? a???? t?? ?? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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? a???? t?? ??


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ? a???? t?? ??

? a???? t?? ??µ?????e??a se ?ata?a??t?? ?a?
  • ?a???s?as? ??e??a?
  • ?. ??f?s?a? 3, ?a???s? t??. 211-120 2900 fax.
    211-120 2929 e-mail info_at_marc.gr website

????????? ??S ??????S
?? ??e??e? p?a?µat?p??????a? ap? t?? marc A.E.
G?a ???a??asµ? t?? ?µ?sp??d?a? ??t?p???? ????d??.
(???) ??G?T?S ???G????S 810 ?ata?a??t?? ?a?
207 a?t?p???? a?t?p??s?pe?t???? ep?????? ???????
???S???? 04-08 ?p?????? 2011 ???????
?????GOG?S ?e?a??p?d?? ?tt???? ??T???S
???G?????????S ????stad?a?? t??a?a de??µat?????a
µe ???s? quota. ??T???S S????G?S S??????O?
???ef?????? s??e?te??e?? ß?se? ??e?t???????
e??t?µat???????. ? marc A.E. ???a? µ???? t??
S????, t?? ESOMAR, t?? WAPOR ?a? t??e? t??
?a????sµ? t?? ?.?.S.S. ?a? t??? d?e??e?? ??d??e?
de??t?????a? ??a t?? d?e?a???? ?a?
d?µ?s??p???s? e?e???? ?????? ???µ??. ????µ??
??t???? ?.S.?. 1 (???).
?p?te??sµata ??e??a?
  • ??e??a st??? ?ata?a??t??

??s? s???? a?????ete ??µ?
????????? ??µ? ???e µ??a- ?e ß?s? t?? pe????? -
???a e??a? ? ?µe??s?a ?ata????s? ??µ??? st?
?????????? sa?
?.?. ?µe??s?a? ?ata????s?? 620 ??.
Se s??s? µe 1-2 ?????a p???, ? ?ata????s? ??µ???
st? ?????????? sa? e??a? pe??p?? sta ?d?a
????????? ????te?? ??µ? se s??s? µe 1-2 ?????a
p???- ?e ß?s? t? f??? ?a? t?? ?????a-
G?a p???? ???? a?????ete ????te?? ??µ?-??s?
?s?? a???????? ????te?? ??µ? se s??s? µe 1-2
?????a p???-
?p? p?? a?????ete ?????? t? ??µ? sa?
G?a p????? ?????? ?????? p??t?µ?te t? ?at?st?µa
p?? a?????ete ??µ? (µ???? 3 ep??????)
G?a p????? ?????? ?????? p??t?µ?te t? ?at?st?µa
p?? a?????ete ??µ? (µ???? 3 ep??????)-?e ß?s?
t? s?µe?? a?????-
S?S????S? S?????? ?G???S ?? S???????? ?G???S
S????? ?G???S S????? ?G???S
?p? t?? f????? t?? ?e?t????? ?p? t? s??pe? µ???et
????????? ??µ? ???e µ??a 46,9 20,4
????????? ??µ? µ??a pa?? µ??a 25,3 24,5
????????? ??µ? µ?a µe d?? f???? t?? eßd?µ?da 22,9 44,9
????????? ??µ? sp???a 4,9 10,2
??s? ??a??p???µ???? e?ste ap? t? f????? p??
a?????ete ??µ? ?s?? af??? t?? p???t?ta t??
??µ???-??s? ?s?? a???????? ?????? ??µ? ap? t?
f????? t?? ?e?t?????-
???? ???et? 91,4
???? ?a????? 8,4
??s? ??a??p???µ???? e?ste ap? t? f????? p??
a?????ete ??µ? ?s?? af??? t?? p??????a t??
??µ??? p?? p??sf??e?-??s? ?s?? a???????? ??????
??µ? ap? t? f????? t?? ?e?t?????-
???? ???et? 89,1
???? ?a????? 7,9
??s? ??a??p???µ???? e?ste ap? t? f????? p??
a?????ete ??µ? ?s?? af??? t?? t?µ?? p??
d?a??te? t? ??µ?-??s? ?s?? a???????? ??????
??µ? ap? t? f????? t?? ?e?t?????-
???? ???et? 76,2
???? ?a????? 22,1
??s? ??a??p???µ???? e?ste ap? t? f????? p??
a?????ete ??µ? ?s?? af??? t?? e??p???t?s? /
f?????t?ta t?? ?pa??????-??s? ?s?? a????????
?????? ??µ? ap? t? f????? t?? ?e?t?????-
???? ???et? 97,6
???? ?a????? 1,8
??s? ??a??p???µ???? e?ste ap? t? f????? p??
a?????ete ??µ? ?s?? af??? t? ??????
?e?t?????a?-??s? ?s?? a???????? ?????? ??µ? ap?
t? f????? t?? ?e?t?????-
???? ???et? 94,1
???? ?a????? 2,2
??s? ??a??p???µ???? e?ste ap? t? f????? p??
a?????ete ??µ? ?s?? af??? t?? ?a?a???t?ta /
t???s? ?a????? ???e????-??s? ?s?? a????????
?????? ??µ? ap? t? f????? t?? ?e?t?????-
???? ???et? 94,8
???? ?a????? 3,9
S?G?????O???? G??F?????s? ??a??p???µ???? e?ste
ap? t? f????? p?? a?????ete ??µ? ?s??
af???-??s? ?s?? a???????? ?????? ??µ? ap? t?
f????? t?? ?e?t?????-
??? µp??e?te ?a ß?e?te ?a??te?? p???t?ta ??µ???
St??? f??????? t?? ?e?t????? sa? ? sta Super
Market (d?? p???? eµp?ste?este pe??ss?te?? st??
p???t?ta t?? ??µ???)
S????? ?G???S S????? ?G???S
?p? t?? f????? t?? ?e?t????? ?p? t? s??pe? µ???et
??? f????? t?? ?e?t????? 92,4 49
?a Super Market 1 34,7
?G?? 6,6 16,3
G?????ete a? t? ??µ? p?? ???eta? Super Market
e??a? f??s?? ? ?ate???µ??? / p????µ???
S????? ?G???S S????? ?G???S
?p? t?? f????? t?? ?e?t????? ?p? t? s??pe? µ???et
F??s?? 9,6 38,8
?ate???µ??? / p????µ??? 44,1 34,7
?e? t? ??????? 46,3 26,5
Ta a?????ate ??µ? p?? ???eta? se s??pe? µ???et
e?? ??????ete ?t? e??a? ?ate???µ??? ? p????µ???
S????? ?G???S S????? ?G???S
?p? t?? f????? t?? ?e?t????? ?p? t? s??pe? µ???et
?a? 17,1 34,7
??? 79,1 61,2
?G / ?? 3,8 4,1
??ete p??s??e? a? ? t?µ? t?? ??µ??? sta Super
Market e??a? ft???te??, a???ß?te??, ? de? ??e?
d?af??? µe t?? f????? t?? ?e?t????? sa?
S????? ?G???S S????? ?G???S
?p? t?? f????? t?? ?e?t????? ?p? t? s??pe? µ???et
????ß?te?? 10,5 12,2
F????te?? 25,6 24,5
?e? ??e? d?af??? 7,8 16,3
?e? ??????? / ?e? ??? p??s??e? 56,2 46,9
??ste?ete ?t? ? t?µ? t?? ??µ??? e??a? a???ß?te??
st?? ????da ? st?? ???e? e???pa???? ???e?
?p?te??sµata ??e??a?
  • ??e??a st??? a?t?p?????

Se s??s? µe p???s? t?? ?d?a pe???d?, ? t????? t??
ep??e???s?? sa?
Se p??a ap? ta e?d? p?? ?a sa? a?af??? e??ate
s?et??? pe??ss?te?? µe??s? t?????(p???ap???
?? ep?µe?? d??st?µa, (µ???? t? t???? t?? 2011)
???e? ap? t?? a???se?? p?? ?a sa? a?af???
ep???asa? pe??ss?te?? t? ??st?? t?? ??µ???
(µ???? 2 ep??????)
? ??O?? ?????G? ???a ap? t?? a???se?? p?? ?a sa?
a?af??? ep???ase pe??ss?te?? t? ??st?? t??
?e ß?s? t?? eµpe???a sa?, p?ste?ete ?t? ??
?ata?a??t?? ????????? a? t? ??µ? p?? ???eta? sta
SM e??a? f??s?? ? ?ate???µ??? / p????µ???
? ?µ?sp??d?a ??t?p???? ????d?? p??µ??e?e? ta
a?t?p??e?a µe t? s?µa t?? ???d?? p?? ???fe? t?
µ???µa ed? ??µ??eta?, ed? ???eta?. ??
??????ate ? ???
????ete ?et??? a?t?? t?? p??t?ß????a t??
?µ?sp??d?a? t?? ???d?? sa?
?se?? ??ete p??µ??e?te? t? s?µa t?? ???d?? ed?
??µ??eta?, ed? ???eta?
Ta ???ate ?a t? p??µ??e?te?te??s? ?s?? de?
????? p??µ??e?te? t? s?µa t?? ???d?? ed?
??µ??eta?, ed? ???eta?
?as??? S?µpe??sµata
?. S?µpe??sµata t?? ??e??a? st??? ?ata?a??t??
?? ??µ? ap?te?e? d?at??f??? e?d?? p??t?? a??????
?a? ?a??µe????? ?ata????s?? ??a t?? s??t??pt???
p?e????f?a t?? e???????? ???????????. ?? 45 t??
??????????? a?????e? ??µ? ?a??µe????, ?a? t? 25
a?????e? µ??a pa?? µ??a. ?? ??a st? t?sse?a
?????????? d???se ?t? a?????e? ??µ? µ?a µe d??
f???? t?? eßd?µ?da, e?? spa???te?a a?????e? ??µ?
t? 5,5 t?? ???????????.   St? ?e?a??p?d?? t??
?tt????, ? s?et??? ?????te?? ?µe??s?a ?ata????s?
?ata???feta? st?? ??t??? ?a? ??at????? ?tt???,
sta ??t??? p???st?a, ?a? st?? pe?????? t??
?e??a??, e?? ?µe??s?a ?ata????s? ??t? t?? µ?s??
???? ?ata???feta? sta ??t??a?at????? p???st?a,
t?? d?µ? ????a??? ?a? ta ???e?a p???st?a.
?. S?µpe??sµata t?? ??e??a? st??? ?ata?a??t??
?a 8 sta 10 ?????????? d???sa? ?t? ?ata?a??????
µ?s? ???? ??µ? t?? ?µ??a, t? 16.3 ??a ????, t?
3,2 e??µ?s? ???? ?a? t? 0,7 d?? ???? ?a? ???.
?e ß?s? ta pa?ap??? st???e?a, ? µ?s? ?µe??s?a
?ata????s? ??µ??? a?? ?????????? ?p??????eta? sta
620 ??aµµ???a, d??ad? pe??p?? 200 ??aµµ???a a??
?t?µ?. ? ?ata????s? t?? ??µ??? eµfa???e?
s?et??? µe??s?. Se s??s? µe 1-2 ?????a p??? t?
27 t?? ??????????? d????e? ?t? s?µe?a
?ata?a???e? ????te?? ??µ?, t? 7,5 ?ata?a???e?
pe??ss?te?? e?? t? 65 d???se ?t? ?ata?a???e?
pe??p?? t?? ?d?a p?s?t?ta. ? s?et??? µe?a??te??
t?s? µe??s?? t?? ?ata????s?? ??µ??? ?ata???feta?
st?? ???a??e? ?a? se ?ata?a??t?? µe?a??te???
?????a?. ? t?s? µe??s?? ?ata????s?? ??µ???
pa???s???e? e????? a?????? s??s? µe t?? ?????a??
?at?????a t?? ?ata?a??t??.
?. S?µpe??sµata t?? ??e??a? st??? ?ata?a??t??
?? ßas???te??? ????? µe??s?? t?? ?ata????s??
??µ??? e??a? ? a??a?? t?? d?at??f???? s????e???
???? d?a?ta? ? ???? ??e?a?. (51,6). ?? 31,7
?s?? d??????? ?t? s?µe?a a???????? ????te?? ??µ?
a??fe?a? ?? a?t?a t?? µe??s? t?? µe??? t??
???????e?a?, e?? t?µ? t?? ??µ??? de? ?e??e?ta?
s?µa?t???? ????? µe??s?? t?? ?ata????s?? ?a???
?? ?e????te??? ????? ??????µ?a? a?af?????a? µ????
ap? t?? ??a st??? d??a ?ata?a??t?? p?? a??fe?a?
µe??µ??? ?ata????s?. ?? p?s?st? a?t? a?t?st???e?
st? 2,7 t?? s?????? t?? ?ata?a??t??.  
  ? f?????? t?? ?e?t????? e?a??????e? ?a e??a? t?
????a??? s?µe?? a????? ??µ???. ?? 87,2 t??
?ata?a??t?? a??fe?a? ?t? a???????? ??µ? ap? t??
f?????/a?t?p??e?? t?? ?e?t????? t???. ?? 6,2
d???se ?t? a?????e? ap? p?at???? ??t?? ?a? t? 6
a??fe?e ?t? a?????e? ?????? ap? t? Super Market.
?. S?µpe??sµata t?? ??e??a? st??? ?ata?a??t??
?? s?µa?t???te??? ????? ep?????? t?? f?????? t??
?e?t????? e??a? ? ???t??? ap?stas?, ?
??st?µ??/?e?s?/f?es??da t?? ??µ???, ?a? ?
eµp?st?s??? ?? p??? t?? p???t?ta t?? p?????t??
?a? ??????. ? ?a?a???t?ta ?a? ?e???? ? t???s? t??
?a????? ???e???? ?a? asf??e?a? ??a ta t??f?µa
a?ade????eta? se ??a a??µ? s?µa?t??? ???t????
ep?????? s?µe??? a?????. ? t?µ?, ? p??????a se
??µ?? ?a? t? ?????? de? pe???aµß????ta? sta
???t???a ep?????? s?µe??? d???es?? ??µ???, ?s??
??at? de? ?e?????ta? ded?µ??a ?a? ?????
s?µa?t???? d?af???p???se?? a?? s?µe?? a?????.
?. S?µpe??sµata t?? ??e??a? st??? ?ata?a??t??
?? 9 st??? 10 ?ata?a??t?? p?ste???? ?t? ??
f?????? t?? ?e?t????? p??sf????? ?a??te???
p???t?ta? ??µ? se s??s? µe a?t? p?? d?a??t??? ta
S.M. To 7 ?e??e? ?t? de? d?af????? ?d?a?te?a se
p???t?ta ?a? ??a 3 ?e??e? ?t? sta S.M
ß??s?e?? ?a??te?? ??µ?.   O? ßas???? ?????
a????? ??µ??? ap? t? Super Market a?af??eta? ?
e?????a ?a??? s??d???eta? ?a? µe ???a ????a.
  ?p? t?? s?s??t?s? t?? s?µe??? a????? µe t??
s????t?ta ?ata????s?? p????pte? ?t? ??
?ata?a??t?? p?? a???????? ??µ? ?????? ap? ta
Super Markets, ?ata?a?????? ????te?e? p?s?t?te?
?a? a???????? ??µ? p??? p?? a?a?? ap? t?? µ?s?
???. (?? pe??ss?te??? d???sa? ?t? a???????? ??µ?
1-2 f???? t?? eßd?µ?da ? spa???te?a.)
?. S?µpe??sµata t?? ??e??a? st??? ?ata?a??t??
? p?e????f?a t?? ?ata?a??t?? de? ??????e? a? t?
??µ? p?? ???eta? sta SM e??a? f??s?? ?
?ate???µ???/p????µ???.   S?µf??a µe ta st???e?a
t?? ??e??a? , ? d???es? ?ate???µ???? ? p????µ????
??µ??? fa??eta? ?a ap?te?e? s?ßa?? a?t?????t??
a????? ap? ta s?µe?a p???s?? p?? t? d?a??t???. ?
s??t??pt??? p?e????f?a t?? ?ata?a??t???? ??????
d???se p?? de? ?a a???a?e ??µ? a? ??e?e p?? e??a?
?ate???µ???/ p????µ???.
?. S?µpe??sµata t?? ??e??a? st??? ?ata?a??t??
? ??a??p???s? t?? ?ata?a??t?? ?a? ? eµp?st?s???
t??? st?? f????? t?? ?e?t????? ?ata???f??ta? se
?d?a?te?a ????? ßa?µ?.   Se p?s?st? t?? t????
t?? 90 ??? 100 ?? ?ata?a??t?? e?f?????? t?
??a??p???s? t??? ??a t?? p???t?ta t?? ??µ???, t??
p??????a, t?? e??p???t?s?/f?????t?ta t??
?pa??????, t?? ?a?a???t?ta ?a? t?? t???s? t??
?a????? ???e????, ?a? t? ?????? ?e?t?????a? t??
a?t?p??e???. ?s?? af??? st?? t?µ? t?? ??µ??? t?
76 t?? ?ata?a??t?? d???sa? p??? ? a??et?
??a??p???µ????, t? 18,1 ???? ??a??p???µ???? ?a?
??a 4 ?a????? ??a??p???µ???? .
?. S?µpe??sµata t?? ??e??a? st??? ?ata?a??t??
????e? ?a s?µe???e? ?t? ? ??e??a st???
?ata?a??t?? a??de??e d?? s?µa?t???? esfa?µ??e?
e?t?p?se?? s?et??? µe t?? t?µ? t?? ??µ???.   a)
??a s?µa?t??? ??µµ?t? t?? ?ata?a??t?? p?ste?e?
?t? ? t?µ? t?? ??µ??? st?? ????da e??a?
a???ß?te?? se s??s? µe t?? t?µ?? t?? ??µ??? st??
???e? e???pa???? ???e?.   ß) ???? t?? ?t? ??
?ata?a??t?? de? ????????? ? de? p??s????? t??
t?µ?? t?? ??µ??? sta SM, a??et?? ????? t??
e?t?p?s? p?? t? ??µ? sta SM e??a? f????te?? ap?
?,t? st?? f?????. ?? ep?s?µe? stat?st????
s?????se?? ?a? ta st???e?a t?? ??? ap?de???????
t? a?t??et?.
?. S?µpe??sµata t?? ??e??a? st??? a?t?p?????
?? t?e?? st??? t?sse??? a?t?p????? a??fe?a? ?t?
se s??s? µe ??a? ????? p???, ? t????? t??? ??e?
µe???e? (76,3). ?? 3,4 t?? a?t?p???? d???se
a???s? t?????, e?? t? 20 a??fe?e ?t? ? t?????
de? pa???s?ase ??p??a ?d?a?te?? µetaß???.   ?
s?et??? µe?a??te?? µe??s? t????? ?ata???ft??e sta
p?????ta ?a?a??p?ast???? ?a? sta
a?t?s?e??sµata.   ?? p??ß???e?? ??a t? ep?µe??
d??st?µa de? e??a? a?s??d??e? ?a? s???d??? µe t?
?e????te?? ???µa p?? ep???ate? se ??? a????. ??
67 a?aµ??e? µ?sa st??? ep?µe???? 12 µ??e?
pe?a?t??? µe??s? t?????, t? 20 sta?e??p???s? sta
s?µe???? ep?peda, t? 4 e?p??e? se a???s? ?a? t?
9 ad??ate? ?a p??ß???e?.
?. S?µpe??sµata t?? ??e??a? st??? a?t?p?????
S?µf??a µe t??? a?t?p?????, ? t?µ? t?? pet?e?a???
?a? ? t?µ? t?? a?e???? ?ta? ?? pa?????te? p??
ep???asa? pe??ss?te?? t? ??st?? t?? ??µ???. O?
pa?????ta? p?es?? t?? ??st??? t?? ??µ???
a?af??eta? µe a???s?µe??t? p?s?st? ?a? ? ???. ??
e??at??? ??st?? de? fa??eta? ?a ap?te?e?
s?µa?t??? pa?????ta p?es?? st?? d?aµ??f?s? t??
s???????? ??st??? t?? ??µ??? , µ?a? ?a? ta
a?t?p???a st?? s??t??pt??? t??? p?e????f?a e??a?
?????e?e?a??? ep??e???se?? ????? ???? p??s?p???.
?? a?t?p???? ep?ßeßa?????? -µe ß?s? t?? eµpe???a
t??? ?a? t?? s??s? µe t??? pe??te? t??? - ?t? ??
?ata?a??t?? de? ????????? t?? d?af???? st?? t??p?
pa?as?e??? t?? ??µ??? p?? d?at??eta? sta SM se
s??s? µe t? ??µ? t?? a?t?p??e???).
?. S?µpe??sµata t?? ??e??a? st??? a?t?p?????
?? 6 st??? 10 d???sa? ?t? ?d? ????? e??µe???e?
??a t? s?µa t?? ???d?? p?? p??µ??e?e? ?
?µ?sp??d?a ??t?p???? ????d?? ta µ??? t?? µe t?
µ???µa ?d? ??µ??eta? ed? ???eta?.   ?? 23
a??fe?a? ?t? t? ????? ?d? p??µ??e?te?.   ?? 77,2
?s?? de? t? ????? a??µ? p??µ??e?te? ep???µ??? ?a
t? ap??t?s???.   ?e??ss?te??? ap? 9 st??? 10
a?t?p????? ??????? ?et??? a?t?? t?? p??t?ß????a
t?? ?µ?sp??d?a? ?a? p?ste???? ?t? ?a s?µß??e?
s?µa?t??? st?? e??µ???s? t?? ?ata?a??t????
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