Title: Ch. 3: Becoming an Ethical Researcher
1Ch. 3 Becoming an Ethical Researcher
Ethical Research Must Balance Two Priorities
Gaining knowledge and finding a clear answer to a
research question
Protecting research participants and upholding
broader human rights
3Why would a researcher act in an ethically
irresponsible way?
- Lack of awareness
- Pressure to take ethical shortcuts, e.g.,
- Concern for career advancement (in publish or
perish context) - Research ambition, will to advance science
- Desire for prestige, to impress friends, family
- Study completion a job requirement
- Ethical principles are general and often lack
clear, obvious application - And the odds of being caught are low
4Scientific misconduct
- Scientific misconduct violating basic and
generally accepted standards of honest scientific
research, e.g., - Research fraud
- Plagiarism
5Research fraud and plagiarism
- Research fraud to invent, falsify or distort
study data or to lie about how a study was
conducted. - Plagiarism using another persons words or ideas
without giving proper credit and instead passing
them off as your own.
6Typology of Legal Ethical Actions in Research
(Fig. 3.2)
- Legal YES
- Yes Moral and Legal
- No Illegal but Moral
- NO
- Legal but Immoral
- Immoral and Illegal
- There are many grey areas in which researchers
must balance competing values, but there are some
clear prohibitions - Never cause unnecessary harm to participants
- Always secure voluntary consent prior to study
- Never unnecessarily humiliate or degrade
participants - Never release personally identifying, harmful
8The Origin of Ethical Principles for Research
with Humans
- Medical experiments in Nazi Germany Japan in
the 1940s - Tuskegee syphilis study by the US Public Health
Service - US military studies of radioactive substances,
hallucinogenic drugs, etc. - Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital cancer studies in
1960s - Willowbrook School case, injecting children with
developmental disabilities with hepatitis virus
9Protect Research Participants from Harm
- Social research can cause harm in several ways
- Physical harm
- Psychological harm
- Legal harm
10Participation Must Be Voluntary and Informed
- principle of voluntary consent never force
anyone to participate in a research study,
participants should explicitly and voluntarily
agree to participate. - informed consent an agreement in which
participants state they are willing to be in a
study and know what the research procedure will
11Obtaining Informed Consent
- Informed consent statements contain the
following - 1) Brief description of research purpose,
procedure and duration - 2) Statement of risks or discomfort associated
with participation - 3) Guarantee of anonymity and confidentiality of
data records - 4) Identification of researcher and contact info
- 5) Statement that participation is voluntary and
participant can withdraw at any time - 6) Statement of alternative procedures that may
be used - 7) Statement of benefits or compensation
- 8) Offer to provide summary of findings after
completion of study
12Limits to Using Deception in Research
- Deception is acceptable only within strict
limits, if you do the following - Show that it has a clear specific methodological
purpose - Use it only to the minimal degree necessary
- Obtain informed consent and do not misrepresent
any risks - Always debrief (i.e., explain the actual
conditions to participants afterward)
13Avoid Coercion
- Coercion can be physical, social, legal,
professional, financial, or other pressure
applied to get a person to agree to participate
14Privacy, Anonymity and Confidentiality
- Research must protect privacy of participants,
only violating privacy to the minimal degree
necessary and only for legitimate research
purposes - Additionally, information must be protected from
public disclosure to ensure - Anonymity
- Confidentiality
15Anonymity and Confidentiality
- anonymity not connecting a participants name or
identifying details to information collected
about him or her - confidentiality holding information in
confidence or not making it known to the public
16Anonymity and Confidentiality (contd)
- Anonymity with confidentiality conduct survey
with 100 people but do not know participants
names and only release data in aggregate - Anonymity without confidentiality conduct field
research study and learn a lot about person X but
never learn persons name report all details
about the person publicly but alter details to
make it impossible to discover persons name - Confidentiality without anonymity conduct survey
of 100 people and have each persons name listed
on his/her questionnaire but only publicly
release data in aggregate - Neither anonymity not confidentiality
(unethical) conduct survey of 100 people and
have each persons name on questionnaire
publicly release a persons answers with the name
or with enough details to allow easy discovery of
persons name
17Anonymity and Confidentiality (contd)
- Exceptions to privacy protection
- Clear, immediate danger to a persons safety,
e.g., - plans to suicide or to injure or kill another
person - information about child maltreatment or abuse
18Extra Protections for Special Populations
- Some research participants are unable to give
true voluntary informed consent, e.g., students,
prison inmates, employees, military personnel,
the homeless, welfare recipients, children, or
the developmentally disabled - special
populations - special populations people lacking the cognitive
competency or full freedom to give true informed
19Extra Protections for Special Populations (contd)
- If researchers wish to have incompetent people
participate, they must meet two minimal
conditions - Persons legal guardian/parent grants informed
consent permission - All standard ethical rules to protect
participants from harm are closely followed
20Formal Protections for Research Participants
- In the US, the DHHS Office for the Protection
from Research Risks issues regulations to protect
research participants - Most local governments, hospitals, universities,
and private companies model internal policies on
federal rules - US government rules require the creation of
institutional review boards at all research
institutes, medical facilities, colleges, and
universities where research with human subjects
21Institutional Review Board
- institutional review board (IRB) a committee of
researchers and community members that oversees,
monitors, and reviews the impact of research
procedures on human participants - Some forms of research are exempt from a formal,
full IRB review, e.g., educational tests, normal
educational practice, most nonsensitive survey
questionnaires, observations of public behavior,
studies of existing public data in which
individuals cannot be identified
22Codes of ethics
- Most professionals (e.g., physicians, attorneys,
family counselors, social workers, etc.) have
organizations that developed a written code of
ethics - code of ethics a written, formal set of
professional standards that provides guidance
when ethical questions arise in practice - Most professional social science associations
have codes of ethics that represent a consensus
of professionals on ethics - Although not all researchers agree on every
ethical issue, there are common ethical standards
among members of a profession
- Special ethical issues arise when a sponsor pays
for research, especially applied research - Limits on how to conduct studies
- Some are legitimate, some not
- Suppressing findings
- In sponsored research, you want to negotiate
conditions for releasing findings prior to
beginning the study or signing a contract - whistle-blowing when a researcher (or other
employee) sees unethical behavior and, after
unsuccessful attempts to get superiors to end it,
goes public to expose the wrongdoing
- The powerful in society try to control or censor
research out of fear that free, unbiased research
might uncover something damaging to their
interests - Theres a close connection between unimpeded,
open scientific inquiry and the ideals of open
public debate, democracy and freedom of
expression - Censoring and controlling research is
characteristic of dictatorships and totalitarian
- Multiple meanings
- Alternative goals
- Devoid of values