Title: 14_Lecture.ppt
1 Chapter 14 NMR Spectroscopy
Organic Chemistry 6th Edition Paula Yurkanis
2Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
Identify the carbonhydrogen framework of an
organic compound
Certain nuclei, such as 1H, 13C, 15N, 19F, and
31P, have non-zero value for their spin quantum
number this property allows them to be studied
by NMR
3The spin state of a nucleus is affected by an
applied magnetic field
4The energy difference between the spin states
increases with the strength of the applied
magnetic field
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6An NMR Spectrometer
In pulsed Fourier transform (FT) spectrometers,
the magnetic field is held constant, and a radio
frequency (rf) pulse of short duration excites
all the protons simultaneously
7The electrons surrounding a nucleus decrease the
effective magnetic field sensed by the nucleus
Beffective Bo Blocal
8Chemically equivalent protons protons in the
same chemical environment
Each set of chemically equivalent protons in a
compound gives rise to a signal in an 1H NMR
spectrum of that compound
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10The Chemical Shift
The reference point of an NMR spectrum is defined
by the position of TMS (zero ppm)
The chemical shift is a measure of how far the
signal is from the reference signal
111H NMR spectrum of 1-bromo-2,2-dimethylpropane
The greater the chemical shift, the higher the
The chemical shift is independent of the
operating frequency of the spectrometer
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13Protons in electron-poor environments show
signals at high frequencies
Electron withdrawal causes NMR signals to appear
at higher frequency (at larger d values)
14Characteristic Values of Chemical Shifts
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17Diamagnetic Anisotropy
The unusual chemical shifts associated with
hydrogens bonded to carbons that form p bonds
The p electrons are freer to move than the s
electrons in response to a magnetic field
18The protons show signals at higher frequencies
because they sense a larger effective magnetic
19The alkene and aldehyde protons also show signals
at higher frequencies
20The alkyne proton shows a signal at a lower
frequency than it would if the p electrons did
not induce a magnetic field
211H NMR spectrum of 1-bromo-2,2-dimethylpropane
The area under each signal is proportional to the
number of protons giving rise to the signal
22Integration Line
The area under each signal is proportional to the
number of protons that give rise to that signal
The height of each integration step is
proportional to the area under a specific signal
The integration tells us the relative number of
protons that give rise to each signal, not the
absolute number
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24Splitting of the Signals
- An 1H NMR signal is split into N 1 peaks,
where N is - the number of equivalent protons bonded to
adjacent - carbons
- Coupled protons split each others signal
- The number of peaks in a signal is called the
multiplicity - of the signal
- The splitting of signals, caused by spinspin
coupling, - occurs when different kinds of protons are
close to one - another
25It is not the number of protons giving rise to a
signal that determines the multiplicity of the
It is the number of protons bonded to the
immediately adjacent carbons that determines the
a a triplet b a quartet c a singlet
26Equivalent protons do not split each others
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29The ways in which the magnetic fields of three
protons can be aligned
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31Splitting is observed if the protons are
separated by no more than three s bonds
Long-range coupling occurs over ?systems, such as
32More Examples of 1H NMR Spectra
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34The three vinylic protons are at relatively high
frequency because of diamagnetic anisotropy
35The signals for the Hc, Hd, and He protons
overlap because the electronic effect of an ethyl
substituent is similar to that of a hydrogen
36The signals for the Ha, Hb, and Hc protons do not
overlap because of the strong electron-withdrawing
property of the nitro group
37Coupling Constants
The coupling constant (J) is the distance between
two adjacent peaks of a split NMR signal in hertz
Coupled protons have the same coupling constant
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1. The number of chemical shifts ? specify the
number of proton environments in the compound
2. The chemical shift ??values specify the nature
of the chemical environment alkyl, alkene, etc.
3. The integration values specify the relative
number of protons
4. The splitting specifies the number of
neighboring protons
5. The coupling constants specify the orientation
of the coupled protons
40A Splitting Diagram for a Doublet of Doublets
41Complex Splitting
JAC JAB Triplet
JAC gt JAB Doublet of doublets
42The trans coupling constant is greater than the
cis coupling constant
43A Splitting Diagram for a Quartet of Triplets
44Why is the signal for Ha a quintet rather than a
triplet of triplet?
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46The Difference between a Quartet and a Doublet
of Doublets
47When two different sets of protons split a
signal, the multiplicity of the signal is
determined by using the N 1 rule separately for
each set of the hydrogens, as long as the
coupling constants for the two sets are different
When the coupling constants are similar, the
multiplicity of a signal can be determined by
treating both sets of adjacent hydrogens as
though they were equivalent
48Replacing one of the enantiotopic hydrogens by a
deuterium or any other atom or group other than
CH3 or OH forms a chiral molecule
prochiral carbon
Ha is the pro-R-hydrogen, whereas Hb is the
pro-S-hydrogen and they are chemically
49Diastereotopic hydrogens have different chemical
50Diastereotopic hydrogens are not chemically
51The three methyl protons are chemically
equivalent because of rotation about the CC
We see one signal for the methyl group in the 1H
NMR spectrum
521H NMR spectra of cyclohexane-d11 at various
The rate of chairchair conversion
is temperature dependent
53Protons Bonded to Oxygen and Nitrogen
The greater the extent of the hydrogen bond, the
greater the chemical shift
These protons can undergo proton exchange
They always appear as broad signals
54pure ethanol
ethanol with acid
55A 60-MHz 1H NMR spectrum
A 300-MHz 1H NMR spectrum
56To observe well-defined splitting patterns, the
difference in the chemical shifts (in Hz) must be
10 times the coupling constant values
5713C NMR Spectroscopy
- The number of signals reflects the number of
different - kinds of carbons in a compound.
- The overall intensity of a 13C signal is about
6400 times - less than the intensity of an 1H signal.
- The chemical shift ranges over 220 ppm.
- The reference compound is TMS.
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60Proton-Decoupled 13C NMR of 2-Butanol
61Proton-Coupled 13C NMR of 2-Butanol
62The intensity of a signal is somewhat related to
the number of carbons giving rise to it
Carbons that are not attached to hydrogens give
very small signals
63DEPT 13C NMR distinguishes CH3, CH2, and CH
64The COSY spectrum identifies protons that are
Cross peaks indicate pairs of protons that are
65COSY Spectrum of 1-Nitropropane
66The HETCOR spectrum of 2-methyl-3-pentanone indica
tes coupling between protons and the carbon to
which they are attached
67Unknown Identification Using Spectroscopy
Example 1 13C-NMR of C5H9Br
68Example 1 1H-NMR of C5H9Br
69Example 1 IR of C5H9Br
70Example 2 13C-NMR of C6H10O4
71Example 2 1H-NMR of C6H10O4
72Example 2 IR of C6H10O4