Title: Action Research in Practice
1Action Research in Practice
- Anthony Malone
- Geraldine Mooney Simmie
- TL21 Team
- Teaching and Learning for 21st Century, TL21
- Action Research
- Keeping Reflections
- Portfolios of Learning
- Critical Friend Collaboration
- Some Pitfalls
3Action Research seeks to.
- Create understanding
- Evaluate in pursuit of change
- Determine practical actions
- improve practice rather than to produce
knowledge (Elliott, 1991) - Pursue, in tandem, action (change) and
4Key Questions
- Describing What do I do?
- Informing What does this mean?
- Confronting How did I come to be this
way? - Revisiting What happens when changes are made?
5Action Research
- Exercises a tension between
- At its best involves a creative moment of
transformation. - An imaginative leap from world as it is to
world as it could be.
Evaluation of Development
Evaluation for Development
6Keeping Reflections
- The Learning Cycle
- To do
- To reflect
- To theorise
- To try anew
7Keeping Reflections
- The Reflective Practitioner
- Awareness of ones own intuitive thinking usually
grows out of practice in articulating it to
others - Donald Schon, The Reflective Practitioner, 1983
- Learning Paradigm
- Invitation to Let Go!
- Authors of your own work
8Keeping Reflections
- Process of Systematic Reflection
- self-evaluation is much more meaningful when
those at the receiving end are also at the
creation end, discussing and formulating what is
important to them - The Self-Evaluation File, Mc Beath J. (2004), 5.
9Portfolios for Learning
- To examine
- Process Reflect on
- Fusion Understand
- Product Explain
- Develop professional
10Portfolios for Learning
A Purposeful collection of teacher and/or
student work that exhibits development in one or
more methodologies in one or more areas of the
curriculum. It is a self-reflective collection of
work (materials and Methodologies) generated
during the process of instruction. It catalogues
the strategies employed in the teaching and
learning process. Its not just a
miscellaneous collection of stuff. Nor
intended as some form of therapy session. It
should give evidence of professional
growth/development. It should have a central,
controlling idea.
11Portfolios for Learning
- Suggestions
- Actual teaching activites
- Appropriate examples of students work
- Purposeful samples of Reflective Writing
- Reports
- Examples of work using ICT
- Audio/Video Recordings
12Critical Friend Collaboration
- Support and Challenge
- Creating a climate of trust
- respect and confidence
13Critical Friend Collaboration
- Re-framing
- Teaching Learning
- Hunting the Assumptions (S. Brookfield)
14Critical Friend Collaboration
- Qualitative Research
- Classroom School-based
- Analysis of findings
- Blend Theory with Practice
15Some Pitfalls
Risky Business
- How is this year going to be different from last
year? - How do we work together including all pathways of
accreditation? - In what ways do we advance leadership and
learning so they they get onto your school
- What do we look out for in the year ahead?
- How do we continue to ensure a mutual concurrence
between the aims of TL21 and your aims as
professionals? - What can be done so that challenges and pitfalls
are overcome?