Titles, Abstracts and Introductions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Titles, Abstracts and Introductions


Titles, Abstracts and Introductions – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Titles, Abstracts and Introductions

Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
  • Why these need special attention
  • Each of them help to sell your paper
  • Title - your initial "sales pitch
  • Abstract - your "advert" for your work
  • Introduction - the reader's first impression of
    your work is formed here. Get this wrong and
    there is a chance they may not bother to read the

Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
  • Titles
  • Some Guidelines
  • Describe the paper
  • Include key words
  • Short (there may be a limit)
  • Most of all - make sure it gets attention for
    your work. Possibly more important for a
    conference paper than a journal paper.
  • A provocative title may help get people to your
    session at a conference

Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
  • Example Titles
  • How the Regulation of Software Engineering and
    the Texas Licensing Model May Act as Catalysts
    for Greater Professionalism, Ethical Attitudes
    and Higher Software Quality
  • Three Steps Forward and Two Steps Back (Progress
    on the Road to a Software Engineering Profession)
  • Should the Actions of the Texas Board of
    Engineers and Others Inspire Us?
  • (A Review of Movements Towards a More
    Professional Discipline)
  • The latter was for a conference named INSPIRE,
    Hence the title!

Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
  • AbstractsGuidelines
  • Intended to be read separately
  • Not an Introduction
  • A summary
  • An advert
  • Avoid future tense - the paper exists
  • Avoid This paper
  • No cross references
  • Usual style is present tense, passive voice
  • Most importantly
  • An abstract is a summary of your work.
  • It is intended to be read in ISOLATION from the
    rest of the paper.
  • See it as a sales pitch and an advert for your

Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
  • Examples
  • The issue that Software Quality is more related
    to people than product or process is explored and
    that there are dangers if the human aspects are
    neglected is made clear. Formal aspects of
    professionalism and developments in the
    regulation and certification of Software
    Engineers are reported. Particular attention is
    paid to the Texas model for licensing Software
    Engineers. The broader aspects of professionalism
    and ethics education are discussed. Ethics and
    social responsibility plus educational approaches
    that relate to software improvement in the long
    term are also examined. Finally overall
    conclusions regarding quality and the future of
    the industry are presented.

Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
  • Examples (continued)
  • An evaluation of the current state of
    developments in the field of Software Engineering
    Professionalism is presented. Particular
    attention is paid the effect of ACM withdrawing
    from the IEEE-CS/ACM Software Engineering
    Coordinating Committee. An examination is made of
    the projects concerned with defining a Software
    Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional
    Practice and a Software Engineering Body of
    Knowledge. The significant successes and major
    problems associated with each are highlighted.
    Details are then presented on a project supported
    by the International Federation of Information
    Processing that could now be very relevant to
    re-establishing progress on the road to a SE
    profession. Overall conclusions and
    recommendations are also presented that may
    improve the situation in the future.

Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
  • This paper re-examines the work of Thompson and
    Edwards (1997) showing that much of what they had
    claimed may not actually be true.
  • Why should the writer have avoided
  • This paper or The Paper?
  • Cross References?

Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
  • Introductions
  • Guidelines
  • Place the paper in context
  • Set the scene
  • Introduce major concepts
  • Outline any Hypothesis
  • Make clear what is coming next 
  • Introduction should answer the questions
  • Why am I reading it?
  • What is it all about?

Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
  • Introductions
  • Guidelines
  • Place the paper in context
  • Set the scene
  • Introduce major concepts
  • Outline any Hypothesis
  • Make clear what is coming next 
  • Introduction should answer the questions
  • Why am I reading it?
  • What is it all about?
  • Most importantly, ensure that the introduction
    sets the scene AND introduces the rest of the

Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
  • Example (First it sets the scene and introduces
    the major concepts. Finally it tells the reader
    what they will find in the rest of the report)
  • 1. Introduction
  • The software industry, when considering quality,
    has tended to concentrate on two aspects the
    product itself (the software) and the processes
    involved in producing that product. The
    international standards ISO 9126 and 12119
    provide for software product quality (ISO 9126
    Information Technology- Software Product
    Evaluation - Quality Characteristics and
    Guidelines for their Use, and ISO 12119
    Information Technology - Software Packages -
    Quality Requirements and Testing). However,
    organisations have in general directed their
    efforts to consideration of tangible processes
    rather than the more intangible products. They
    have relied on arguments to support this type of
    approach along the lines of (Thompson et al,
    a quality process should lead
    to the production of a quality product

Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
  • With regard to process, the relevant
    international standards are the ISO 9000 series
    of Standards for Quality Management Systems (in
    particular ISO 9001 Quality Systems - Model for
    Quality Assurance in Design, Development,
    Production, Installation and Servicing and ISO
    9000-3 Guidelines for the Application of ISO
    9001 to the Development, Supply and Maintenance
    of Software). An alternative to the rigour of the
    ISO 9000 series of standards for Quality
    Management Systems are the various software
    process assessment and improvement models that
    have been developed both in the USA and Europe
    over the past 15 years. Best known of these is
    Capability Maturity Model (CMM) from Carnegie
    Mellon Universitys Software Engineering
    Institute (Humphrey, 1989) where five levels are
    used to evaluate the maturity of an
    organisations software process and for judging
    its software capability. In Europe the BOOTSTRAP
    model (Kuvaja, 1994) has taken the CMM as the
    basic reference but extended it using other
    standards (including the ISO 9000 series),
    allowing for greater satisfaction of users needs
    and more integration of assessment and
    improvement. Other CMM related process models and
    frameworks in common use are Trillium (Bell
    Canada, 1994) produced for the telecommunications
    industry, and SPICE (Software Process Improvement
    and Capability Determination) which is the
    emerging standard (ISO 15504) for software
    process and improvement (Kitson, 1996).

Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
  • Yet despite the promotion of all these standards
    and approaches the industry is still in a
    position where low quality software continues to
    be a major problem. We need to recognise that no
    matter how well the above argument concerning
    process and product may apply to traditional
    production line processes it is not a Holy
    Grail with regard to software. Instead, what is
    very clear from case study literature is that,
    whether one is concerned with product or process,
    a third vital ingredient is people. It is thus
    people rather than product or process that should
    be regarded as fundamental to any quality regime.
    Other engineering disciplines, which may be
    considered analogous to that which supports
    software, have one prime feature with regard to
    staffing - that at the appropriate levels they
    have professional staff who are formally licensed
    or accredited within their discipline. This is
    simply not the case within the software industry.
    However, at the Millennium we are at last seeing
    moves to regularise the Software Engineering (SE)
    discipline and licensing of Software Engineers
    has commenced in parts of the United States. This
    licensing and associated regulation of the SE
    profession is likely to lead to major changes
    relating to computer personnel and the ways in
    which they work. It should also lead to clear
    improvements in software quality. In section two
    of the paper we consider formal aspects of
    professionalism with regard to regulation and
    certification developments and facts covering
    Software Engineering Licensing in Texas. Then in
    section three we highlight how non-professional
    attitudes really do impinge on quality and we
    discuss approaches, especially with regard to
    education, that will improve matters. Finally in
    section four we present our overall conclusions
    regarding the future of the industry.

Titles, Abstracts and Introductions
  • Note that the latter part of the introduction
    tells the reader what they will find in the rest
    of the report i.e.
  • In section two of the paper we consider
    formal aspects of professionalism with regard to
    regulation and certification developments and
    facts covering Software Engineering Licensing in
    Texas. Then in section three we highlight how
    non-professional attitudes really do impinge on
    quality and we discuss approaches, especially
    with regard to education, that will improve
    matters. Finally in section four we present our
    overall conclusions regarding the future of the
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