Time - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Time



- draft by late June to Board - operating with
new SP in August - there is never enough time -
time will... focus us, pull us, frustrate us,
compel us

- draft by late June to Board - operating with
new SP in August - there is never enough time -
time will... focus us, pull us, frustrate us,
compel us

- draft by late June to Board - operating with
new SP in August - there is never enough time -
time will... focus us, pull us, frustrate us,
compel us
  • draft by late June to Board
  • operating with new SP in August
  • there is never enough time
  • time will...
  • focus us, pull us,
  • frustrate us, compel us

Larger Conversations SAIS inputs
Groundwork / Frame
March 2 Leadership retreat 2 March 14 Board
Need to solidify dates w/ faculty parents alumni c
Plan Development
Deliver Solid Draft
SP Refinement Board Task Force Writing Plan and
developing some of Operating Plan
Board/ Leadership Team Retreat
Larger Conversations SAIS inputs
Groundwork / Frame
March 2 Leadership retreat 2 March 14 Board
Need to solidify dates w/ faculty parents alumni c
ommunity SAIS committee
Plan Development
Deliver Solid Draft
SP Refinement Board Task Force Writing Plan and
developing some of Operating Plan
Board/ Leadership Team Retreat
Larger Conversations SAIS inputs
Groundwork / Frame
March 2 Leadership retreat 2 March 14 Board
Need to solidify dates w/ faculty parents alumni c
ommunity SAIS committee
Plan Development
Deliver Solid Draft
SP Refinement Board Task Force Writing Plan and
developing some of Operating Plan
Board/ Leadership Team Retreat
Larger Conversations SAIS inputs
Groundwork / Frame
March 2 Leadership retreat 2 March 14 Board
Need to solidify dates w/ faculty parents alumni c
ommunity SAIS committtee
Plan Development
Deliver Solid Draft
SP Refinement Board Task Force Writing Plan and
developing some of Operating Plan
Board/ Leadership Team Retreat
Nail down dates by March 14 Board workshop
Structure March 14 Board workshop (Perhaps
similar to todays meeting?)
"...Louise Futrell, the school's founder, created
a program of active learning, individualized
instruction, and attention to the whole child. To
her staff, Miss Futrell often said, 'until a
child has learned, you have not
from onward and Upward
a tradition of innovation, growth, active
learning, intention and attention
our history, tradition, DNA our branding
work parent survey/feedback board
workshop assets and obstacles too big to
ignore self study thinking about our areas
parts to whole abundance to focus fog to
clarity tactical to strategic
Mission Summit School provides a challenging
curriculum within a caring environment to help
students develop their full potential.
Vision Summit's vision is for students to develop
curious and creative minds, healthy bodies,
ethical values, and a commitment to service for
parents to be completely confident in the
creative, intellectual, and social education of
their children and for educators to lead their
field in preparing students to succeed in a
rapidly changing world. At Summit, we educate
leaders and innovators who will shape the future.
Our Six Promises At Summit, our goal for
students and for ourselves is to think
creatively, reason systematically and work
collaboratively. And to that end, we make these
promises Scholarship at Its Best A Fertile
Learning Environment A Sturdy Confidence
Intellectual Independence State of the Art
Facilities Educators Who Engage the Whole Child
Our Challenge What does a leading edge,
independent school education look like in 2020?
What is necessary and what is best for
children? How do we plan for and lead in a
world that we cannot predict with certainty?
  How do we keep our competitive edge as a
learning community? How do we best leverage
technology for learning and for connecting our
community? How do we communicate widely our
The New Normal The world has changed and our
strategic challenge is to identify and outline
the ways that Summit School must change, grow,
and adapt in response.  We must consider the
following elements of the New Normal as we look
ahead at Summit School (to list a few) -
Challenging economics, more value-oriented
consumers, choosing carefully - Unpredictability
and uncertainty are the norm for economy, pace of
change - Technologically saturated culture,
moving faster than we can absorb, Web 2.0, Flat
World - Collaboration, anywhere, anytime
connectivity - Geographic boundaries are less
confining because of technology, new partnerships
beyond         local are possible - Social
media is too big to ignore, affects how we
communicate and learn - Age of customization,
personalization, (desired, demanded, expected) -
Time-bankrupt - Educational landscape and
educational outcomes in flux - Parents
understanding of education grounded in their own
experience from childhood (20c). In general,
parents know little about education, and what
they know is outdated. Plus, they are really
busy, and it is hard to compete for their
How have teaching and learning changed? -
student centered vs teacher directed - technology
and role of new tools - digital citizenship -
global citizenship and diversity and inclusion -
content focus in age of information saturation
and overload vs skills and process focus a
read-write culture vs read-only
sustainability relevance communication excellen
ce innovation inspiring learning
our strategic response
Inspiring Learning
teaching and learning the center of what we do
Inspiring Learning
teaching and learning the center of what we do
experts in teaching and learning who we are
Inspiring Learning
teaching and learning the center of what we do
experts in teaching and learning who we are
Early Childhood
Physical Education
9th Grade
Animation Studios
Inspiring Learning
Learning Support
Lower School
Character and Values
After School and Summer
How do we establish, communicate, and maintain
our expertise, our competitive edge?
Early Childhood
Physical Education
9th Grade
Animation Studios
Inspiring Learning
Learning Support
Lower School
Character and Values
After School and Summer
excellence and innovation in teaching and
Inspiring Learning
Excellence and Innovation
excellence and innovation in teaching and
we continuously learn in order to be excellent
and expert
Inspiring Learning
Excellence and Innovation)
excellence and innovation in teaching and
we continuously learn in order to be excellent
and expert
we continuously learn in order to sustain
inspiring learning
inspiring learning
(excellence and innovation)
non-academic roles and territories
Inspiring Learning
Excellence and Innovation
academic roles and territories
Leading and Learning
Communications and Community Connections
Advancement and Partnerships
Inspiring Learning
Excellence and Innovation
Enrollment Management
Institutional Sustainability
Together we are all about inspiring learning
Leading and Learning
Communications and Community Connections
Advancement and Partnerships
Inspiring Learning
Excellence and Innovation
Enrollment Management
Institutional Sustainability
excellence and innovation in teaching and
What is it to us? What creates it? Who creates
it? How do they create it? How to they sustain
it? How do we make it a standard of excellence
that is shared and not individually interpreted
for each classroom, each teacher? What do we
Inspiring Learning
Excellence and Innovation
excellence and innovation in teaching and
continuous and rigorous professional learning
defined standards and expectations for the Summit
process for learning goals and growth
feedback and performance review
trial and error, reflection from our classroom
Inspiring Learning
dedicated resources
(excellence and innovation)
time and structure
leadership, challenge, support
professional collaboration and conversations
deep knowledge in child development, curriculum
design, teaching and learning
clear sense of purpose, mastery, autonomy
excellence and innovation in teaching and
continuous and rigorous professional learning
defined standards and expectations for the Summit
process for learning goals and growth
feedback and performance review
trial and error, reflection from our classroom
Inspiring Learning
dedicated resources
(excellence and innovation)
time and structure
leadership, challenge, support
professional collaboration and conversations
deep knowledge in child development, curriculum
design, teaching and learning
clear sense of purpose, mastery, autonomy
Strategic Priorities
What is the future reality we are trying to
create through our choices, decision, actions,
and efforts?
Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and
Learning Engaging in inspiring learning enables
us to continually create inspiring learning
Vision Summits faculty and staff are
unparalleled in their ability and commitment to
being leaders and innovators in education. In
order to provide inspiring learning for our
students, the professionals at Summit School
engage in innovative, rigorous, collaborative,
and structured professional learning that focuses
on child/adolescent development, curriculum
design, and the research, science and best
practices of teaching and learning.  Our
professional learning is defined and structured
around a dynamic, fast-paced, technology-enriched,
interconnected, global society. Our commitment
to excellence and innovation in teaching and
learning defines Summit School. Student success
and the excellence of our graduates in learning
and in life depend on our thinking creatively,
reasoning systematically, and working
collaboratively to engage in and create inspiring
Rationale for our actions  Creating and
delivering inspiring learning at Summit for
students, parents, and community is dependent
upon our own mindsets, habits, and engagement in
continuous, well-defined, strategic learning in
our fields.
What must exist, what must be true if we are to
create our future reality? (This has nothing to
do with what we are doing or where we are now.)
Strategic Goals
- Professional learning is a vital part of our
culture and professional practice - The Summit
Teacher is an expert - The Summit Teacher is a
leader, innovator, collaborator in her field -
Classroom environments and practices reflect what
we are learning - Learning expectations are
well-defined, realistic, supported, measured,
and rewarded - Professional Learning supports the
strategic initiatives of each division and the
school - Our learning and expertise allow us to
better meet the diverse learning styles and
needs of students
Strategic Goals with Action Steps
Professional learning is part of our culture and
professional practice create a place and
structure for learning Center for Excellence and
Innovation in Teaching and Learning The Summit
Teacher is an expert develop standards for
learning in child development, curriculum design
and teaching and learning science, research,
and practice The Summit Teacher is a leader,
innovator, collaborator in her field create
opportunities to collaborate with educational
experts in our area Classroom environments and
practices reflect what we are learning Learning
expectations are well-defined, realistic,
supported, and measured,
rewarded Professional Learning supports the
strategic initiatives of each division and the
school Our learning and expertise allow us to
better meet the diverse learning styles and
needs of students - bundle and design learning
support for both ends in Center for Learning
What is the difference between a strategic plan
and an implementation plan?
Leading and Learning  Leading the leaders -- our
learning and our work --  so we can best create
inspiring learning Vision Summit School is full
of passionate leaders and innovators on the
leading edge of progressive education in the 21st
century. As the responsible adults who design and
lead learning at Summit, we hold ourselves
accountable for creating the best, most relevant
and sustainable learning environment and
community possible for the children, families,
and community we serve.
Communications and Community Connections
Communicating inspiring learning far, wide,
through variety of communication tools, media,
means Vision  Summit School is known and
respected for its innovative educational
leadership and practice. Summit is known as the
best source for 21st Century Learning.  The
Summit School Experience is considered of great
value among all area options. Our community of
faculty, staff, and families has deep roots in
and is well connected to the wider community and
is excited and eager to talk about Summit School
and what makes a Summit education unique. Summit
School is an active and visible participant and
contributor to education conversations across the
region and throughout the nation.
Advancement and Partnerships  Showcasing
teaching and learning at Summit School, we
educate the community about, connect alumni and
past families with, and attract investment
partners in inspiring learning Vision  Summit
School is the hub of PK - 9 educational
innovation in practice in the area. Knowledge of,
interest in, and respect for our work, our
leadership, and our intellectual capital are
pervasive throughout the community. Our serious
approach to student-centered, progressive
education attracts investment partners who want
to leave a legacy in the lives of our students
and in the future of the wider community.
Enrollment Management  Managing enrollment
innovatively and effectively we bring students
and their families to inspiring learning Future
reality we are trying to create Summit School is
overrun with inquiries and requests for tours,
information, spots. The inquiry-to-first day of
school process at Summit excels because it is
personable, transparent, efficient, and highly
effective. Current families feel connected to the
community (heard), delight in Summits value, and
are eager to recommend Summit to everyone they
know. Enrollment management at Summit engages in
best practices that are well informed by data.
Institutional Sustainability Managing, leading,
and allocating resources for inspiring learning.
Vision  Summit enjoys a position of financial
health because its philanthropic support, careful
management of resources, conservative investing
and spending policies, and a commitment to
enhancing and maintaining its physical plant.
Trustees, administrators, faculty and staff share
the responsibility for managing financial
resources and representing Summit School in a way
that attracts new students and families, new
community partnership, and financial investment
in our future.
Technology (two strands  academic and
administrative)  Using technology to connect,
teach, and learn we are inspiring learning among
students, teachers, families and our
community. Future reality we are trying to
create Summit School uses technology in
efficient, effective, innovative and exciting
ways to inspire learning, connect our community,
and conduct the essential business of our school.
All areas of the school community are at ease
with using and learning new technologies. Our
students are fluent and adept at using technology
to research, connect, communicate, collaborate,
create, problem-solve, and lead. Communication is
enhanced with colleagues, students, families,
alumni, board, and our community through a
variety of media. We have a sound system and
budgeting process in place to manage, maintain,
and update equipment and systems regularly.
What must exist, what must be true if we are to
create our future reality? (This has nothing to
do with what we are doing or where we are now.)
Nail down dates by March 14 Board meeting
Structure March 14 Board meeting (perhaps
similar todays meeting?) Practice strategic
thinking from future vision we are trying to
create in all function area challenge and
support By March 14, be ready to present
area vision statements strategic goals (5 to
6) action steps where you can
Rule of 3 consideration
Leading and Learning
Leadership and Partnerships
Communications and Community Connections
Advancement and Partnerships
Inspiring Learning
Institutional Sustainability
excellence and innovation
Enrollment Management
Finance and Operations
Leadership and Partnerships
Leading and Learning
Communications and Community Connections
Advancement and Partnerships
Inspiring Learning
excellence and innovation
Enrollment Management
Finance and Operations
Institutional Sustainability
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