Title: Registered Nurse Midwife Littleton
1Certified Nurse-Midwife
Certified Nurse-Midwives are registered nurses
with a masters degree, and have education in two
disciplines, Nursing and Midwifery. CNMs are
board certified, independently licensed, and have
prescriptive authority in all 50 states. They
primarily work in clinics and hospitals, and in
addition to attending over 10 of the births in
Colorado, provide pregnancy and gynecological
care from puberty to menopause.
Certified Nurse-Midwives are experts in
understanding the normalcy of birth, and
recognizing potential complications early. They
collaborate with physicians if complications
arise. They care for women who desire either a
natural labor or a medicated labor (including
epidurals), and can first assist during a
cesarean section.
Need to Know Pregnant Lady?
We would like to take this opportunity to
congratulate you on your pregnancy and welcome
you to our practice. We are very honored to be
participating in your care during such a
wonderful time in your life. Pregnancy can be
exciting but also occasionally stressful or
confusing. Whether this is your first pregnancy
or your third, you will have questions about what
to expect.
2Comprehensive And Holistic
South Denver Midwives are Certified
Nurse-Midwives with offices in Littleton and
Castle Rock, Colorado. We offer full-scope
midwifery care and we have 24/7
physician back-up. Our team believes in women
and family-centered care, and will partner with
you and your family to provide education and care
in many areas including
Pregnancy and Hospital Birth Well Woman Annual
Physicals Gynecology from Puberty to
Menopause Family Planning and Contraception
(including IUDs and Nexplanon) Preconception
counseling Infertility Consults Sexual
3Meet The Midwives
Our Midwives
4Midwifery Services
South Denver Midwives offer a full scope of
midwifery care. Our midwives partner with you and
your family to provide education services and
care in many areas, including
Pregnancy and hospital birth at Littleton and
Castle Rock Adventist Hospitals Well
Woman Annual Physicals Gynecology from Puberty
to Menopause Family Planning and Contraception
(including IUDs and Nexplanon) Preconcep
tion counseling Infertility Consults Sexual
Dysfunction Breastfeeding Sexually Transmitted
Infection Screening
5Contact Us
Address Littleton Office
7780 South Broadway Arapahoe
III Bulding, Suite 280
Littleton, CO 80122 Call Us 303.738.1100