not believe Jesus is
  • Theres many, many ways to do this, to bring out
    their true polytheism even though they dont
    believe theyre polytheists.

Marcionism Christianity
  • The hypocrisy of it is astounding.
  • The hypocrisy was evident even from the
  • You may find this hard to believe but Tertullian
    was Marcions greatest critic.

Marcionism Christianity
  • And Tertullian was the guy to propagate Marcions
    heresy concerning the G-d head.
  • Its mind boggling what these guys were thinking.

Marcionism Christianity
  • Tertullian called Marcion a heretic and yet
    Tertullian was a heretic himself.

Marcionism Christianity
  • So hopefully Ive presented the idea to you that
    Marcionism has too much in common with
    Christendom today and you can now be an active

  • Shabbat (Hebrew ???????, Ashkenazi
    pronunciation Shabbos, the Sabbath, "rest" or
    "cessation") is the seventh day of the week and a
    day of rest.

  • Shabbat is observed from a few minutes before
    sunset on Friday evening and Rabbinically until a
    few minutes after the appearance of three stars
    in the sky on Saturday night.

  • The exact times, therefore, differ from week to
    week and from place to place, depending on the
    time of sunset at each location.
  • In polar areas where there is no sunrise or
    sunset at certain times of the year, a different
    set of rules applies.

  • Observing the Sabbath is NOT a Jewish thing.
  • In Gen 2 we read
  • 2And on the seventh day God ended his work which
    he had made and he rested on the seventh day
    from all his work which he had made.
  • There were no Jews then
  • So G-d ceased on the 7th day from His work.

  • Some say that G-d rested that day.
  • I dont believe G-d needs to rest.
  • If He completely rested wed all evaporate.

  • It is imperative to keep the Sabbath Day Holy
    Exodus 208-9 teaches
  • "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six
    days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work."

  • It is to be taken very seriously because G-d
    takes it very seriously
  • Ex 3115  15 Six days may work be done but in
    the seventh is the sabbath of rest, holy to the
    LORD whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath
    day, he shall surely be put to death.

  • G-d is a loving G-d correct?
  • He doesnt will any to perish right?
  • Jesus is G-d right?
  • Jesus is full of mercy and patience right?

  • Jesus says that if you break the Sabbath youre
    to be put to death right?
  • When one begins to think in those kinds of terms,
    we find out very quickly if we serve 2 G-ds or 1

  • Were also not to buy anything on the Shabbat
  • Neh 1031
  • 31And if the people of the land bring ware or any
    victuals on the sabbath day to sell, that we
    would not buy it of them on the sabbath,

  • Neh 13 says
  • 15In those days saw I in Judah some treading wine
    presses on the sabbath, and bringing in sheaves,
    and lading asses as also wine, grapes, and figs,
    and all manner of burdens, which they brought
    into Jerusalem on the sabbath day and I
    testified against them in the day wherein they
    sold victuals.

  •  16There dwelt men of Tyre also therein, which
    brought fish, and all manner of ware, and sold on
    the sabbath unto the children of Judah, and in
  •  17Then I contended with the nobles of Judah, and
    said unto them, What evil thing is this that ye
    do, and profane the sabbath day?

  •  18Did not your fathers thus, and did not our God
    bring all this evil upon us, and upon this city?
    yet ye bring more wrath upon Israel by profaning
    the sabbath.
  •  19And it came to pass, that when the gates of
    Jerusalem began to be dark before the sabbath, I
    commanded that the gates should be shut, and
    charged that they should not be opened till after
    the sabbath and some of my servants set I at the
    gates, that there should no burden be brought in
    on the sabbath day.

  •  20So the merchants and sellers of all kind of
    ware lodged without Jerusalem once or twice.
  •  21Then I testified against them, and said unto
    them, Why lodge ye about the wall? if ye do so
    again, I will lay hands on you. From that time
    forth came they no more on the sabbath.

  • 22And I commanded the Levites that they should
    cleanse themselves, and that they should come and
    keep the gates, to sanctify the sabbath day.
    Remember me, O my God, concerning this also, and
    spare me according to the greatness of thy mercy.

  • Last night we had 4 people join us for Shabbat
    dinner. Next week wed like to have 4 other
    people over so they too can see how we do it.

  • Well do this till everyone has come and
    celebrated Shabbat with us.
  • Sabbath dinner is very important.
  • After the destruction of the Temple

  • The Shabbat dinner table became a kind of Temple
    to us.
  • A place where we sat and spoke of Torah.
  • So much so that the ancient Rabbis would say
    Where three have sat at a table and did not
    speak words of Torah, that is a company of
    ignorant men.

  • The Shabbat dinner table became a kind of Temple
    to us.
  • A place where we sat and spoke of Torah.
  • So much so that the ancient Rabbis would say
    Where three have sat at a table and did not
    speak words of Torah, that is a company of
    ignorant men. Tractate Aboth

  • Usually we read a passage from Psalms, sometimes
    we sing a song or two.
  • The candles are lit first by the woman of the
    house she says this prayer

  • Baruch Attaw Adonai Eloheynu melech Haolam asher
    kidshanu bmitzvotuv venatanu lechad likner shell
  • Blessed art thou oh L-rd our G-d King of the
    universe who has allowed (not commanded) us to
    kindle the Sabbath candles

  • We also ceremoniously wash our hands so we have
    little bowls that are prepared on the table that
    we dip our fingers in.
  • And we say the ntilat for that.

  • Baruch Attaw Adonai Eloheynu melech Haolam asher
    kidshanu bmitzvotuv vitzevanu al ntilat yadayim
  • Blessed art thou oh L-rd our G-d King of the
    universe who has commanded (not allowed) us to
    wash our hands.
  • So well end here for today and well dig deeper
    into the Sabbath next week.
  • Shabbat shalom.

The End
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