Basics of a Skillful Life Character and Mental Acumen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Basics of a Skillful Life Character and Mental Acumen


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Title: Basics of a Skillful Life Character and Mental Acumen

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Basics of a Skillful Life Character and Mental
Acumen Message 5 This morning we begin working
with the content of wisdomthe stuff of which the
skills of life are made.
Artisanship and the Lifelong Pursuit of Wisdom
  • Part I Artisanship Mastering Your Craft
  • (3 messages)
  • Part II The Skillful Life
  • (6 messages)
  • Part III The Lifelong Pursuit of Wisdom
  • (2 messages)

Artisanship and the Lifelong Pursuit of Wisdom
  • Part II The Skillful Life
  • (6 messages)
  • The Wisdom Tradition
  • Basics of a Skillful Life
  • Character and Mental Acumen
  • Money, Honesty, and Disciplined Work Habits
  • Marriage, Children, and an Ordered Home
  • Emotions, People, and Skill in Conflict
  • Authority, Respect, and Generational Authority

Do you think well? Is your
brain developed? Do you have mental acumen?
Acumensharpness of wit quickness or
penetration of perception keenness of
discrimination Originally from Latin and referred
to anything sharp, sharpness French to sharpen
I am convinced that we almost completely
misunderstand the idea of the mind and its
relationship to developing a skillful life.
Mental Acumen Today
Two new books on just this subject. Mental acumen
(sharpness) shapes our life choices and our life
development/ character.
65 Question Exercise
Pick a few of your favorite questions. Discuss
them with your spouse. Discuss them with your
children. Discuss them with a colleague at work.
Building an Answer
The individual questions are important, but a
solid basic answer will answer them all at
once. Building a Basic AnswerWisdom is skill in
living we all need it to become masters of our
work. Expanding Our AnswerMastering ones craft
must be viewed as part of ones family, which is
to be a prosperous intergenerational unit, with
wives accelerating that prosperity. Completing
Our AnswerMastering ones profession is part of
ones larger LifeWork, intended to
intergenerationally impact the purposes of God.
How can we live skillful lives in our work and
homes, our two basic spheres, without the ability
to think clearly and biblically about themmental
OT Wisdom Tradition
Proverbs 11 The proverbs of Solomon the son of
David, king of Israel The first verse
demonstrates that this is a tradition. Solomon
didnt write the whole collection. Several other
authors contributed. The body of 375 individual
proverbs (1022) are Solomons. Called OT Wisdom
Literature, Hebrew wisdom, OT wisdom.
The craftsmanship God used to create the
world. Base of a broad mindcovering vast
subjects. Base for master craftsmanshipprofession
True Wisdom
It has been given to us in the Hebrew wisdom
tradition. It is given to us in a body of
literature a corpus. As Christians we have in
our hands the true wisdom of how the world
worksthe Divine Code. And we must master it!
Pursuing Wisdom
Pursuing Wisdom Means Mastering the Wisdom
Corpus You will respect (be in awe of) the Lord
as you experience that His wisdom excels them
The Wisdom Corpus
Proverbs Skill in Life
Mental Acumen
Fear of the Lord Prov 17
Eccl. Meaning
Job Crises
Song of Solomon Marriage
What exactly is wisdom literature?
Forms of Wisdom Literature
Proverb a very short memorable statement that
expresses a general rule through a specific
example. A proverb is brief. A proverb is
concrete. A proverb is a general
truth. Proverbs have diverse applications. (Exam
ples of individual proverbs Proverbs 1012216)
Forms of Wisdom Literature
Proverb cluster anywhere from 3 to 8 line units
it contains a more complex idea than just the
individual proverbs. (Examples Proverbs
2217-2434) Collection of proverbs unifying
theme single narrator unified structure and
poetic texture (Example Proverbs 19) Wisdom
portrait painting a vivid picture with proverbs
(Examples the godly woman, Proverbs 311031
and the drunkard, Proverbs 232935)
Forms of Wisdom Literature
Reflective essay a lengthy essay reasoning to a
logical conclusion using a proverbial
style. (Example Ecclesiastes) Dramatic
narrative a lengthy drama reasoning to a
logical conclusion using a proverbial
style. (Example Job) Anthology of love lyrics
a series of poetic perocopes (snapshots). (Exampl
e Song of Solomon)
How do you interpret a proverb?
Interpreting Wisdom Literature
The distinctive characteristic of Hebrew poetry
(and other poetry of the Semitic family of the
same period) is parallel thought existing between
lines. There are four major types of Hebrew
Interpreting Wisdom Literature
Type 1 Synonymous parallelismsrepeating The
second line repeats the first line in a somewhat
altered form in order to express the lesson of
the proverb with maximum clarity.
17a he who
has a crooked mind finds no good
17b he who
is perverted in his
language falls into evil
Interpreting Wisdom Literature
Type 2 Antithetical parallelismscontrasting The
second line expresses the same idea as the first
but is contrasted with the first line in order to
bring about maximum clarity.
151a a gentle answer turns
away wrath
151b a harsh word
stirs up anger
Interpreting Wisdom Literature
Type 3 Emblematic parallelismillustrating
(cerebral cartooning) One line
illustrates the other line, sort of serving as
the drawing to the caption in our political
cartoons. One line is the illustration (example,
concrete image) of the other line, which is in
the stated wisdom principle. Like clouds and
wind without rain Is a man who boasts of his
gifts falsely. Proverbs 2514 As in water
face reflects face, So the heart of a man
reflects man. Proverbs 2719
Interpreting Wisdom Literature
Type 4 Synthetic parallelismbuilding on first
line The second line
advances the thought of the first line rather
than repeating, contrasting, or illustrating it.
Many types classifying, lesser to greater,
better than or statement followed by
consequence, application, basis, or purpose. He
who assaults his father and drives his mother
away Is a shameful and disgraceful son.
Proverbs 1926
Interpreting Wisdom Literature
So just ask four questions of each proverb Do
the two lines repeat each other? Do the two lines
contrast each other? Does one line illustrate the
other? Does line two build on line one? The
genius of this literary technique is that
parallel lines are subtly structured to produce
deeper insight with multiple reflections.
Core Life Skills 75 Categories Tool
living harmoniously in community respect for
authority and administration kinds of
generations justice
disciplined in work honest and fair
practices good use of money
One leading a skillful life
well ordered home an excellent wife discipline
of children
dealing wisely and fairly with people control
of emotions and words ...handling conflict
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
1. One leading a skillful life . . . is
developing a habit of lifelong learning as well
as consistently applying what is being learned
habits that lead to the development of character.
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
  • Overarching concepts . . .
  • We must be committed to a lifelong learning
    process, recognizing that at each stage in life,
    we need to be growing to be able to handle the
    things that come our way. 146
  • As youth, we need experience.
  • As mature, wise individuals, we need
  • specialized skills.

Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
4  for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge
and discretion to the young 5  let the wise
listen and add to their learning, and let the
discerning get guidance 6  for understanding
proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles
of the wise. Proverbs 146
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
Several key books on the mind. Building a
disciplined mind demands education with virtue.
Creating minds are minds that develop
tremendously 10-year projects.
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
Overarching concepts b. The learning process
requires hard work on our part, although we can
expect the process to become more and more
natural and enjoyable as we go along wisdoms
path. 215 418 99 146
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
1  My son, if you accept my words and store up
my commands within you, 2  turning your ear to
wisdom and applying your heart to
understanding, 3  and if you call out for
insight and cry aloud for understanding,
4  and if you look for it as for silver and
search for it as for hidden treasure, 5  then
you will understand the fear of the Lord and
find the knowledge of God. Proverbs 215
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
  The path of the righteous is like the first
gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter
till the full light of day. Proverbs
418   Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser
still teach a righteous man and he
will add to his learning. Proverbs
99   The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none,
but knowledge comes easily to the
discerning. Proverbs 146
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
  • The wise person
  • Continues to perfect his life skills (still
    works hard).
  • Adds to his body of learning.
  • Finds the development process easier and easier.
  • Possesses an intuitive aptitude (Waltke) for
    what to seek.
  • Finds his life getting brighter and brighter.

Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
Overarching concepts c. Part of the learning
process involves reproof and correction, which
are key to developing and maintaining a teachable
spirit, without which a person will not stay in
the learning process or on wisdoms path. 121
153132 1710 1920
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
    Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,
but he who hates correction is stupid.
Proverbs 121 31 He who listens to a
life-giving rebuke will be at home among the
wise. 32 He who ignores discipline despises
himself, but whoever heeds correction gains
understanding. Proverbs 153132
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
     A rebuke impresses a man of discernment
more than a hundred lashes a fool.
Proverbs 1710      Listen to advice and
accept instruction, and in the end you will be
wise. Proverbs 1920
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
Mid-course correction skills Learning from the
correction of life Accepting discipline Listening
to advice Learning from teachers Absorbing a
painful rebuke
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
Overarching concepts d. Most issues and
decisions in life are complicated, with no easy
answers, requiring careful thought and planning,
and only those who are genuinely in the learning
process will be likely to approach them with the
skill necessary to think clearly and decisively.
16 205
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
    for understanding proverbs and parables,
the sayings and riddles of the wise.
Proverbs 16 The purposes of a mans
heart are deep waters, but a man of
understanding draws them out. Proverbs 205
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
  • Overarching concepts
  • The learning process follows a logical
    developmental pattern, moving from youth to wise
    to wiser. 146
  • Youthgain common sense shrewd, world-wise
    behavior and planning and a clear head.
  • Wiseoverall skill to manage life and people.
  • Wiserability to see issues below the surface
    acquire and assimilate complex counsel solve
    tough problems.

Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
4   for giving prudence to the simple,
knowledge and discretion to the young 5   let
the wise listen and add to their learning, and
let the discerning get guidance 6   for
understanding proverbs and parables, the
sayings and riddles of the wise. Proverbs
Two Paths of Life
Wiser Proverbs 22172434 Proverbs
2512927 Proverbs 3013131
Wise Proverbs 1012217
Youth Proverbs 19
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
  • Overarching concepts
  • We will only continue to progress from naive to
    wise to wiser as we put into practice what we
    learn, as can be seen by those negative
    caricatures who are visualized for us (i.e. the
    sluggard), who think themselves to be wise, yet
    are actually on the wrong path. 4127 146

Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
Proverbs 41015 10   Listen, my son, accept
what I say, and the years of your life will be
many. 11   I guide you in the way of wisdom
and lead you along straight paths. 12   When
you walk, your steps will not be hampered when
you run, you will not stumble. 13   Hold on to
instruction, do not let it go guard it well,
for it is your life. 14   Do not set foot on the
path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil
men. 15   Avoid it, do not travel on it turn
from it and go on your way.
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
Proverbs 41819 18  The path of the righteous
is like the first gleam of dawn,
shining ever brighter till the full light of day.
19  But the way of the wicked is like deep
darkness they do not know what makes
them stumble.
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
Proverbs 42027 20     My son, pay attention to
what I say listen closely to my words.
21     Do not let them out of your sight, keep
them within your heart 22     for they are life
to those who find them and health to a mans
whole body. 23     Above all else, guard your
heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
24     Put away perversity from your mouth
keep corrupt talk far from your lips.
25     Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix
your gaze directly before you. 26     Make level
paths for your feet and take only ways that are
firm. 27     Do not swerve to the right or the
left keep your foot from evil.
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
    The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none, but
knowledge comes easily to the discerning.
Proverbs 146    The sluggard is wiser in
his own eyes than seven men who answer
discreetly. Proverbs 266
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
Overarching concepts g. The proverbs are
designed to produce this developmental
progression therefore, we ought to cycle through
a major study of them at least three times in our
lifetime. 215 221721
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
Proverbs 215 1   My son, if you accept my
words and store up my commands within you,
2   turning your ear to wisdom and applying
your heart to understanding, 3   and if you call
out for insight and cry aloud for
understanding, 4   and if you look for it as for
silver and search for it as for hidden
treasure, 5   then you will understand the fear
of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
Proverbs 221721 17   Pay attention and listen
to the sayings of the wise apply your heart to
what I teach, 18   for it is pleasing when you
keep them in your heart and have all of them
ready on your lips. 19   So that your trust may
be in the Lord, I teach you today, even you.
20   Have I not written thirty sayings for you,
sayings of counsel and knowledge,
21   teaching you true and reliable words, so
that you can give sound answers to him who sent
Core Life Skills 75 Categories Tool
living harmoniously in community respect for
authority and administration kinds of
generations justice
disciplined in work honest and fair
practices good use of money
One leading a skillful life
well ordered home an excellent wife discipline
of children
dealing wisely and fairly with people control
of emotions and words ...handling conflict
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
43 Subcategories
Importance of Character Character Traits
(16) Character Types (10) Plans/Decision-making
Role of Discipline and Reproof Mental Acumen (12)
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
43 Subcategories
Character Traits (16) Ambitious, confident,
dependable, diligent, disciplined, fair,
generous, gentle, honest, humble, patient, pure,
self-controlled, teachable, merciful,
pleasant Character Types (10) Naïve, fool (1),
fool (2), scoffer, proud, sluggard, seductress,
angry man, flatterer/gossip/schemer, wicked
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
43 Subcategories
Mental Acumen (12) Wisdom, instruction, wise
behavior, righteousness, justice, equity,
understanding, prudence, knowledge, discretion,
learning, wise counsel
Core Life Skills A
Lifelong Habit of Learning, Character Development
Evaluation Guide
___ Am I truly committed to a lifelong process of
learning and development? Do I understand that
process? ___ And I finding that my development is
maturing and moving at a faster pace the older I
get? ___ Do I learn quickly from mistakes? ___ Do
I have a teachable spirit about me? ___ Am I able
to process the complex issues and problems of
life clearly and decisively? ___ Am I walking
consistent with what I know at this stage of my
Cycling Through Wisdom 3 Times
Youth (Naïve)
Proverbs 1012216 Song of Solomon
Proverbs 22172434 Proverbs 2512927 Proverbs
30133 Ecclesiastes Job
Proverbs 19
Life Cycle Guides
Parts of Life Cycle Guide Explain the
Proverb Surface Life Issues and
Questions Issue___________________ Questions
2. 3. Identify Life Situations Build
Personal Development Projects
Artisanship and the Lifelong Pursuit of Wisdom
  • Part II The Skillful Life
  • (6 messages)
  • The Wisdom Tradition
  • Basics of a Skillful Life
  • Character and Mental Acumen
  • Money, Honesty, and Disciplined Work Habits
  • Marriage, Children, and an Ordered Home
  • Emotions, People, and Skill in Conflict
  • Authority, Respect, and Generational Authority
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