The Universe: Part 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Universe: Part 2


The Universe – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Universe: Part 2

The Universe Part 2
  • Basic observed parameters
  • Age 13.7 By measured by the spacecraft WMAP
  • Data from the cosmic microwave background
    radiation (CMBR)
  • Diameter Best model is 45 Bly
  • Composition
  • 73 dark energy
  • 23 dark matter
  • 4 atomic (baryonic) material
  • 75 H, 25 He (originally)
  • Critical density O 1.0 measured by WMAP data
  • Measured density of universe to the value at
    infinite expansion
  • This means the universe is inflationary
    (expansion was faster than known physical laws

Early Universe
  • Early chronology of the universe
  • The first instant of the Big Bang model of the
    universe is not observable since our
    understanding physics allows only the baryonic
    (atomic) certainty to begin at the Planck time
    10-43 sec
  • From this early start, the universe entered an
    inflationary expansion of 50 orders of magnitude
    in 10-32 sec
  • Called the inflation period
  • First to appear were the forces, but combined
    into a single force
  • The first to separate was the weakest - gravity

Early Universe
  • Energy and matter condensed as the universe
  • First stuff to form were the constituents of
    atomic particles
  • Quarks and leptons
  • Quarks
  • Heavy particles are ruled by the strong nuclear
  • Leptons
  • Light particles are ruled by the weak force

Early Universe
  • Quarks
  • Make up the particle family known as hadrons
    which include two families
  • Baryons composed of three quarks
  • Protons and neutrons
  • Stable
  • Mesons composed of two quarks
  • Short lived

Early Universe
  • Quarks
  • Quarks come in 6 varieties (flavors), each with
    an anti-particle
  • Up 1st generation - lightest
  • Down - 1st generation
  • Charm 2nd generation - heavier
  • Strange 2nd generation
  • Top 3rd generation - heaviest
  • Bottom 3rd generation

Early Universe
  • Quarks
  • 2nd and 3rd generation quarks are short lived and
    decay into the 1st generation particles through
    the weak interaction
  • Quarks bound by the strong force (gluon)
  • Strong force is unusual in that it becomes
    stronger with increasing distance
  • No single quarks exist unless at extremely high
  • Atomic/baryonic nuclei are all up/down quarks

Early Universe
  • Leptons lighter particle family that includes
  • 1. Electrons (1 type of electron, plus
  • 2. Muons (2 types of muon that include tau and
    mu, and their antiparticles)
  • 3. Neutrinos (3 types of neutrinos that include
    the electron, mu and tau species, and their
  • Participate in weak force but not in strong force
  • Created or absorbed in quark transformations

Particle Universe
  • Quarks and leptons are shown in the diagram as
    1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation particles, along with
    the forces portrayed on the right as force

Particle Universe
  • Particle and force details, including spin (upper
    right) and rest mass energy (bottom)

Universe Chronology
Universe - Chronology
  • T 10-40 sec  -  First stuff forms
  • Building blocks for "elementary" particles -
    quarks, gluons, etc.
  • Basic four physical forces established and act as
    a unified field
  • Gravity separates from the rest of the forces

Universe - Chronology
  • T 10-35 sec  - Inflationary phase of expansion
  • A phase transition in the energy/material expands
    the universe by a factor of 1050 in 10-32 sec
  • Strong force separates from the remaining
    electro-weak force

Universe - Chronology
  • T 10-20 sec  -  Baryonic particles form
  • p,  e-, no, ? (protons, electrons, neutrons,
  • Universe is composed of a mixture of
    electromagnetic (EM) radiation (photons) and
    charged particles (p, e-)
  • Brief condition that allows fusion of particles
    produces proton-to-neutron ratio that results in
    a 75 H and 25 He mix (plus a very little
    deuterium (2H), 3He, and lithium)

Universe - Chronology
  • T   1 sec  -  Nucleus formation begins
  • Temperatures sufficiently low to begin forming
    proton-neutron pairs and triplets

Universe - Chronology
  • T 385,000 yr  -  Particle and EM radiation mix
    expands and cools to form first neutral atoms
  • p and e- cool sufficiently to form hydrogen
    which dominated the early baryonic (atomic)
  • The universe quickly becomes transparent
    (uncoupling of mass and energy)
  • Cosmic background radiation (CBR) created at this
    time and at a temperature of about 3,000 K
  • Ionization temperature of hydrogen

Universe - Chronology
  • T 400 Myr -  First stars form
  • Hydrogen and helium gas in dense pockets cool
    enough to form the first stars that are
  • Massive since there is no efficient method of
  • Massive since there is a large critical density
    to overcome the high thermal pressure
  • Recent star formation is much easier and faster
    since metals (anything heavier than helium) helps
    cool the molecular gas clouds for collapse into
  • The lights in the universe turn on for the first
    time since they dimmed at T 500,000 years

Universe - Chronology
  • T 109 yr  -  First small galaxies form
  • Formation site of these dwarf galaxies takes
    place in the higher density regions implied by
    the CMBR maps showing elevated density
  • Dwarf galaxies become the building blocks of
    larger galaxies similar to planetesimals
    accreting to form planets and moons
  • Hubble deep-field images show ragged, blue dwarf
    galaxies at the largest distance (earliest age)

Hubble ultra deep field image of distant galaxies
Universe - Chronology
  • Large structures
  • The first stars and galaxies to form were in
    enhanced density regions that later became the
    dominant clusters and superclusters of galaxies
  • Mass dominated by dark matter

Simulated galaxy supercluster structure
Universe - Chronology
  • T 10x109 yr (10 By)        Solar system forms
  • Molecular gas cloud dominated by hydrogen
    fragments and collapses into a star and planetary
  • Enrichment of 5 dust and metals from dying stars
    including supernova (large stars) and planetary
    nebulae (medium or small stars)

Universe - Chronology
  • T 13.7x109 yr (13.7 By)    Today
  • Cosmic background radiation now 2.73 K
  • Expansion of universe measurable on scale of
    millions of light years but not on smaller scales
    because of the gravitational grip on close and/or
    clustered galaxies
  • Universe expansion is accelerating, caused
    possibly by dark energy

Cosmic Background Radiation
  • Cosmic background radiation
  • The beginning of the universe was a violent
    expansion with a near-infinite density and
    temperature that rapidly expanded and cooled
  • Pure energy contained in the hot matter soon
    formed the first particles and forces
  • The production of particles included the baryons
    made of quarks, and leptons that include
    electrons and light, short-lived particles
  • These makes up the atomic world we are familiar
    with, but has a variety of other particles

Universe - Cosmic Background Radiation
  • Formation of baryons (primarily protons and
    neutrons) occurred after the quarks cooled
    sufficiently approximately 10-20 sec after the
    Big Bang
  • Hydrogen was fused into helium in the first few
  • Further expansion and cooling of the universe
    reached the 3,000 K ionization temperature of
    hydrogen after approximately 380,000 years
  • Because the particle universe was dominated by
    hydrogen, the neutral hydrogen atoms released the
    electromagnetic energy (light) strongly held by
    the previously charged particles

Universe - Cosmic Background Radiation
  • The uncoupled light still contained the signature
    of the hydrogen, helium, as well as the remaining
    electrons, the dark matter and dark energy, the
    acoustic waves, and much more
  • As the light and mass continued to expand, the
    light was reduced in temperature, going from
    3,000 K to roughly 3 K in 13.7 By
  • This is the 3 K cosmic microwave background
    radiation that still contains the secrets of the
    formation of the early universe

Universe - Cosmic Background Radiation
  • The 2.73 K cosmic background radiation has a peak
    emission in the microwave band near 90 GHz
  • The radiation has become known as the cosmic
    microwave background radiation (CMBR) because of
    its frequency range
  • Sensitive receiver in orbiting spacecraft are
    needed to measure the CMBR with enough
    sensitivity to determine the small variations
    imprinted by the early universe

Universe - Cosmic Background Radiation
  • The first maps made of the CMBR were done in
    patches using balloon-borne instruments
  • The first dedicated satellite used to map the
    CMBR was the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)
    launched in November 1989
  • A more accurate and sensitive spacecraft named
    the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP)
    was launched in 2001 and placed in the Sun-Earth
    L2 Lagrange point (WMAP shown on the right)

Universe - Cosmic Background Radiation
  • Comparison maps of the older COBE data and the
    newer WMAP data

Universe - Cosmic Background Radiation
  • While the data presented in the full-sky map of
    the WMAP output appears chaotic, plotting a power
    spectrum of the positions, angle of separation,
    and number of data peaks produces a curve
    representing the influences of various states of
    mass and energy, as well as time
  • The power spectrum shown on the right includes
    the compiled data from WMAP (blue continuous
    line) in addition to data from earlier spacecraft
    and balloon-borne missions

Universe - Cosmic Background Radiation
  • By fitting the influence of various parameters to
    the actual day, specific values for the age of
    the universe, the density of the universe, the
    composition of the universe, and a host of other
    physical characteristics can be determined
  • The plot shown on the right for example shows an
    obviously poor fit of an open universe in which
    the universe continues to expand forever to the
    actual CMBR data

Universe - Cosmic Background Radiation
  • CMBR Spectral Fit

Universe Fitting the Big Bang Theory to the Data
Interpretation Observations
Earliest dataUniverse is limited in age Night sky is dark (Obler's paradox)

Early quantitative results
Edwin HubbleUniverse is expanding Galaxy expansion increases with distance
Penzias WilsonCosmic fireball exists Heat left behind by the Big Band is now the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) at 2.73 K

Universe Fitting the Big Bang Theory to the Data
Interpretation Observations
Recent results
Universe expansion is inflationary CMBR pattern, accurate supernova measurements in distant galaxies
Dark energy dominates universe (73 of mass/energy) CMBR pattern, accurate supernova measurements in distant galaxies
Age of universe is 13.7 0.1 By CMBR pattern, universe expansion rate, oldest stars
Small percentage of atomic (visible) material makes up the universe CMBR pattern, galaxy dynamics, galaxy clusters, H/He ratio, inflationary expansion
Dark matter dominates galaxies and clusters CMBR pattern, galaxy dynamics, galaxy cluster dynamics, galaxy evolution
The first stars formed after approximately 400 million years CMBR pattern
Universe - Other Components
Universe Other Components
  • Dark energy
  • Details unknown, but is contained in empty
  • Accelerates expanding universe after first 5 By
    that was first slowing down from self-gravity
  • Dark matter
  • Details of material unknown
  • Contained in large galaxies and clusters of
  • Makes up roughly 90 of all large galaxies mass
  • Both dark energy and dark matter are observed by
    their gravitational effects on both light (EM
    radiation) and on baryonic (atomic) material

Universe Other Components
  • First stars
  • Universe expanded and cooled sufficiently to
    allow gas concentrations to form massive stars
  • Approximately 400,000 My after Big Bang
  • First stars were 100 Mo to 500 Mo (solar masses)
  • Pure hydrogen and helium (75/25)
  • Short lifetimes
  • lt1 My
  • Created first atoms heavier than He
  • Can be observed indirectly by their bright UV
    light ionizing the surrounding gas
  • May be observed in the James Webb Next Generation
    Telescope that replaces the Hubble space Telescope

Simulated galaxy supercluster structure
Universe Other Components
  • Evolution of the universe
  • Standard Model baryonic content stable since
    protons have gt1033 yr
  • This means that there is a lifetime of the
    universe with three possibilities for its end
  • 1  Open universeDensity is less than that
    required to recollapse the universe after its
    explosive beginning and continues to expand
    without limit - not supported by the WMAP data
  • 2  Closed universeDensity of the universe is
    greater than critical density and will recollapse
    to produce one or possibly many cycles - not
    supported by the WMAP data
  • 3  Inflationary (flat) universeThe universe is
    exactly balanced in potential and kinetic energy
    and continues expanding, but only until it
    reaches an infinite radius at infinite time -
    supported by the WMAP data

Universe Other Components
  • Standard Model
  • The Standard Model of particles and forces does
    have limitations
  • The simplicity of the model cannot account for
    quantum gravity, one of the most difficult
    problems confronting physicists today
  • The Standard Model provides no insight into the
    matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe (all
    particles, few or no antiparticle mass remains)
  • Extensions of the Standard Model have been more
    successful at reaching a successful theory of all
    particles and forces

Universe Other Components
  • Standard Model
  • Even with the more comprehensive treatment of
    gravity and mass, and with other important
    details from super symmetry, string and
    superstring theory, and inflation theory, have
    not yet answered the question of dark energy and
    dark matter, nor of quantum-scale gravity
  • What first surfaced as Albert Einstein's
    controversial cosmological constant ?, the dark
    (vacuum) energy that permeates empty space has a
    profound implication for the model of mass,
    energy and forces
  • Understanding dark energy and dark matter may
    lead to the successful theory of "everything a
    complete set of consistent equations of
    particles, forces, and energies

Universe Other Components
  • Standard Model of particles and forces

Universe Unanswered Questions
Universe Unanswered Questions
  • 1. What is gravity?  
  • How does it relate to the other forces?
  • What determines gravitational mass?
  • How does gravity relate to dark energy?
  • How does gravity relate to dark mass?
  • How is gravity defined in collapsed matter (black

Universe Unanswered Questions
  • 2. What is dark matter and what are its physical
  • To date, what is known is that it
  • Can be measured by its gravitational affect  on
  • Collects in galaxies, galaxy groups, and galaxy
  • Is not observed in small galaxies or on a scale
    smaller than a galaxy
  • Has a "cold" character since it would quickly
    dissipate if it were warm/hot

Universe Unanswered Questions
  • 3. What is dark energy and what are its physical
  • All that is known is that dark energy
  • Dominates the universes total mass and energy
  • Is measurable over the largest scales
  • Appeared approximately 5 By after the Big Bang

Universe Unanswered Questions
  • 4. What is the nature of the inflationary event
    that expanded the initial universe and that
    continues today?

And More Questions!
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