Lecture 10: Kernel Modules and Device Drivers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 10: Kernel Modules and Device Drivers


Title: Lecture 11 Author: Nacho Navarro Last modified by: Deming Chen Created Date: 1/13/2002 11:30:08 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 10: Kernel Modules and Device Drivers

ECE 412 Microcomputer Laboratory
  • Lecture 10 Kernel Modules and Device Drivers

  • Review Linux environment
  • Device classification
  • Review Kernel modules
  • PCMCIA example
  • Skeleton example of implementing a device driver
    for a BlockRAM based device

Review Questions
  • What are some of the services/features that an
    IPIF-generated interface to the PLB/OPB bus can
  • Byte Steering for devices with narrow data
  • Address range checking to detect transactions
    your device should handle
  • User-defined registers
  • Interface to the interrupt hardware
  • Fixed-length burst transfers
  • DMA engine
  • Read/write FIFOs

Linux Execution Environment
  • Program
  • Libraries
  • Kernel subsystems

Device Classification
  • Most device drivers can be classified into one of
    three categories.
  • Character devices.
  • Console and parallel ports are examples.
  • Implement a stream abstraction with operations
    such as open, close, read and write system calls.
  • File system nodes such as /dev/tty1 and /dev/lp1
    are used to access character devices.
  • Differ from regular files in that you usually
    cannot step backward in a stream.

Device Classification (cont)
  • Block devices
  • A block device is something that can host a
    filesystem, e.g. disk, and can be accessed only
    as multiples of a block.
  • Linux allows users to treat block devices as
    character devices (/dev/hda1) with transfers of
    any number of bytes.
  • Block and character devices differ primarily in
    the way data is managed internally by the kernel
    at the kernel/driver interface.
  • The difference between block and char is
    transparent to the user.
  • Network interfaces
  • In charge of sending and receiving data packets.
  • Network interfaces are not stream-oriented and
    therefore, are not easily mapped to a node in the
    filesystem, such as /dev/tty1.
  • Communication between the kernel and network
    driver is not through read/write, but rather
    through packet transfer functions.

Linux Execution Environment (review)
  • Execution paths

Process and System Calls
  • Process program in execution. Unique pid.
  • User address space vs. kernel address space
  • Application requests OS services through TRAP
  • x86 syscall number in eax register, exception
    (int 0x80)
  • result read (file descriptor, user buffer,
    amount in bytes)
  • Read returns real amount of bytes transferred or
    error code (lt0)
  • Kernel has access to kernel address space (code,
    data, and device ports and memory), and to user
    address space, but only to the process that is
    currently running
  • Current process descriptor. current?pid
    points to current pid
  • Two stacks per process user stack and kernel
  • Special instructions to copy parameters / results
    between user and kernel space

Kernel Modules
  • Kernel modules are inserted and unloaded
  • Kernel code extensibility at run time
  • insmod / rmmod / lsmod commands. Look at
  • Kernel and servers can detect and install them
    automatically, for example, cardmgr (pc card
    services manager)
  • Example of the content of /proc/modules
  • nfs 170109 0 - Live 0x129b0000
  • The first column contains the name of the module.
  • The second column refers to the memory size of
    the module, in bytes.
  • The third column lists how many instances of the
    module are currently loaded. A value of zero
    represents an unloaded module.
  • The fourth column states if the module depends
    upon another module to be present in order to
    function, and lists those other modules.
  • The fifth column lists what load state the module
    is in Live, Loading, or Unloading are the only
    possible values.
  • The sixth column lists the current kernel memory
    offset for the loaded module. This information
    can be useful for debugging purposes, or for
    profiling tools such as oprofile.

Module Execution
  • Modules execute in kernel space
  • Access to kernel resources (memory, I/O ports)
    and global variables ( look at /proc/ksyms)
  • Export their own visible variables,
    register_symtab ()
  • Can implement new kernel services (new system
    calls, policies) or low level drivers (new
    devices, mechanisms)
  • Use internal kernel basic interface and can
    interact with other modules
  • Need to implement init_module and cleanup_module
    entry points, and specific subsystem functions
    (open, read, write, close, ioctl )

Hello World
  • hello_world_module.c
  • define MODULE
  • include ltlinux/module.hgt
  • static int __init init_module(void)
  • printk("lt1gtHello, world\n") / lt1gt is message
    priority. /
  • return 0
  • static int __exit cleanup_module(void)
  • printk("lt1gtGoodbye cruel world\n")
  • printk (basic kernel service) outputs messages to
    console and/or to /var/log/messages
  • To compile and run this code
  • root gcc -c hello_world_module.c
  • root insmod hello_world_module.o
  • root rmmod hello_world_module

Linking a module to the kernel (from Rubinis
Register Capability
  • You can register a new device driver with the
  • int register_chrdev(unsigned int major, const
    char name, struct file_operations fops)
  • A negative return value indicates an error, 0 or
    positive indicates success.
  • major the major number being requested (a number
    lt 128 or 256).
  • name the name of the device (which appears in
  • fops a pointer to a global jump table used to
    invoke driver functions.
  • Then give to the programs a name by which they
    can request the driver through a device node in
  • To create a char device node with major 254 and
    minor 0, use
  • mknod /dev/memory_common c 254 0
  • Minor numbers should be in the range of 0 to 255.
  • (Generally, the major number identifies the
    device driver and the minor number identifies a
    particular device (possibly out of many) that the
    driver controls.)

PCMCIA Read/Write Common/Attribute Memory
data mem_read (address, type) mem_write
(address, data, type)
- open(/dev/memory_commonattribute) -
lseek(fd, address) - read(fd, buf,1) return
buf - write(fd, data, 1)
Libc file I/O
int buf
  • card_memory_config
  • read CIS
  • config I/O window
  • config IRQ
  • register R/W fops

/dev/ ? PCMCIA registered memory fops
Card insertion
memory_read(), memory_write()
- map kernel memory to I/O window - copy from
PCMCIA to user ( buf) - copy from user to PCMCIA
Kernel memory
PCMCIA Button Read Interrupt handling
data mem_read (address, type) mem_write
(address, data, type)
- open(/dev/memory_common) - lseek(fd,
address) - read(fd, buf,1) return buf -
write(fd, data, 1)
Libc file I/O
int buf
card_memory_config - config IRQ handler
/dev/ ? PCMCIA registered memory fops
Card insertion
Button int.
int_handler - wake_up( PC-gtqueue)
  • - interruptible_sleep_on (PC-gtqueue)
  • memory_read()
  • map kernel memory to I/O window
  • - copy PC to user ( buf)

Kernel memory
Skeleton Example OCM-Based BlockRAM
  • PowerPC has an OCM (on-chip memory) bus that lets
    you attach fast memory to the cache
  • Xilinx provides a core (dso_if_ocm) that handles
    the interface to the OCM and outputs BRAM control
  • Found under Project-gtAdd/Edit cores
  • Creates an interface that detects accesses to a
    specified physical address range and outputs
    control signals for a BlockRAM

Software-Side Issues
  • Xilinx core handles the BlockRAM interface from
    the hardware side, but need to make BlockRAM
    visible/accessible to software
  • Two issues
  • Programs operate on virtual addresses, even when
    running as root
  • Ideally, want to be able to make BlockRAM visible
    to user-mode programs
  • User-mode programs cant set virtual-gtphysical
    address mappings

Direct Approach -- Use mmap()
  • Only works for code running as root
  • fd open(/dev/mem, O_RDWR)
  • bram mmap(0x40000000, 2048, PROT_READ
  • assert(bram 0x40000000)
  • Creates pointer to the /dev entry that describes
    the physical memory
  • Maps 2048 bytes from /dev/mem onto the programs
    address space, starting at offset 0x40000000 from
    the start of the pointer
  • Requests that those bytes be mapped onto
    addresses starting at 0x40000000
  • Checks (via assert) that mmap() returned the
    requested address, as mmap() isnt required to
    follow that request

Better Approach -- Device Driver
  • Create device driver module and install into
  • Device driver module will map BRAM onto address
    space of currently-running program

Device Driver
  • Device drivers provide mechanisms, not policy.
  • Mechanism Defines what capabilities are
  • Policy Defines how those capabilities can be
  • This strategy allows flexibility.
  • The driver controls the hardware and provides an
    abstract interface to its capabilities.
  • The driver ideally imposes no restrictions (or
    policy) on how the hardware should be used by
  • For example, X manages the graphics hardware and
    provides an interface to user programs.
  • Window managers implement a particular policy and
    know nothing about the hardware.
  • Kernel apps build policies on top of the driver,
    e.g. floppy disk, such as who has access, the
    type of access (direct or as a filesystem), etc.
    -- it makes the disk look like an array of blocks.

Courtesy of UMBC
Device Driver Outline
  • Obtain memory map semaphore for currently running
    program (to prevent overlapping changes)
  • Insert new virtual memory area (VMA) for BRAM
  • Call get_unmapped_area with physical address
    range of BRAM
  • Allocate and initialize VMA for the BRAM
  • Call remap_page_range() to build page tables
  • Use insert_vma_struct() and make_pages_present()
    to enable access to new pages
  • See Running Linux on a Xilinx XUP Board for
    more information (on the web, written by John

Next Time
  • Quiz 1
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