Title: Nurse Consultants
1Nurse Consultants
Derek T Barron Nurse Director Mental Health
2International Council of Nursings Definition
- Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative
care of individuals of all ages, families, groups
and communities sick or well and in all settings.
- Nursing includes the promotion of health,
prevention of illness, and the care of ill,
disabled and dying people. - (Nursing includes) Advocacy, promotion of a safe
environment, research, participation in shaping
health policy and in patient and health systems
management, and education are also key nursing
roles. (www.icn.ch/definition.htm)
- 1999 Susan Deacon Minister for Health and
Community Care - 2000 Consultation on strategy for Nursing and
Midwifery - 03/2001 Caring for Scotland the Strategy for
Nursing and Midwifery in Scotland
4Principles for Nurse Consultant posts
- Better outcomes for
- Patients
- Clients
- Communities
- Service improvement
- Improved quality of care
- New Career opportunities
- Retain experience
- Expert Nurses
- Strengthen leadership
- Collaboration with HEIs
- education
- research
- Accountable at Board or Senior Management
- Ongoing evaluation of Nurse Consultant posts
- ..must be firmly based in nursing .. and involve
working directly with patients, clients or
communities for a significant proportion of time - An expert practice function
- A professional leadership function
- A consultancy function
- An education and research function
- A service development function
- An expert practice function
- high degree of autonomy able to reach complex
critical judgements - A professional leadership function
- Profession level, service level, cross boundary,
national - A consultancy function
- At individual patient level, service level,
regional/national level - An education and research function
- Must contribute to education, training and
development of nurses - A service development function
- Contribute to development of professional
practice local/national
- A portfolio of career-long learning (experience
and formal education) - Will have or be working towards a masters degree
- Posts must be approved by SEHD
9Where are we now?
10NMAHP Leadership in supporting older people must
be developed to drive service improvement and
enhance care pathways.
- Deliverables
- Nurse Consultant posts in place in NHS Boards in
Scotland. - Delivering Care, Enabling Health
11Create nurse consultants posts to lead the
development of mental health nursings
contribution across the spectrum of acute in
patient, crisis care and intensive home treatment
12Create nurse consultant posts to lead the
development of mental health nursings
contribution to psychosocial interventions and
psychological therapies servicesRRR
13Nurse Consultants
- Older people
- Crisis
- Acute Inpatient
- Intensive Home Treatment
- Psychosocial Interventions
- Psychological Therapies
14WE NEED TOEnsure mental health nurses -
can continue to build capacity and capability in
developing the evidence base for mental health
nursing interventions- are involved in
contributing to research into recovery in
15WE NEED TO - create a more robust climate of
learning, development, evaluation and research
across the mental health nursing community in NHS
16Greater Glasgow Clyde
- Perinatal
- Learning Disabilities
- Eating Disorders
- Psychosocial Interventions
- ?
17Final thought
- Its not just Nurse Consultants who contribute to
better patient experience! - Its not just Nurse Consultants who contribute to
better outcomes! - Its not just Nurse Consultants who are leaders!
- Its not just Nurse Consultants who contribute to
research! - Its not just Nurse Consultants ..
- have a major part to play.
18DiscussionSuccession Planning Experience of
working with NCsAreas to develop