Title: Estimation of failure probability in higher-dimensional spaces
1Estimation of failure probability in
higher-dimensional spaces
- Ana Ferreira, UTL, Lisbon, Portugal
- Laurens de Haan, UL, Lisbon Portugal
and EUR, Rotterdam, NL - Tao Lin, Xiamen University, China
Research partially supported by
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
2A simple example
- Take r.v.s (R, ?), independent,
- and (X,Y) (R cos ?, R sin ?) .
- Take a Borel set A ? with positive distance
to the origin. - Write a A a x x ? A.
- Clearly
3- Suppose probability distribution of ? unknown.
- We have i.i.d. observations (X1,Y1), ... (Xn,Yn),
and a failure set A away from the observations
in the NE corner. - To estimate PA we may use
- a a A
- where is the empirical measure.
- This is the main idea of estimation of failure
set probability.
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5The problem
- Some device can fail under the combined influence
of extreme behaviour of two random forces X and
Y. For example rain and wind. - Failure set C if (X, Y) falls into C, then
failure takes place. - Extreme failure set none of the observations
we have from the past falls into C. There has
never been a failure. - Estimate the probability of extreme failure
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7A bit more formal
- Suppose we have n i.i.d. observations (X1,Y1),
(X2,Y2), ... (Xn,Yn), with distribution function
F and a failure set C. - The fact none of the n observations is in C
can be reflected in the theoretical assumption - P(C) lt 1 / n .
- Hence C can not be fixed, we have
- C Cn
- and P(Cn) O (1/n) as n ? 8 .
- i.e. when n increases the set C moves, say,
to the NE corner.
8Domain of attraction condition EVT
- There exist
- Functions a1, a2 gt0, b1, b2 real
- Parameters ?1 and ?2
- A measure ? on the positive quadrant
- 0, 8 2 \ (0,0) with
- ? (a A) a-1 ? (A) ?
- for each Borel set A, such that
for each Borel set A? with positive
distance to the origin.
Relation ? is as in the example. But here we have
the marginal transformations
on top of that.
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13Hence two steps
- Transformation of marginal distributions
- Use of homogeneity property of ?
- when pulling back the failure set.
2) We need estimators with
for i 1,2 with k ? k(n)?8 , k/n ? 0, n?8 .
15- 3) Cn is open and there exists (vn , wn) ? ? Cn
such that (x , y) ? Cn ? x gt vn or y gt wn . - 4) (stability condition on Cn ) The set
in does not depend on n where
16- Further S has positive distance from the
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19Before we go on, we simplify notation
20With this notation we can write
- Condition 5 Sharpening of cond.1
Condition 6 ?1 , ?2 gt 1 / 2 and
for i 1,2 where
22The Estimator Note that
Hence we propose the estimator
and we shall prove
23More formally
- Write pn ? P Cn. Our estimator is
as n?8 provided ? (S) gt 0.
25For the proof note that by Cond. 5
Hence it is sufficient to prove
For both we need the following fundamental Lemma.
- For all real ? and x gt 0 , if ?n ? ? (n?8 )
and cn cgt0,
Combining the two we get
28The Lemma gives
29Finally we need to prove
Proposition 1 Define
We have
- Just calculate the characteristic function and
apply Condition 1.
Proposition 2 Define
we have
By the Lemma ? identity.
Next apply Lebesgues dominated convergence
31Proposition 3
Proof The left hand side is
By the Lemma ?
- The result follows by using statement and proof
of Proposition 2
end of finite-dimensional case
32Similar result in function space
- Example During surgery the blood pressure of
the patient is monitored continuously. It should
not go below a certain level and it has never
been in previous similar operations in the past.
What is the probability that it happens during
surgery of this kind?
33EVT in C 0,1
- 1. Definition of maximum Let X1, X2, ... be
i.i.d. in C 0,1. We consider
2. Domain of attraction. For each Borel set
A ? C 0,1 with
we have
34where for 0 s 1 we define
- and ? is a homogeneous measure of degree 1.
- Cond. 1. Domain of attraction.
- Cond. 2. Need estimators
- such that
Cond. 3. Failure set Cn is open in C0,1 and
there exists hn ? ?Cn such that
36Cond. 4
a fixed set (does not depend on n) and
37Cond. 5
Cond. 6
38Now the estimator for pn? PCn
as n?8 provided ? (S) gt 0.