Title: Value Stream Mapping and Management
1Value Stream Mapping and Management
- How We Got Here
- Value Stream Mapping
- Value Stream Management
3The lean transformation should provide
- Growth with improved margins
- Growth with minimal capital
- Growth without more employees
4What are our main stumbling blocks?
- 75 years of bad habits
- Financial focus with limited cost understanding
- A lack of system thinking and incentives
- Metrics supporting a 75 year old model
- Limited customer focus
- Absence of effective operating strategies
5How have we elected to address these stumbling
- Programs of the month (band aids)
- Meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings
- Silo optimization
6Whats the impact of silo improvements?
- Plant to plant key players
Material Control
Slide courtesy of HLS, Inc.
7If we could just start over..with
- Activities aligned with our business strategy
- Efforts focused on NET improvements for the
company - Metrics supportive of fundamental change
- Simple, constant communication of our plans and
achievements as an enterprise
8Why not take the value stream perspective?
- Whenever there is a product (or service) for a
customer, - there is a value stream. The challenge lies in
seeing it. -
- 3 enterprise value streams
- Raw Materials to Customer - Manufacturing
- Concept to Launch - Engineering
- Order to Cash - Administrative Functions
9A Value Stream is the set of all actions (both
value added and non value added) required to
bring a specific product or service from raw
material through to the customer.
10Value Stream Improvement vs. Process Improvement
Value Stream
Assembly Cell
Finished Product
11Value Stream Mapping
- Follow a product or service from beginning to
end, and draw a visual representation of every
process in the material information flow. - Then, draw (using icons) a future state map of
how value should flow.
12Value Stream Map
13Levels of a Value Stream
Start Here
14Value Stream Managers
Each Value Stream needs a Value Stream Manager
- The conductor of implementation
- Focused on system wins
- Reports to the top dog
The Value Stream Manager
15Using the Value Stream Mapping Tool
Product/Service Family
Understanding how things currently operate. Our
current state drawing
future state drawing
Designing a lean flow. Our Vision!
plan and implementation
The goal of mapping!
16Current State Mapping
- Completed in a day
- Performed by a cross functional team of middle
managers responsible for implementing new ideas - Resulting in a picture (and team observations) of
what we see when following the product
17Future State Mapping
- Completed in a day with the same team
- Focused on
- Creating a flexible, reactive system that quickly
adapts to changing customer needs - Eliminating waste
- Creating flow
- Producing on demand
18Current State Value Stream Map
19Future State Value Stream Map
20Planning and Implementing
- Dont Wait!
- You need a plan!
- Tie it to your business objectives.
- Make a VS Plan What to do by when.
- Establish an appropriate review frequency.
- Conduct VS Reviews walking the flow.
21Remember the other two value streams?
- Administrative activities are often a major
percentage of the total throughput time - Goal 400 improvement in productivity over 10
years - Modest opportunities on the plant floor
Untapped opportunities off the plant floor
22Enterprise Perspective
- Engineer to Order
- Configure to Order
- Capital equipment manufacturers
- Small companies (lt500 employees)
- Service Firms
23We might begin in
- Processes directly impacting the part production
- Engineering
- Quoting
- Or, in value streams with direct customer contact
- Order entry
- Invoicing
24Value Stream Mapping
Helps you visualize more than the single process
level Links the material and information
flows Provides a common language Provides a
blueprint for implementation More useful than
quantitative tools Ties together lean concepts
and techniques
25Value Stream Management
- The map is just a picture of ideas!
- The fundamental change is in how we choose to
manage the value stream as an integrated system
of decisions and tasks.
26Value Stream Management
- Use your strategic plan as a guide
- Find the gaps in necessary performance
- Improve value streams to meet the performance
- Create new metrics to support new ways of
thinking and acting - Understand true product family costs
- Manage operations by the value stream data
- Always have a future state
27Critical Success Factors
- Management must understand, embrace, and lead the
organization into lean thinking - Value stream managers must be empowered and
enabled to manage implementations - Improvements must be planned in detail with the
cross functional Kaizen teams - Successes must be translated to the bottom line
and/or market share
28Putting it to Work!
- Continuously improving fundamentally flawed
processes will yield limited results. - Simply automating existing manual processes can
also yield limited results. - Seriously challenging old practices will provide
the dramatic results desired.