Title: Quotations, Contracts and Tenders
1Quotations, Contracts and Tenders
- Presentation by
- Simon Gresham
2About Me
- 30 years working in contracting environment
- Started in catering
- Worked on first local authority compulsory
competitive tendering - Moved on to market testing of central government
services - Worked on major accommodation PFIs
- Advisor to a range of clients and contractors
- Now advise on small and large procurements mainly
covering facilities management - Live in Norfolk
3Current Agenda?
- Drive for savings
- Local services passed down to Town/Parish
Councils - More outsourcing of non core/back office services
to save money - Debate in house or private sector which is
best? - Are there alternatives?
4Current Agenda?
- Joined up services
- Linking with other Authorities
- Joint Ventures
- Greater use of the voluntary sector (The Big
Society?) - More resident involvement/views
- More reporting greater visibility and
5Current Issues
- Standing orders being reviewed
- Updates in contracting procedures
- Difficulties finding contractors
- Too many contractors?
- Deciding who to invite shortlisting
- Specifications and documents
- Evaluation of bids
- Do you have any current issues?
6Ground Rules
- Be clear about the process you are adopting
- Be clear about Standing Orders and internal
Council processes - Involve the right people in the Council
- Examine the feasibility
- Gather the users requirements so that you get
want you want - Make sure you get something back from the
supplier that shows they can deliver and for what
price - Evaluate the proposals on a like for like basis
- Manage the arrangement once you have agreed it
7Definition Quotations
- Used for smaller procurements check Standing
Orders regarding de-minimis levels - Follows same processes as tendering
- Prepare a brief (Specification)
- Invite a number (3 or more) to put in
quotations/proposals - Evaluate the proposals objectively
- Decide who to appoint
- Notify successful proposer and those who were
unsuccessful - Letter of appointment
8Definition Tendering
- Used for larger scale procurements where Standing
Orders would suggest that Quotations are
insufficient - A more comprehensive process involving creating a
specification and tender, going out to tender,
evaluating the tender and then awarding a
9Definition Contracts
- The document that underpins the award of
service/supply - Made up of a number of essential conditions
- Contract period
- Parties
- Change
- Pricing
- Payments
- Personnel
- Disputes
- Termination
10The Overall Process
Before you seek quotations or tenders
Feasibility study
Competition Strategy
Project Plan
What could we do?
How could we do it?
What is our plan?
11The Overall Process
Seeking quotations/tenders
The Competition External Bids In-house Bids
Procurement Strategy
Specification or Brief
How do we go about it?
What do we want?
Let us see what is on offer?
12The Overall Process
After you have selected a provider
The Client Side
Contract Management
Implementing the partnership
Are we set up to manage it?
Let us now manage it?
Let us see how well we did?
13The Feasibility Study
Best Practice
Market Research
Corporate Factors
Future Demand
Option Design
14Feasibility Study Options
- Close down
- Re-structure/re-organise
- Make internal efficiency improvements
- Partnering with neighbouring council - SLA
- Benchmark
- Test the market
- Outsource
- Privatise
- Joint venture
15The Project Plan
Receive Expressions of Interest (PQQ)
Produce Specification/Brief
Determine Service Requirements
Advertise the Service/Supply
Issue Invitation to Tender/ Quote
Shortlist Providers
Receive proposals
Evaluate proposals
Manage the Contract
Clarification with first choice
Start the Contract
Award the Contract
16Procurement Principles
- Competition is invited
- Advertisement
- EU Directive application use of OJEU (Official
Journal of the European Union) - Canvass the market
- Seek quotations
- Suppliers are shortlisted against stated criteria
- Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)
- Capability and track record
- Financial health
- Contract packaging
- Contract period
17Other Key Questions
- Does TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings Protection of
Employment Regulations) apply? - If it does, how does it apply?
- How are pensions to be dealt with?
- How will you deal with change (e.g. technology
refresh)? - Do you share savings?
- What is Quality and how to be dealt with?
- Input versus Output
- Can you ever achieve a totally output based
approach? - What do contractors think?
- What are your Imperatives?
- If you go for an output approach, do you accept
the risks?
19Specification Contents
- Introduction / Background
- Service Requirements
- Service Standards
- Supporting Appendices/Data/Fact Sheets
20The Invitation to Tender/Provide Quotations
- Letter of invitation with instructions
- Draft Contract Conditions
- Specification/Brief
- Tender/Quotation Response document
- Evaluation criteria and weighting for quality and
- The Principles
- Fair and even - select the right team
- Compare like with like - develop the right
process - Look at quality as well as cost
- Develop a model
- Develop a risk register
22Example Evaluation Criteria
- M.E.A.T. - Most Economically Advantageous Tender
- A Full Economic Cost
- B Service Delivery quality
- C Service Management quality
- D Approach to people issues
- E Implementation approach
- F Flexibility for the future
- G Synergy with client
- H Commercial/contract terms
23Mobilisation Activities
- Staffing and communications (TUPE)
- Recruitment and training
- Pricing and payments
- Contractual and relationship (reporting)
- Assets and infrastructure
- Implementation (may be over time rather than
24Managing the Contract
- What do you need to make it work?
- A clear specification
- Sensible hand-over arrangements
- Effective communications
- Recognition of teething problems
25Managing the Contract
- Clairvoyant contractors do not exist
- Ill informed clients tend to get annoyed
- Avoid the them and us mentality
- Be consistent
- Avoid personality clashes
- Develop the relationship
26Quotations, Contracts and Tenders
- Clinic Your Questions Answered?
- Jargon is there any jargon still unclear?
- For further information about Quotations,
Contracts and Tenders please feel free to contact
Simon Gresham on simongresham_at_btinternet.com or
07798 623750