Evidence in action - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Evidence in action


Evidence in action moving from guidance to review Sophie Robinson, Toni Price, Caroline Miller National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Evidence in action

Evidence in action moving from guidance to
  • Sophie Robinson, Toni Price, Caroline Miller
  • National Institute for Health and Clinical
    Excellence (NICE)
  • Health Libraries Group conference July 2010

What were going to talk about
  • Role of information specialists in producing and
    reviewing NICE technology appraisals
  • how information specialists are involved in the
    scoping and review processes
  • information gathered by information specialists
  • Skills challenges involved in supporting
    technology appraisals

What is NICE?
  • The National Institute for Health and Clinical
    Excellence (NICE) is the independent organisation
    set up in 1999 based in England responsible for
  • providing national guidance on the promotion of
    good health and the prevention and treatment of
    ill health
  • setting quality standards
  • managing NHS Evidence
  • NICE makes recommendations to the NHS on
  • new and existing medicines, treatments and
  • treating and caring for people with specific
    diseases and conditions.
  • NICE makes recommendations to the NHS, local
    authorities and other organisations on
  • how to improve peoples health and prevent
    illness and disease.

The information services team at NICE
  • A team of 20 information professionals based in
    London and Manchester
  • Provide information support to meet the
    information needs of NICE staff and to help
    produce NICE guidance
  • Support topic selection, appraisals scoping
    reviews, short guidelines, interventional
    procedures, quality standards, quality outcomes
    framework, devices diagnostics, public health,
    NICE taxonomy etc
  • Liaison leads for all teams in Institute
  • Library resources journals, databases, books,
    ILLs, information skills training, current
    awareness service

What is a technology appraisal?
  • Technology appraisals are recommendations on the
    use of new and existing medicines and treatments
    within the NHS, such as
  • medicines
  • medical devices (for example, hearing aids or
  • diagnostic techniques (tests used to identify
  • surgical procedures (such as repairing hernias)
  • health promotion activities (for example, ways of
    helping people with diabetes manage their

Types of appraisal
  • Single technology appraisals (STA) specifically
    designed for the appraisal of a single product,
    device or other technology with a single
    indication where most of the relevant evidence
    lies with one manufacturer
  • eg Everolimus for the prevention of organ
    rejection in kidney transplantation (in progress)
  • Multiple technology appraisal (MTA) - includes
    more than one product, device or technology or
    more than one indication or more than one
    manufacturer or sponsor
  • eg Immunosuppressive therapy (basiliximab,
    daclizumab, tacrolimus, mycophenolate (mofetil
    and sodium) and sirolimus) for renal
    transplantation in children and adolescents TA99

Technology appraisals
  • Technology appraisal recommendations are based on
    a review of clinical and economic evidence.
  • Clinical evidence measures how well the medicine
    or treatment works.
  • Economic evidence measures how well the medicine
    or treatment works in relation to how much it
    costs the NHS - does it represent value for
  • Independent academic assessment groups carry out
    the systematic review process for appraisals
  • Obligation for NHS organisations to fund and
    resource medicines and treatments recommended,
    usually within three months of NICE issuing

The technology appraisal process
The role of the information specialist in the
technology appraisal process
  • Initial information support at topic selection
    stage support with identifying related guidance
    for briefing notes for topic selection
    consideration panels
  • Support for production of draft scope 2-4
    page document setting out parameters of topic in
    question, used for consultation
  • Collaborate with a technical analyst in
    production of draft scope and provide other
    information support needed throughout the
    production process
  • Monitor topic right through to publication
    licensing updates and key new trials
  • New topics and review topics are scoped

Contributing to the draft scope
  • Collate information on
  • Health condition/disease/behaviour in question
  • Population affected including epidemiological
    information, equality issues
  • Technology in question including licensing
  • Evidence based guidance on health condition /
  • Relevant key trials
  • Not a systematic search at scoping stage
  • Record information via NICE intranet on a
    scoping page which is updated

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Information specialist skills used in production
of technology appraisal
  • Retrieval, interpretation, synthesis, summarising
    presenting information
  • Elements of critical appraisal to summarise key
  • Collaborative with technical analyst
  • Identifying issues for consideration - eg
    populations, comparators, links with other
    appraisals or NICE guidance

Challenges of contributing to the scoping process
  • Risk of working in advance of licensing and
    topics not coming to fruition
  • Uncertainty around licensing requires updates to
  • Project management timelines
  • Understanding diseases, stages, lines of
  • Identifying relevant key trials
  • Identifying key issues eg whether an appraisal is
    feasible (fallers clinics where no definition or
    evidence and topic did not progress)
  • Knowing when to stop searching for information

Reviewing Technology Appraisals
  • All published technology appraisal guidance is
    given a date (between 1-5 years) at which the
    guidance will be considered for review.
  • These reviews are known as Review Proposal
    Projects or RPPs.
  • The aim of the review process is to decide
    whether or not the guidance needs to be updated.
  • Information services play a central role, by
    providing an evidence base upon which to make the

RPP process overview
Information Services involvement
  • IS staff carry out the bulk of the work for
    development of RPPs, gathering and evaluating
    information to see if there is significant
    evidence to warrant a review.
  • This involves literature searching and writing
    recommendation papers for NICEs Guidance
    Executive (senior management team) to consider.
  • The information specialist has to work to
    specific timelines and processes developed and
    overseen by a Project Manager from Technology

Information gathering
  • The information specialist will familiarise
    themselves thoroughly with the appraisal to be
    reviewed, with the disease area concerned and
    with the drug or device.
  • They will also search for new evidence including
  • New indications for drugs included in the
    original guidance and related new products.
  • Information on the progress of ongoing randomised
    controlled trials.
  • Update to the searches used in the original
    Health Technology Assessment report for the

  • The results of the searches are sifted by the
    information specialist to identify any new
    evidence that could trigger a review of the
  • For example, the IS may find a key clinical trial
    that could lead to the deferral of the review of
    the appraisal awaiting trial results.
  • The published results of an RCT may contradict
    one of the recommendations in the original
  • A new indication or new related drug may mean the
    information in the appraisal is out of date.

Proposal paper for Guidance Executive (GE)
  • Aims to summarise and collate relevant
    information found in a report template, which is
    presented to NICEs senior management team.
  • Recommends a proposal for what should happen to
    the appraisal (one from a list of standard
  • A technical analyst will analyse and report on
    the results of the searches and make the final
    decision on the recommendation in conjunction
    with colleagues.

Possible recommendations
  • Review of the appraisal should be
  • planned into the appraisal work programme
  • decision to review will be deferred until X (for
    example, to await the results of a key clinical
  • combined with the review of a related technology
    appraisal or with a related new topic referred to
  • incorporated or updated into an on-going clinical
  • transferred to static guidance list.

Proposal paper for Guidance Executive
  • The paper is agreed by an Associate Director from
    the appraisals team.
  • The paper is then submitted to the senior
    management team (Guidance Executive) who consider
    the evidence and make the final proposal for the
  • NICE then consults on the proposal with
    consultees and commentators (manufacturers,
    patient groups, NHS Trusts, Royal Colleges and
    other interested parties).
  • The proposal is posted on the NICE website.

Decision paper for Guidance Executive
  • At the end of the consultation period a summary
    of consultation responses is collated.
  • This is compiled by the information specialist
    with input from the technical analyst and project
    manager where necessary.
  • Comments from consultees are tabulated and
    responses are given.
  • The paper is agreed by an Associate Director and
    then goes to GE for consideration.
  • Consultees are advised of the final decision and
    this is also posted on the NICE website.

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Information Specialist work
  • Timelines
  • Reading and understanding the existing guidance
  • Identifying the challenging areas for search
  • Searching
  • Understanding the findings and the implications
  • Communication with analyst in advance of
    presenting the findings
  • Identifying the best recommendation, according to
    the findings

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Challenges of TA99
  • Sifting for relevant information - how relevant
    might data on adults be?
  • Choosing what to recommend as the way forward
    using and understanding the evidence base
  • Information synthesis making a robust case for
  • Time not unlimited
  • Transparency

RPP skills
  • Process driven work
  • Searching finding the key information
  • Judgement - understanding and interpreting the
    findings (for example whats pivotal, what will
    make a material difference to our existing
  • Decision making based on the evidence make the
  • Project management, and being an active team
  • Communications skills

  • Information specialists use a wide range of
    skills when supporting the scoping process and
    the reviews of health technology appraisals
  • Information services team do 3 RPPs and 7 scopes
    per month in addition to work for other
    Directorates at NICE
  • Any questions?
  • caroline.miller_at_nice.org.uk toni.price_at_nice.org.u
    k sophie.robinson_at_nice.org.uk
  • www.nice.org.uk
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