Title: GI Revision
1GI Revision
2- Revision is seeing what you have already seen but
with some hope of understanding it this time. - A revision lecture is all the other lectures
shoved together so that the jokes are squeezed
3Lecture Plan
- No patient ever complained of dysphagia
5What does the patient mean?
- Cant chew properly (mastication)
- Cant get it over (deglutition)
- After swallowing gets stuck (obstructive
dysphagia) or causes pain (odynophagia) - Feels full after eating (bloating or satiety)
6Cant chew properly
- Poor teeth, loose dentures, sore gums
- Dry mouth
- Drugs
- Sjögrens
- Weak muscles
- Myasthenia - myopathy - dystrophy
7Cant get it over
- Neuromuscular Incoordination
- Cerebrovascular Disease
- Motor Neurone Disease
- Muscular dystrophy (e.g. myotonic)
- Myasthenia gravis
- Pouches, webs, high strictures
- - Skin disease
8Gets stuck
- Site indicated by time to sticking
- Proximal examination inadequate
- Sticks and goes down lt sticks and comes up
- Progression worrying
- Liquids easier than solids
- Stricture
- Peptic
- Tumour Intrinsic or Extrinsic Ca bronchus
- Connective tissue disease
- CREST/Systemic sclerosis
- Solids and liquids equally affected from the
start - Dysmotility
- Persistent - Achalasia
- Intermittent Tertiary contractions,
presbyoesophagus, nutcracker oesophagus etc.
9Just Hurts
- Oesophagitis
- Candida
- Usually painless. Check under dentures. Angular
cheilitis. Steroid inhalers. - Herpes, CMV
- Immunosuppressed.
- Opportunistic
- Reflux
- Acid and bile
- Iatrogenic
- Tubes, ulcerogenic drugs, anticholinergics
- Allergic
- Eosinophilic
- Ulceration
- Malignant
- Adeno- squamous carcinoma
- Extrinsic mediastinal
- Deglutition problems
- Videofluoroscopy with SALT
- Obstructive dysphagia or odynophagia
- Upper GI endoscopy /- biopsy
- Dysmotility
- Barium Meal /- bread or marshmallow barium bolus
- Oesophageal manometry
- If the sclerae arent yellow its not jaundice
- Carotinaemia?
- detect at around 50micromol/l
- If theres no bile in the urine its not a
hepatobiliary problem - Haemolysis
- Gilberts
- Other metabolic disorders of conjugation
- Jaundice with stigmata of CLD is usually due to
decompensation - But you might be wrong!
- LFTs are of limited use in diagnosis unless
absolutely typical of hepatitis or cholestasis - AST rises first after bile duct obstruction NOT
Alk Phos - Abdominal pain followed by jaundice is due to
gallstones till proved otherwise
13Clinical Signs
- Chronic liver disease
- Palmar erythema
14Clinical Signs
- Chronic liver disease
- Palmar erythema
- Spider naevi
15Clinical Signs
- Chronic liver disease
- Palmar erythema
- Spider naevi
- Leuconychia Bridge nails
16Clinical Signs
- Chronic liver disease
- Palmar erythema
- Spider naevi
- Leuconychia Bridge nails
- Paper money skin
- Loss of body hair gynaecomastia
17Clinical Signs
- Chronic liver disease
- Palmar erythema
- Spider naevi
- Leuconychia Bridge nails
- Paper money skin
- Loss of body hair gynaecomastia
- Dupuytrens contracture
18Signs of Decompensation
- Portal hypertension
- Dilated abdominal veins
- Caput medusae
- Ascites
19Signs of Decompensation
- Portal hypertension
- Dilated abdominal veins
- Caput medusae
- Ascites
- Encephalopathy
- Flap
- Fetor
20Signs of Decompensation
- Portal hypertension
- Dilated abdominal veins
- Caput medusae
- Ascites
- Encephalopathy
- Flap
- Fetor
- Jaundice
21Signs of causes of CLD
- Alcohol
- Parotid enlargement
- Facial telangiectasiae
- Rhinophyma
- Poorly controlled psoriasis
22Signs of causes of CLD
- Alcohol
- Parotid enlargement
- Facial telangiectasiae
- Rhinophyma
- Poorly controlled psoriasis
- Hep B/C
- Tattoos
- Injection sites
23Signs of causes of CLD
- Alcohol
- Parotid enlargement
- Facial telangiectasiae
- Rhinophyma
- Poorly controlled psoriasis
- Hep B/C
- Tattoos
- Injection sites
- Raised BMI with central obesity
24Signs of causes of CLD
- Alcohol
- Parotid enlargement
- Facial telangiectasiae
- Rhinophyma
- Poorly controlled psoriasis
- Hep B/C
- Tattoos
- Injection sites
- Raised BMI with central obesity
- Haemochromatosis
- Skin colour
- Arthritis
25Signs of causes of CLD
- Alcohol
- Parotid enlargement
- Facial telangiectasiae
- Rhinophyma
- Poorly controlled psoriasis
- Hep B/C
- Tattoos
- Injection sites
- Raised BMI with central obesity
- Haemochromatosis
- Skin colour
- Arthritis
- Scratch marks
- Pruritus
- Dry eyes
- Xanthelasmata
26Clinical algorithm
- Confirm jaundice and test urine
- Examine for stigmata of CLD and decompensation
- Signs of decompensation increase probability that
jaundice is due to CLD - Examine for signs of possible cause
- Consider probability of cause of CLD by age, sex,
origin and local prevalences.
27Rough prevalences
- Per 100,000 population
- NASH 5000
- Alcohol 500
- Haemochromatosis 250
- Hepatitis C 50
- PBC 20
- iCAH 15
- Hepatitis B 10
- a 1 AT deficiency 5
- Wilsons 1
28Other features
- Haemochromatosis
- Women present later than men
- Biological iron losses
- Immune liver disease
- Women greatly exceed men
- iCAH (SMA IgG) younger than PBC (AMA , IgM)
- PSC (pANCA ) linked to Idiopathic colitis
- Wilsons disease
- Very rare
- Vanishingly rare gt45 years
29No stigmata of CLD
- dilated ducts
- may miss stones
- CT
- Good for non-biliary pathology pancreas
- MR
- Shows whole of biliary tree
- Therapeutic
- Stones
- Stents
- No dilated ducts
- Acute Intrahepatic
- History
- drugs, occupation, hobbies, contacts
- Viral titres
31(No Transcript)
32What does the patient mean?
- Increased frequency of defaecation
- Wide range of normal
- Usually implies a change
- Altered consistencyIts just not right, doctor
- Something else
- Pre-defaecatory pain
- Urgency/Incontinence/Straining
- Feeling drained
- Timing I cant get out of the house in the
33Is it Functional or Organic?
34Functional Disorders
- Altered movement and/or sensitivity of the gut,
which produces symptoms referable to the part
affected. - Organic Diseases
- Demonstrable structural or biochemical
abnormality of the mucosa, muscle or vasculature
of the gut or related organs e.g. pancreas.
35Functional Disorder
- Patient not ill
- Pattern of defaecation is normal
- amgtpm As soon as my feet touch the floor,
- pc It just goes right through me,
- rarely at night, rarely incontinent
- Consistency variable and unpredictable
- Symptoms of visceral sensitivity
- Sensation of incomplete evacuation
- Symptoms of smooth muscle dysfunction e.g.
reflux, flushing, dysmenorrhoea - Symptoms vary with menstrual cycle
- No abnormal blood tests
36Rome III criteria - IBS
- Recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort at least 3
days/month in the last 3 months associated with
two or more of the following - Improvement with defecation
- Onset associated with a change in frequency of
stool - Onset associated with a change in form
(appearance) of stool
37- Ridges on solid stool indicating high pressure.
- Excess mucus
38Treatment of IBS
- Reassurance
- Check and correct -
- Inadequate diet
- Correctable social factors
- Anxiety/depression
- Visceral sensitivity
- Food intolerances
39IBS-like presentations
- Diverticular disease
- Lactose intolerance
- Milk Intolerance
- Wheat intolerance
- Bile salt malabsorption
- Coeliac disease
40Organic Disease
- Patient may be ill, lost weight etc.
- Loss of normal stool pattern of frequency and
consistency - Constant, predictable, unvarying or progressive
- Blood or undigested food in stools
- Sweet corn doesnt count!
- Blood tests may be abnormal
- Low Hb, Alb, raised ESR, CRP
41If probably organic
- Which part of gut is diseased?
- Large bowel or small bowel
- What type of process?
- Inflammatory
- Neoplastic
- Vascular
42Origin of Diarrhoea
- Large bowel
- Pain
- Lower abdomen
- Slow colicky
- Before defaecation
- After food
- Diarrhoea
- Urgent
- Frequent
- Small volumes
- Blood or mucus
- Small bowel
- Pain
- Central
- ?Colicky
- Not closely linked to defaecation or food
- Diarrhoea
- Infrequent
- Large volume
- Steatorrhoea
43Dont Forget
- Recurrent Oral Ulceration
- Coeliac disease
- Behçets
- Anaemia implies mucosal disease
- Previous surgery
- Vagotomy
- Gastrectomy/enterostomy
- By-pass
- Small bowel resection
- Foreign travel
- Tropics
- Shigella, Amoeba etc.
- St Petersburg
- Giardia lamblia
- Drugs
- Alcohol
- PPIs
- Antibiotics
- Laxatives
- Family History
- Coeliac disease
- Short anaemic patient with oral ulceration
- Coeliac disease
- Decades 2 3 central abdo pain weight loss
- Ileo-caecal Crohns disease
- Painless diarrhoea then mucus then blood but well
- Idiopathic colitis ?distal
- Progressive painful diarrhoea with mucus/pus and
weight loss - Young Crohns disease
- Older Colon Carcinoma
45Investigation of suspected organic diarrhoea
- Visualize macro- microscopically the part of
bowel felt likely to be cause - Endoscopy/radiology biopsy
- If fails, consider checking other bit. You might
have been wrong.
- Non-specific change on rectal biopsy
- Repeated poor bowel prep prevents sigmoidoscopy
- Steatorrhoea
- Pancreatic
- Coeliac
- Watery diarrhoea with negative sigmoidoscopy and
rectal biopsy - Colonoscopic biopsies
- Microscopic colitis
- Minimal change (UC)
- Lymphocytic (CD)
- Collagenous (Drugs Bugs)
47Crohns Disease
- Sir T Kennedy Dalziel MB, CM, FFPS (1861-1924)
48Classic patterns
- Terminal ileitis
- Original description
- Unique site
- Tb, Yersinia, lymphoma,
- Bile salts, B12, O.C., warfarin - absorbed
- Caecal backwash
- 2nd 3rd decade
- Strictures, mass
- Ileo-colonic
- Plus caecal disease
- Diffuse ileal
- In children, often as part of panintestinal
disease - Distal colonic
- Elderly
- Oro-anal
- Junctional
- Pain inflammation, ulceration, obstruction
- Diarrhoea SB /or Colonic
- Deficiencies Growth retardation, malnutrition,
haematinics, protein
- Oral ulcers, wasting, abdominal mass, distension,
anal tags - Endoscopy
- aphthoid, linear ulcers
- shiny mucosa, pus, little blood
- Histology
- patchy inflammation, extending to submucosa,
preservation of goblet cells. - Fissures, granulomas
- The pathogenesis of Crohn's disease. Mike Ward.
Lecturer WGH, Edinburgh. - Lancet 1977ii903-5.Â
- Luminal antigen
- Leaky barrier
- Faulty inflammatory process
- 2 3 mostly genetically determined
- 1 will vary from site to site in gut and from
time to time
52Sites, presentation, antigens
53Sites, presentation, antigens
- Mouth
- Labial swelling, purple discolouration, ulcers,
cobble stoning - E numbers, cinnamon, benzoic acid
- Exclusion diet
54Sites, presentation, antigens
- Mouth
- Labial swelling, purple discolouration, ulcers,
cobble stoning - E numbers, cinnamon, benzoic acid
- Exclusion diet
55Sites, presentation, antigens
- Mouth
- Labial swelling, purple discolouration, ulcers,
cobble stoning - E numbers, cinnamon, benzoic acid
- Exclusion diet
- Ulcers (Hp neg)
- Acid
56Sites, presentation, antigens
- Mouth
- Labial swelling, purple discolouration, ulcers,
cobble stoning - E numbers, cinnamon, benzoic acid
- Exclusion diet
- Ulcers (Hp neg)
- Acid
- Small bowel
- Oedema, ulcers, fissures, strictures
- Food antigens
- Exclusion diet, oligopeptide diet
57Sites, presentation, antigens
- Mouth
- Labial swelling, purple discolouration, ulcers,
cobble stoning - E numbers, cinnamon, benzoic acid
- Exclusion diet
- Ulcers (Hp neg)
- Acid
- Small bowel
- Oedema, ulcers, fissures, strictures
- Food antigens
- Exclusion diet, oligopeptide diet
- Large bowel
- Aphthoid erosions, linear ulceration,
cobblestoning - Bacteria
- Antibiotics metronidazole
58Sites, presentation, antigens
- Mouth
- Labial swelling, purple discolouration, ulcers,
cobble stoning - E numbers, cinnamon, benzoic acid
- Exclusion diet
- Ulcers (Hp neg)
- Acid
- Small bowel
- Oedema, ulcers, fissures, strictures
- Food antigens
- Exclusion diet, oligopeptide diet
- Large bowel
- Aphthoid erosions, linear ulceration,
cobblestoning - Bacteria
- Antibiotics metronidazole
- Anal
- Tags, perianal abscesses
- Bacteria
- Lumen
- Eliminate or reduce suspected antigen
- Barrier
- ?diet
- Stop smoking
- Drugs
- Stress
- Inflammation
- Anti-inflammatories
- 5 ASA, steroids.
- Immunosuppressants - 6MP, AZA
- Biologicals - Anti TNF
60Clinical approach
- Is it Crohns or could it be something else?
- Tb, lymphoma, Yersinia, AIDS, Behçets,
vasculitis, ischaemia - Where is it?
- Full distribution
- Balance of benefit v intrusion
- Can you chop it out without to much trouble now
or in future? - Limited ileal disease
- Advise about drug absorption low dose OC
- Should it go anyway?
- Mass, perforation, penetration, obstruction,
abscess, fistula, ?Ca (late SB strictures) - If not, how can you alter the antigen, barrier
and inflammation? - What long term strategy?
- Top down v Bottom up
61Good Luck!
- Happy to answer questions now or after the others
have gone to the pub.
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