Title: 2003 Voc Ed Status Report
12003 Voc Ed Status Report
- Madden Associates
- with the assistance of the
- Southeast Regional Resource Center
- Commissioned by AWIB to
- Provide snapshot of current voc ed landscape
- Report on program results
- Identify future trends
- Make recommendations
- Updates 1997 report
3Todays Landscape
- Standards
- Performance Measures
- Consolidation
- Collaboration
- No Child Left Behind
- Alaska Content Standards
- Carl Perkins
- Alaska Voc Ed Standards
- AWIBs Blueprint
5Performance Measures
- Perkins and Workforce Investment Act Core
Indicators - NCLB
- Alaskas High School Graduation Qualifying Exam
- State Government Reorganization
- Funding
- Public/Private Sector
- Training Providers
- Educational Institutions
- Program Coverage
- Enrollment
- Expenditures
- Outcomes
9Program Coverage
- Secondary
- UA
- Other Postsecondary
11Duplicated Secondary Enrollment
12Major Clusters - Secondary
13Voc Ed as of Total Enrollment
14UA Enrollments
15Post Secondary Enrollments
Provider of Exiters
ATC 326
AVTEC 2,199
Illisagvik College 251
Private Post Sec. 4,438
Apprenticeship 707
TOTAL 7,921
17District Voc Ed Expenditures FY91/98
18Special Education Expenditures
FY99 FY02 change
Regular Instruction 486,234.7 521,863.0 7.30
Special Education 114,653.8 135,276.0 18.0
19State Voc Tec Center Expenditures
20Adult Programs
Program FY97 FY04 Change
JTPA/ WIA 8,384.9 17,217.4 105.3
STEP 3,333.6 4,620.6 38.6
21Program Outcomes
22Secondary Outcomes
23UA Fall Enrollments AWIB Priority Areas
1998 2002
Air Transportation 189 328
Health Occupations 1664 1977
Information Technology 841 951
24 of Employed Exiters
25Post Training Median Wages
26Other Performance Targets
- Meet future employment demands
- Replace non-resident workers
- Replace older workers
27Landscape of the Future
- Standards
- Performance Measures
- Consolidation
- Collaboration
- Standards driven
- Strong business/industry involvement
- Potential marginalization
29Performance Measures
- Increasing attention to outcomes
- Funding tied to performance
- High Stakes exam winners and losers
- Resource squeeze
- Additional consolidation under WIA
- Regional Training Centers
- Distance Education
- Tech Prep
- Standards
- Embrace Voc Ed
- Performance Measures
- Hard to Serve Populations
- Consolidation
- Local Flexibility
- Collaboration
- More Industry Partnerships