Interesting TOPICS in ICFDA2014 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Interesting TOPICS in ICFDA2014


Title: Fractional Order Motion Control Subject: Applied Fractional Calculus Author: YangQuan Chen Last modified by: sun Created Date: 12/3/2003 12:03:00 AM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Interesting TOPICS in ICFDA2014

Interesting TOPICS in ICFDA2014
  • xiaodong sun
  • MESA (Mechatronics, Embedded Systems and
  • School of Engineering,
  • University of California, Merced
  • E Phone209 201 1947
  • Lab CAS Eng 820 (T 228-4398)

June 2, 2014. Applied Fractional Calculus
Workshop Series _at_ MESA Lab _at_ UCMerced
What attract my attention about icfda2014?
  • topic 1 Improved Fractional Kalman Filter for
    Variable Order Systems
  • main ideaThis paper presents generalization of
    the Improved
  • Fractional Kalman Filter (ExFKF) for variable
    order discrete
  • state-space systems.
  • topic 2 A physical approach to the connection
    between fractal geometry and fractional calculus
  • main idea its goal is to prove the existence of
    a connection between fractal geometries and
    fractional calculus

Improved Fractional Kalman Filter for Variable
Order Systems
  • Background Fractional variable order is the case
    in fractional order is vary in time.
  • it is more complicated than constant order
    case.It can be found in many areas
  • Fractional order modeling of physical
    electrochemical system 1.
  • Description history of drag expression using
    Fractional variable order model 2.
  • The variable order interpretation of the
    analog realization of fractional orders
    integrators3 .
  • The applications of variable order
    derivatives and integrals in signal processing
  • Numerical simulations algorithm of variable
    order systems 5.
  • 1 H. Sheng, H. Sun, Y. Chen, and G. W.
    Bohannan,Physical experimental study of
    variable-order fractional integrator and
    differentiator,4th IFAC FDA10, 2010.
  • 2 L. Ramirez and C. Coimbra, On the variable
    order dynamics of the nonlinear wake caused by a
    sedimenting particle, Physica D-Nonlinear
    Phenomena, vol. 240, no. 13, pp. 11111118, 2011.
  • 3 D. Sierociuk, I. Podlubny, Experimental
    evidence of variable-order behavior of ladders
    and nested ladders, Control Systems Technology,
    IEEE Transactions on, vol. 21, no. 2, pp.
    459466, 2013.
  • 4 H. Sheng, Y. Chen, and T. Qiu, Signal
    Processing Fractional Processes and
    Fractional-Order Signal Processing. Springer,
    London, 2012.
  • 5 C.-C. Tseng and S.-L. Lee, Design of
    variable fractional order differentiator using
    infinite product expansion, ECCTD, 2011, pp.

Improved Fractional Kalman Filter for Variable
Order Systems
  • Application of FKF algorithm
  • parameters and fractional order estimation for
    fractional order systems. eg, statevariables in
    the system with ultracapacitor 1.
  • obtain a new chaotic secure communication
  • improve measurement results from MEMS sensors
  • 1A. Dzielinski and D. Sierociuk,
    Ultracapacitor modelling and control using
    discrete fractional order state-space model,
    Acta Montanistica Slovaca, vol. 13, no. 1, pp.
    136145, 2008.
  • 2A. Kiani-B, K. Fallahi, N. Pariz, and H.
    Leung, A chaotic secure communication scheme
    using fractional chaotic systems based on an
    extended fractional kalman filter,
    Communications in Nonlinear Science
  • and Numerical Simulation, vol. 14, no. 3, pp.
    863879, 2009.
  • 3M. Romanovas, L. Klingbeil, M. Traechtler, and
    Y. Manoli, Applicationof fractional sensor
    fusion algorithms for inertial mems sensing,
    Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, vol. 14, no.
    2, pp. 199209, 2009.

Improved Fractional Kalman Filter for Variable
Order Systems
  • what is Kalman filter a set of mathematical
    equations that provides an efficient
    computational (recursive) solution of the
    least-squares method.
  • It can estimate past, present, and future states
    even when the precise nature of the modeled
    system is unknown.
  • Applications areas signal processing, control,
    and communications.
  • Develop history

Integer order
Linear system
nonlinear system
nonlinear system
fractional order
Improved Fractional Kalman Filter for Variable
Order Systems
  • Extented Kalman Filter fractional (a few papers
  • The EKF has been applied extensively to the field
    of nonlinear estimation. General application
    areas may be divided into state-estimation and
    machine learning. it propagated analytically
    through the first-order linearization of the
    nonlinear system.
  • Drawbacks
  • This can introduce large errors in the true
    posterior mean and covariance of the transformed
    Gaussian random variable, which may lead to
    sub-optimal performance and sometimes divergence
    of the filter.
  • In addition, the state distribution only for
    Gaussian random variable.

Improved Fractional Kalman Filter for Variable
Order Systems
  • Extented Kalman Filter fractional (a few papers
  • Two relative papers
  • The chaotic synchronization is implemented by
    the EFKF design in the presence of channel
    additive noise and noise1
  • synchronization of chaotic systems is
    achieved by the EFKF algorithm in the presence of
    channel additive noise and processing noise.2

1.Arman Kiani-B , Kia Fallahi, Naser Pariz,
Henry Leung,A chaotic secure communication scheme
using fractional chaotic systems based on an
extended fractional Kalman filter. Communications
in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 14
(2009) 863879 2. Guanghui Sun, Mao Wang
Improved Fractional Kalman Filter for Variable
Order Systems
  • Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) is a nonlinear
    filter, first proposed by Julier and
  • Uhlmann (1997). Unlike Extended Kalman Filter
    (EKF) which is based on the linearizing the
    nonlinear function by using Taylor series
    expansions, UKF uses the
  • true nonlinear models and approximates a Gaussian
    distribution of the state random
  • variable, A central and vital operation performed
    in the Kalman filter is the propagation
  • of a Gaussian random variable (GRV) through the
    system dynamics. the state
  • distribution is represented by using a minimal
    set of carefully chosen sample points.
  • These sample points completely capture the true
    mean and covariance of the GRV, and
  • when propagated through the true nonlinear
    system, captures the posterior mean and
  • covariance accurately to the 3rd order (Taylor
    series expansion) for any nonlinearity.
  • Remarkably, the computational complexity of the
    UKF is the same order as that of the
  • EKF.

Improved Fractional Kalman Filter for Variable
Order Systems
  • UKF and EKF

UKFFractional calculus future work? A LOT OF
WORK TO be doned (constant order ukf ,variable
order ukf)
A physical approach to the connection between
fractal geometry and fractional calculus
  • Heighlight
  • the paper prove the existence of a
    connection between fractal geometries and
    fractional calculus.
  • It show the connection exists in the
    physical origins of the power laws ruling the
    evolution of most of the natural phenomena, and
    that are the characteristic feature of fractional
    differential operators.
  • the relevant example show that a power law
    comes up every time we deal with physical
    phenomena occurring on a underlying fractal
  • The order of the power law depends on the
    anomalous dimension of the geometry, and on the
    mathematical model used to describe the physics.
  • In the assumption of linear regime, by taking
    advantage of the Boltzmann superposition
    principle, a differential equation of not integer
    order is found, ruling the evolution of the
    phenomenon at hand.

A physical approach to the connection between
fractal geometry and fractional calculus
  • Heighlight
  • the paper prove the existence of a
    connection between fractal geometries and
    fractional calculus.
  • It show the connection exists in the
    physical origins of the power laws ruling the
    evolution of most of the natural phenomena, and
    that are the characteristic feature of fractional
    differential operators.
  • the relevant example show that a power law
    comes up every time we deal with physical
    phenomena occurring on a underlying fractal
  • The order of the power law depends on the
    anomalous dimension of the geometry, and on the
    mathematical model used to describe the physics.
  • In the assumption of linear regime, by taking
    advantage of the Boltzmann superposition
    principle, a differential equation of not integer
    order is found, ruling the evolution of the
    phenomenon at hand.

A physical approach to the connection between
fractal geometry and fractional calculus
Consider a fractal medium, and we study the time
evolution of the flux of a viscous fluid seeping
through it. The expression for the flux of the
fluid flowing through this medium is
Fig. 2. Examples of Sierpinski carpets
??(??) ???? is the number of ??-th order pipes,
??(??) is their surface, and ??(??, ??) is the
velocity of the out flowing fluid.
rewrite the above formula
A physical approach to the connection between
fractal geometry and fractional calculus
  • In the paper, it firstly deal with the case of
    seeping of fractal medium, if the fluid through
    the fractal medium has appearance of
    fractional operators and power law character ,
    then we can got the connection between an
    expression for in modelling phenomena evolving on
    fractal geometries .
  • For short , The time evolution of the flux
    through the medium is

A physical approach to the connection between
fractal geometry and fractional calculus
The numerical result for the time evolution of
the flux from fractal medium are shown in fig.4
in log-log scale The results are very close to
what following eq.
  • Thank you !
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