Themes in Global History - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Themes in Global History


Themes in Global History Review 1. Change Definition: Represents a New Way of Doing Things a) Neolithic Revolution - Change where people stopped being nomads ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Themes in Global History

Themes in Global History
  • Review

1. Change
  • Definition
  • Represents a New Way of Doing Things
  • a) Neolithic Revolution
  • - Change where people stopped being nomads
  • and began to develop permanent
    settlements through
  • the development of agriculture and
    domestication of
  • animals
  • b) Commercial Revolution
  • -Change of trade and business practices
    that transformed
  • European economies during the 16th and
    17th century
  • c) Scientific Revolution
  • -Change in the study of the natural world
    based on
  • observation and experimentation that
  • traditional theories
  • d) Glorious Revolution
  • -Change in the government of England
    where Protestant
  • monarchs had a bloodless overthrow of
    the Catholic
  • monarch

2. Turning Points
  • Definition
  • - a sequence of events that brought about
  • change
  • a) Fall of the Roman Empire
  • - Brought about the Middle Ages in the
    Western half of
  • the Roman Empire (Europe) and the
    Byzantine Empire
  • in the Eastern half of the Roman Empire
    (Asia Minor)
  • b) Crusades
  • -Brought about the Renaissance in Italy
    and Western
  • Europe due to the re-establishment of
    trade and
  • cultural diffusion between Europe and
    the Middle East
  • c) Bubonic Plague (Black Death)
  • -Brought about the end of the
    manorialism which
  • started the decline of the Middle Ages
    in Europe

2. Turning Points (Pg.2)
d) Protestant Reformation -Brought about
the end of religious unity in Western
Europe due to the attempts to solve the abuses
in the Roman Catholic Church e)
Enlightenment -Brought upon the Age of
Revolutions due to scholars challenging
the traditional ideas of government and
3. Belief Systems
  • Definition
  • religions or a way of conducting ones
  • a) Animism
  • - Traditional polythietic belief system
    that spirits are presents in animals, plants and
    other natural objects
  • b) Judaism
  • -Monotheistic belief system of the Hebrews
  • c) Christianity
  • - Monotheistic belief system based upon
    Ancient Judaism
  • and the teachings of Jesus of Nazereth
  • d) Islam
  • -Monotheistic belief system of the
    Muslims based on the
  • teachings of Muhammad
  • e) Hinduism
  • -Polytheistic belief system of
    traditional India that
  • governed Indian society based upon the
    caste system
  • and ideas of reincarnation and karma

3. Belief Systems (Pg. 2)
  • f) Buddhism
  • - Belief system based on the principles of
  • Hinduism but rejects the caste system
  • g) Confucianism
  • -Guide of living based upon the Chinese
  • Confucius
  • h) Daoism
  • -Guide of living based upon the Chinese
    philosopher Laozi
  • who taught that people should be guided
    by the
  • universal force known as Dao (way)
  • i) Legalism
  • -Belief that the way to create a stable
    society in China
  • was through unquestioning obedience to a
  • government through harsh punishment
  • j) Shintoism
  • -traditional belief system of Japan based
    on worship of
  • the spirits found in nature

4. Geography
  • Definition
  • How the natural world effect people that
    live there
  • a) Early River Valley Civilizations
  • - Ancient civilizations of Egypt,
    Mesopotamia, China
  • and India developed along rivers
    that provided fresh
  • water and fertile soil for people,
    crops and animals
  • b) Ancient China
  • -Isolated due to natural geographic
    barriers that led to
  • the development of a unique culture
  • c) Ancient Greece
  • -Due to mountainous terrain,
    developed city states
  • due to isolation and hindered trade
  • - Irregular coastlines and lack of
    arable lands made
  • Greece rely on the sea for food and
    overseas trade
  • d) Japan
  • -Mountainous terrain and lack of
    arable land led to
  • Japan to rely on the sea for food
    and overseas trade
  • with China (cultural diffusion with

5) Economic Systems
  • Definition
  • -various forms of conducting business
  • a) Traditional Economy
  • - based on subsistence farming
  • b) Barter Economy
  • -based on the trading of goods and services
    between people without the use of money
  • c) Manorialism
  • -based on the production of goods and
    services produced
  • on the Medieval manor, minimal trade
  • d) Mercantilism
  • - based on countries depended on
    increasing their wealth by exporting more than
    they imported by having their colonies supply it
    with raw materials and serving its markets for
    its exports
  • e) Capitalism
  • -based on which the means of production
    are privately owned and operated for profit

6. Political Systems
  • -Definition
  • -various forms of government
  • a) Theocracy-
  • -ruled by a religious leaders
  • b) Monarchy
  • - ruled by a king or queen who has
  • power
  • c) Aristocracy
  • -ruled by a privileged minority or upper
  • d) Oligarchy
  • - ruled by a small group of people
  • e) Tyranny
  • -ruled by an individual who seizes power by

6. Political Systems
  • f) Direct Democracy
  • -ruled by its citizens who vote on all
  • g) Republic
  • -citizens elect government officials that
  • the citizens in government
  • h) Feudalism
  • - nobles are granted the use of lands by
    the king in
  • exchange for loyalty, military service
  • percentage of goods produced
  • i) Limited Monarchy
  • -power of the monarch is limited by the
  • legislature

7.Culture and Intellectual Life
  • Definition
  • the way people live
  • a) Greek Philosophy
  • -Scholars began to use logic and reason
    to investigate
  • the natural world
  • b) Pax Romana
  • -Golden Age of Rome, 200 years of peace
    and stability
  • in the Roman Empire
  • c) Gupta Empire
  • -Golden Age of India, lasting
    contributions in mathematics, medicine, art and
  • d) Islamic Golden Age
  • -lasting contributions in mathematics,

7.Culture and Intellectual Life (Pg.2)
  • e) Byzantine Empire
  • - preserved Greek and Roman cultures
    during the
  • Middle Ages in Europe
  • -Influenced the Russian culture
  • f) Renaissance
  • -Rebirth of Greek and Roman culture in
  • g) Mesoamerican culture
  • - Developed complex civilizations before
    the arrival of
  • the Europeans

8. Nationalism
  • Definition
  • pride in ones country or culture
  • a) Middle Kingdom
  • - Chinese believed their culture was far
    superior from other cultures and their land was
    the center of the world

9) Imperialism
  • Definition stronger civilizations/country takes
    over a weaker civilization country
  • a) Greek Empire
  • - under the leadership of Alexander the
    Great that
  • included Egypt, Asia Minor and India
  • b) Roman Empire
  • -included Western Europe, Italy,
    Greece, Asia Minor,
  • parts of the Middle East, Egypt and
    Northern Africa
  • c) Mongol Empire
  • - invaded and conquered China, Northern
  • Eastern Asia
  • d) Han Dynasty
  • -Chinese empire that conquered Southeast
  • e) Colonization of the Americas
  • -European countries set up colonies in
    the Americas to
  • produce raw materials and served as
    markets for
  • finished goods

10) Diversity and Interdependence
  • Definition
  • How people from differing cultures work together
  • a) Roman Empire
  • - under the Roman Empire, many cultures
    lived together
  • b) Greek Empire
  • -under the Greek Empire, many cultures
    lived together
  • c) Byzantine Empire
  • -under the Byzantine Empire, many
    cultures lived together
  • d) Mongol Empire
  • -under the Mongol Empire, many
    cultures lived together

11) Justice and Human Rights
  • Definition
  • - various law codes and how human rights are
  • a) Hammurabis Code
  • -1st written law code in history, very harsh
    punishment, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
  • b) Ten Commandments
  • Law code of the Hebrews and Christians that
    guided the conduct of its followers
  • c) Law of Twelve Tables
  • Law code of the Roman Empire in which everyone
    was equal
  • d) Justinians Code
  • Law code of the Byzantine Empire that combined
    the ancient Roman laws with common law
  • e) Magna Carta
  • -Legislation that limited the power of the
    English King in 1215
  • f) English Bill of Rights
  • -Legislation that created a limited monarchy in
    England, based on the Magna Carta

12) Movement of People and Goods
  • Definition
  • -the migration of people to different parts of
    the world
  • a) Trans-Saharan Trade Route
  • - trade route through Northern Africa to the
    Middle East that brought Islam to Northern Africa
  • b) Silk Road
  • -trade route that linked China with the markets
    of the West
  • c) Crusades
  • -holy war between the European Christians and the
    Middle Eastern Muslims over control of Palestine,
    resulted in a increased in European interest in
    Middle Eastern goods
  • d) Columbian Exchange
  • -introduction of new goods, ideas, technology
    between the Americas and Europe

13) Science and Technology
  • Definition
  • Advancements in science and technology throughout
    the course of history
  • a) Neolithic Revolution
  • -development of agriculture and domestication of
    animals that resulted in the establishment of
    permanent settlements
  • b) Invention of the Printing Press
  • -development that allowed ideas to spread faster
    throughout the world

14) Conflict
  • Definition
  • Various wars or disagreements that have happened
  • a) Battle of Tours
  • -war between the European Christians and Muslims
    that resulted in the pushing back of the invading
    Muslims in Western Europe
  • b) Crusades
  • -holy war between the European Christians and the
    Middle Eastern Muslims over control of Palestine,
    resulted in a increased in European interest in
    Middle Eastern goods
  • c) Hundred Years War
  • -war between France and English over English
    territory in Europe that resulted in decline of
    the Middle Ages due to a new loyalty to the king
    rather than the feudal lords

15) Modern Global Connection and Interactions
  • Definition
  • How the modern problems/issues has affected the
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