Title: Challenges in childbirth research
1Challenges in childbirth research caesarean
section, obesity and postpartum haemorrhage
Prof Cecily Begley Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland and Visiting Professor,
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
2Challenges in Childbirth
- and Challenges in
Childbirth Research -
- tend to
- be linked
3Challenges in European Childbirth
- Problem
- The present solution
4The industrial model of childbirth
- Caesarean section rates
- Low (17) Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands
- Moderate (20 - 22 ) in Spain, France, Belgium,
Denmark - High in (24.6-27.8) England, Wales, Scotland,
(29.9) in Northern Ireland and (27) in Ireland
5 Caesarean section
- CS, when performed for medical indications such
as placenta praevia or transverse lie, for
example, is a necessary and sometimes life-saving
operation (Neilson 2003). - BUT
- CS does double the risk (compared with vaginal
birth) of maternal mortality and severe maternal
morbidity (hysterectomy, intensive care
admission, blood transfusion) (Villar et al 2006)
6 Caesarean section
- So CS is not an operation to be undertaken
7Challenges in trying to reduce CS rates (and
trying to conduct research testing interventions
to reduce CS rates)
- Takes a long time to
reverse the trend
8Challenges (continued)
- Hard to change peoples minds
- Need large sample sizes to find any significant
difference - E.g. 24 maternity units with 624 women included
in each site, to detect a 7 percentage point
difference between control intervention groups
so, many countries are not big enough to conduct
a large enough trial
9Challenges (continued)
- Needs to be an interdisciplinary approach.
- Clinicians have expert clinical knowledge, know
what research is needed, how to apply the
findings. - Researchers know how to collect data in a valid
reliable fashion, how to analyse interpret
it. - Women and their families know what they want.
10The OptiBIRTH Study
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18 Aim of OptiBIRTH
- To increase VBAC rates from 25 to 53
(approximately).. - through enhanced women-centred care
19 OptiBIRTH study
- A cluster randomised trial in Ireland, Germany
and Italy, with 15 clusters (maternity units) of
120 women in each. - To test an educational intervention for women and
- Was developed through
- Two systematic reviews of interventions to
increase VBAC, targeting clinicians and women. - Focus group and individual interviews involving
115 clinicians and 71 women, held in Ireland,
Italy, Germany (low VBAC rates), and Finland,
Sweden and the Netherlands (high VBAC rates).
21 What is happening now
- Randomised trial has started in April/May 2014
- Outcomes will be measured in both groups
- Costs will be assessed in both groups
22(No Transcript)
23 Future studies
- Major challenge in this decade
- High levels of morbidity and mortality
- Increases all other childbirth challenges (CS,
PPH) - Difficult to modify peoples behaviour
25Work of the Childbirth Research Group
- Bertz F, Sparud-Lundin, C Winkvist A. (2013).
Transformative Lifestyle Change Key to
Sustainable Weight Loss among Women in a
Postpartum Diet and Exercise Intervention.
Maternal Child Nutrition Nov 15 Epub ahead of
26Work of the Childbirth Research Group
- Mériaux, Benita Gunnarsson Berg, Marie
Hellström, Anna-Lena (2010) Everyday experiences
of life, body and well-being in children with
overweight.. Scandinavian journal of caring
sciences, 24 (1) s. 14-23. - If mother obese - 2 times higher risk of LGA
- If the baby is a girl and is obese when she is
pregnant - 3 times higher risk of LGA
27Future Work of the Childbirth Research Group
- Promoting a healthy lifestyle among women with
obesity in pregnancy and early motherhood - MoObese Person-centred Care key challenge is
the need for sensitivity
28Future Work of the Childbirth Research Group
- 1 )To what extent is Person-Centred Care Used in
Interventions to Limit the Gestational Weight
Gain in Pregnant Women with Obesity? A
Systematic Review (submitted) -
- 2) Support to adopt a healthy lifestyle for
pregnant women with BMI 30 - women's
perceptions 2½ year after childbirth.
29Future Work of the Childbirth Research Group
- 3 ) Health outcomes for mother and baby related
to BMI 30 during pregnancy - a review of
reviews. - 4) Community midwives use of person-centred care
aspects when caring for pregnant women with BMI
30Reducing obesity in pregnant women
- Challenging but worth it!
31Postpartum haemorrhage
- Is this a challenge?
- Does it need more research?
32Postpartum haemorrhage
- A major challenge in low-income countries
further research is needed - A major challenge for women at high risk
medical complications, deprived backgrounds
further research is needed - But not a challenge for low-risk women, so
further research is needed to prevent harms due
to preventative treatment.
33Cochrane review on third stage management
- Compares AMTSL and EMTSL
- Includes 5 studies (6486 women), all undertaken
in high-income countries (Begley et al 2011). -
34In women at low risk of bleeding (3 studies, 3134
- No difference was identified in severe blood loss
(greater than 1000 ml) - No difference was identified in postnatal anaemia
35In women at low risk of bleeding
- Active Expectant
- 500ml 4.8 10.5
- BT .4 1.5
- BW -67 gms
- BP gt90 2.8 .4
- Pain 4.5 1.8
- Bleed (treat) 5.7 3.7
- Bleed (return) 2.8 1.3
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37So, for women at low risk of bleeding
- Is AMTSL causing more harm than good?
38Clinicians argue against physiological management
- Women die of PPH
- Do they????
- Esscher, A. 2014. Maternal Mortality in Sweden.
Classification, Country of Birth, and Quality of
Care. - Did not mention PPH
39CMACE UK 2011
- Out of 2.3 million women birthing 2006-2008, only
5 died of PPH. - 3/5 lacked post-operative observations using
MEOWS chart failure of staff to realise they
were bleeding. - 1 had Hb of 7.5 prior to CS, then bled 1-2
litres, then died months later after pneumonia - 1 concealed pregnancy, died at home.
40- NONE of these women were at low risk to
- for low-risk women, there are benefits to both
methods, and harms from both methods. - The Cochrane review states that they should be
informed of benefits and harms of both methods of
42New Zealand (Dixon 2013)
- Population based, retrospective cohort study,
reporting on MTSL - Included 33,752 low-risk women who had no
oxytocic for induction/ acceleration - 48 had EMTSL, 52 had AMTSL
43New Zealand (2)
- EMTSL - 3.7 had PPH gt 500 ml
- AMTSL - 6.9 had PPH gt 500 ml
44Ireland (Begley et al 2014)
- Retrospective analysis
- Data drawn from the electronic database of a
midwifery-led unit in Ireland - 5-year period 2008-2012
- All women (n1521) had
- spontaneous onset of labour
- no oxytocic for augmentation
- spontaneous vaginal birth.
- 738 women (48.52) had EMTSL
- 783 women (51.48) received AMTSL
46Results (1) blood loss
Average estimated blood loss was 258 mls (SD
197 mls) in the expectant group 241 mls (SD
177 mls) in the active group This was a
non-significant difference of -17 mls (95 CI
-35.835 to 1.778) (t-1.78, d.f. 1519, p0.76).
47Results (2) PPH rates
Postpartum haemorrhage rates were 2.71 (n20)
in the expectant group 2.17 (n17) in the
active group No significant difference
(chi-square 0.465, d.f.1, p0.50).
48Results (3)
- No difference in length of 3rd stage
- AMTSL 19 mins 2 secs (SD 1 min 11 secs)
- EMTSL 20 mins 18 secs (SD 1 min 8 secs)
- The New Zealand (Dixon 2013) and Irish (Begley
et al 2014) studies show that when - midwives are experienced in expectant third stage
care, and - women are low-risk
- . mean blood loss amounts, and PPH rates, are
similar regardless of whether active or expectant
care is used.
- Low risk women are not being offered EMTSL, nor
are they being informed of the risks of AMTSL, to
allow them to make an informed choice. - Need research comparing AMTSL and EMTSL in women
who are genuinely low-risk, cared for by
midwives skilled in both methods of care.
51Challenge (2)
- Need research comparing giving oxytocin before,
compared with after, delayed cord clamping. - Need research comparing different timings of
delayed cord clamping.
52Challenges in Childbirth
- and Challenges in
Childbirth Research -
53Caesarean section, obesity and postpartum
54 - .helps women to have happy childbirth, as well
as healthy
- Begley CM, Gyte GML, Devane D, McGuire W, Weeks
A. Active versus expectant management for women
in the third stage of labour. Cochrane Database
of Systematic Reviews 2011, Issue 11. Art. No.
CD007412. DOI 10.1002/14651858.CD007412.pub3. - Begley C, Dencker A, Keegan C, Martin M, McCann
C, Smith V. Postpartum haemorrhage and blood loss
in midwifery-led care in Ireland. 30th ICM
(International Confederation of Midwives)
Triennial Congress, 1-5 June 2014, Prague, Czech
Republic. - Dixon L, Tracy SK, Guilliland K, Fletcher L,
Hendry C, Pairman S. 2013 Outcomes of
physiological and active third stage labour care
amongst women in New Zealand. Midwifery
29(1)67-74. - Esscher, A. 2014. Maternal Mortality in Sweden.
Classification, Country of Birth, and Quality of
Care. Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala
Dissertations from the Faculty of Medicine 970.
69 pp. Uppsala Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
ISBN 978-91-554-8863-5. - EURO-PERISTAT Project with SCPE and EUROCAT.
2013. European Perinatal Health Report. The
health and care of pregnant women and babies in
Europe in 2010.May 2013. Available
www.europeristat.com - Neilson JP. 2003. Interventions for suspected
placenta praevia. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews, Issue 2DOI10.1002/14651858.CD001998 - Villar J, Valladares E, Wojdyla D, Zavaleta N,
Carroli G, Velazco A, et al. (2007) WHO (2005)
Global Survey on Maternal and Perinatal Health.
BMJ, 335(7628) pp. 1025.