Title: Lec 13 Oct 20
1- Lec 13
Oct 20 - cell arrays (Chapter 4)
- structures (Chapter 4)
- generating subsets
- generating permutations (HW 4 problem)
2- Cell arrays
- suppose we want to represent a collection of
sets such as - 1, 2, 4, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
- Each set can be represented by vector
- 1, 2, 4, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
- gtgt A 1, 2, 4, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
- A becomes 1, 2, 4, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
3Cell arrays
4Cell array examples
5Cell operations
6More about cell arrays and struct arrays
- Cell Arrays
- Creating Cell Arrays
- Accessing Cell Arrays
- Using Cell Arrays
- Processing Cell Arrays
- MATLAB Structures
- Constructing and Accessing One Structure
- Constructor Functions
- Structure Arrays
- Constructing Structure Arrays
- Accessing Structure Elements
- Manipulating Structures
7Concept Collecting Dissimilar Objects
- Heterogeneous collections permit objects of
different data types to be grouped in a
collection. - They allow data abstraction to apply to a much
broader range of content. - However, the fact that the contents of these
collections may be of any data type severely
restricts the operations that can be performed on
the collections as a whole. - Whereas a significant number of arithmetic and
logical operations can be performed on whole
number arrays, algorithms that process
heterogeneous collections must deal with the data
contents one item at a time.
8Cell Arrays
- Cell arrays, as the name suggests, have the
general form of arrays and can be indexed
numerically as arrays. - However, each element of a cell array should be
considered as a container in which one data
object of any class can be stored. - They can be treated as arrays of containers for
the purpose of concatenation and slicing. - However, if you wish to access or modify the
contents of the containers, the cells must be
accessed individually.
9Creating Cell Arrays
- By assigning values individually to a variable
indexed with braces - gtgt A1 42
- A 42
- By assigning containers individually to a
variable indexed with brackets - gtgt B1 4 6
- B 1x2 double
- By concatenating cell contents using braces . .
. - gtgt C 3, 1,2,3, 'abcde'
- C 3 1x3 double 'abcde'
- By concatenating cell containers
- gtgt D A B C 'xyz'
- D 42 1x2 double 3 1x3 double 'abcde'
10Accessing Cell Arrays
- Continuing the previous examples, we have the
following - gtgt E D(2) parentheses - a container
- E 4 6
- However, braces are used to access the contents
of the containers as follows - gtgt D2 braces - the contents
- ans 4 6
- If the right-hand side of an assignment statement
results in multiple cell arrays, the assignment
must be to the same number of variables. -
11Using Cell Arrays
- Containing lists of possible values for
switch/case statements - Substituting for parameter lists in function
calls - For example, suppose you have a function
largest(a, b, c) that consumes three variables
and produces the largest of the three values
provided. It can be used in the following styles - A 4
- B 6
- C 5
- N largest(A, B, C)
- params 4, 6, 5
- N largest(params13)
12Processing Cell Arrays
- Checking the class of the element can be achieved
in one of two ways - The function class(item) returns a string
specifying the item type that can be used in a
switch statement - Individual test functions can be used in an if...
elseif construct - examples of the individual test functions are
isa(item, 'class'), - iscell(...), ischar(...), islogical(...),
isnumeric(...), and - isstruct(...)
13MATLAB Structures
- Structures allow items in the collection to be
indexed by field name. - The data contained in a structure is referenced
by field name, e.g., item1. - The rules for making a field name are the same as
those for a variable. - Fields of a structure, like the elements of a
cell array, are heterogeneousthey can contain
any MATLAB object.
14Constructing and Accessing One Structure
- To set the value of items in a structure A, the
syntax is as follows - gtgt A.item1 'abcde'
- A
- item1 'abcde'
- gtgt A.item2 42
- A
- item1 'abcde'
- item2 42
- Fields in a structure are accessed in the same
wayby using the dotted notation. - gtgt A.item2 A.item2 ./ 2
- A
- item1 'abcde'
- item2 21
15Manipulating Field Names
- To determine the names of the fields in a
structure, the built-in function fieldnames(...)
returns a cell array containing the field names
as strings. - gtgt names fieldnames(A)
- names
- 'item1'
- 'item2
- Fields can also be accessed indirectly by
setting a variable to the name of the field, and
then using parentheses to indicate that the
variable contents should be used as the field
name - gtgt fn names1
- gtgt A.(fn) A.(fn) 'fg'
- A
- item1 'abcdefg'
- item2 21
16More about Field Names
- You can remove a field from a structure using the
built-in function rmfield(...). - Be careful. rmfield(...) returns a new structure
with the requested field removed. It does not
remove that field from your original structure. - If you want the field removed from the original,
you must assign the result from rmfield(...) to
replace the original structure - gtgt A rmfield(A, 'item1')
- A
- item2 21
17Why Constructor Functions?
- Use constructor functions, as opposed to
manually entering data into structures, for the
following reasons - Manual entry can result in strange behavior due
to typographical errors or having fields in the
wrong order - The resulting code is generally more compact and
easier to understand - When constructing collections of structures, it
enforces consistency across the collections
18Built-in Constructor Function struct()
- gtgt struct('first','Fred', ...
- 'last','Jones', ...
- 'phone','(123) 555-1212', ...
- 'birth', struct( 'day', 31, ...
- 'month', 'February', ...
- 'year', 1965 ))
- ans
- first 'Fred'
- last 'Jones'
- phone '(123) 555-1212'
- birth 1x1 struct
19Custom Constructor Functions
- A typical custom constructor function
- function ans makeCD(gn, ar, ti, yr, st, pr)
- integrate CD data into a structure
- ans.genre gn
- ans.artist ar
- ans.title ti
- ans.year yr
- ans.stars st
- ans.price pr
- Usage
- gtgt CD makeCD('Blues', 'Charles, Ray,
- 'Genius Loves Company', 2004, 4.5, 15.35 )
- CD
- genre 'Blues'
- artist 'Charles, Ray'
- title 'Genius Loves Company'
- year 2004
20Building Structure Arrays Manually
- gtgt entry(1).first 'Fred'
- gtgt entry(1).last 'Jones'
- gtgt entry(1).age 37
- gtgt entry(1).phone ' (123) 555-1212'
- gtgt entry(2).first 'Sally
- gtgt entry(2).last 'Smith
- gtgt entry(2).age 29
- gtgt entry(2).phone '(000) 555-1212'
- entry
- 1x2 structure array with fields
- first
- last
- age
- phone
21Building Structure Arrays with struct()
- genres 'Blues', 'Classical', 'Country'
- artists 'Clapton, Eric', 'Bocelli, Andrea',
- 'Twain, Shania'
- years 2004, 2004, 2004
- stars 2, 4.6, 3.9
- prices 18.95, 14.89, 13.49
- cds struct( genre, genres,
- 'artist', artists,
- 'year', years,
- 'stars', stars,
- 'price', prices)
22Building Structure Arrays with makeCD()
- cds(1) makeCD('Blues', 'Clapton, Eric', ...
- 'Sessions For Robert J', 2004, 2, 18.95 )
- cds(2) makeCD('Classical', ...
- 'Bocelli, Andrea', 'Andrea', 2004, 4.6,
14.89 ) - cds(3) makeCD( 'Country', 'Twain, Shania', ...
- 'Greatest Hits', 2004, 3.9, 13.49 )
- cds(4) makeCD( 'Latin', 'Trevi, Gloria', ...
- 'Como Nace El Universo', 2004, 5, 12.15 )
- cds(5) makeCD( 'Rock/Pop', 'Ludacris', ...
- 'The Red Light District', 2004, 4, 13.49 )
- cds(6) makeCD( 'R B', '2Pac', ...
- 'Loyal To The Game', 2004, 3.9, 13.49 )
- cds(7) makeCD( 'Rap', 'Eminem', ...
- 'Encore', 2004, 3.5, 15.75 )
- cds(8) makeCD( 'Heavy Metal', 'Rammstein', ...
- 'Reise, Reise', 2004, 4.2, 12.65 )
23Project Generating all subsets of a given
set Given a set, like 1, 3, 4, the subsets
are 1 3 4 1
3 1 4 3 4 1 3 4 We want to write a
program to generate all the subsets of a given
24Idea behind algorithm recursion This is a
problem for which non-recursive solutions are
significantly harder than recursive
solutions. Idea input array is a of length
n. Recursively find all subsets of a(2n) Then
add a(1) to each of the subsets. Combine the two
25(No Transcript)
26- Since we need to represent a collection of sets,
we have two choices - use of cell arrays
- use of two-dimensional arrays
- The latter is not suitable for this problem since
the sizes of the subsets are not the same - We use recursion to generate the solution.
- We need a function insert that inserts a given
number into all the sets of a given collection.
27Example showing how insert works
28Code for insert
function out insert(i, lst) inserts i into
each membet of lst for j 1length(lst)
outj i, lstj end
29Code for subsets function L subsets(lst)
generates all subsets of lst if length(lst) 0
L elseif length(lst) 1 L
lst(1), else L1 subsets(lst(2end))
L2 insert(lst(1), L1) L L1,
L2 end
30Printing the contents of a cell array function
setprint(cellset) prints every member of the
cell in one line assume cellset is a collection
of sets of integers for k1length(cellset)
aprint(cellsetk) fprintf('\n') end functio
n aprint(r) for j 1length(r) fprintf('d',
r(j)) fprintf(' ') end fprintf('\n')
31Generating all permutations of a given
set Example set 1 3 4 Permutations 1 3
4 1 4 3 3 1 4 3 4 1 4 1 3 4 3 1