Lecture 3: Early 16th C - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 3: Early 16th C


Lecture 3: Early 16th C Ann T. Orlando 23 January 2006 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 3: Early 16th C

Lecture 3 Early 16th C
  • Ann T. Orlando
  • 23 January 2006

Introduction to Next Three Lectures (3,4,5)
  • All three will have Martin Luther as the main
  • Lecture 3 focus on start of Reformation and
    impact in Germany
  • Lecture 4 Martin Luthers Life and political
    impact beyond Germany
  • Lecture 5 focus on theology and doctrinal issues
  • NB these really are interlocking themes

Outline Lecture 3
  • Historical Review of Early 16th C
  • Popes of early 16th C and political situation
  • The Beginning of the Reformation
  • Political Conflicts precipitated by Luther in

Historical Review 14th 15th C
  • Black death, Hundred Years War
  • Avignon Papacy
  • Great Schism 2 Popes
  • Conciliar Movement 3 Popes
  • Development of strong, competing nations
  • Fall of Constantinople, 1453

Recap Situation Early 16th C
  • Byzantine Empire destroyed
  • Powerful Ottoman Turks in control of Eastern and
    Southern Mediterranean
  • Spain newly unified after expulsion of Muslims
  • France and England in uneasy truce
  • France and HRE in occasional battles over eastern
  • Popes in very weakened political situation after
    Avignon papacy reliant on sale of indulgences
    and simony for funds

Popes of Early 16th Century
  • Alexander VI (1492-1503), most notorious Borgia
  • Julius II (1503-1513), leads armies in battle to
    solidify Papal States, decides to rebuild St.
    Peters Basilica
  • Old St Peters built by Constantine in very bad
  • What had been largest church in Christendom now a
  • Donation of Constantine accepted as a forgery
  • Leo X (1513-1521), Now that God has given us the
    Papacy, let us enjoy it.
  • Popular joke is ROMA Radix Omnia Malorum
    Avaritia (Avarice the Root of All Evil)
  • Note, however, that these same Popes were also
    patrons for some of the most important artists of
    Renaissance and early Baroque
  • These same Popes were champions of learning and
    encouraged establishment of major libraries,
    including Vatican library

Very Strong National Rulers Early 16th C
  • Francois I of France
  • Charles V HRE (Spain, Germany, Netherlands)
  • Henry VIII in England
  • Sulyman the Magnificent in Ottoman Empire

Martin Luther (1483-1546)
  • Luther was influenced by humanism studied
    Biblical languages and the early Church Fathers,
    especially Augustine
  • Driven by internal and external events
  • Internal struggle
  • As a young Augustinian monk, Luther struggles to
    appease God for his sins
  • Finally realizes that nothing he can do can
    appease God salvation must be Gods free gift
    that one accepts by faith

The Proximate Cause of the German Reformation
  • In 1517, Albert of Mainz wants to be Archbishop
  • Albert buys his archbishopric from Rome, with
    money borrowed from Rome (Pope Leo X)
  • Rome needs the money in part to help pay for
    rebuilding of St. Peters
  • Rome authorizes the preaching of a special
    indulgence in Germany, with the money to go to
    Albrecht, so he can repay his loan back to Leo X
  • Indulgence is preached by Johan Tetzel, When the
    coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory

Martin Luthers Response
  • Luther is deeply offended by this corruption
  • Responds to this situation with 95 Theses
  • A thesis was an academic hypothesis which was ot
    to debated among scholars
  • Luthers theses go far beyond denouncing sin of
    simony and corruption
  • fundamentally calls into question Romes primacy,
  • theology of indulgences
  • denounces scholasticism
  • German princes, especially Fredrick the Wise of
    Saxony, support Luther against Rome and against
    Charles V

Map Central Europe 1500www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/
Case Study Indulgences
  • The Commission of Indulgences
  • Purpose is to reconstruct St. Peters
  • Indulgence remits all pain of purgatory for
    living and dead
  • Money given depends on social status no prayer
    needed, just give money
  • 95 Theses
  • Pope cannot remit punishment due to sin only God
  • Certainly cannot effect dead who have already
    been judged by God
  • 28 It is certain that when the penny jingles
    into the money-box, gain and avarice can be
    increased, but the result of the intercession of
    the Church is in the power of God alone.
  • Much better to give money to poor and engage in
    works of mercy than to buy pardons
  • 50 Christians are to be taught that if the pope
    knew the exactions of the pardon-preachers, he
    would rather that St. Peter's church should go to
    ashes, than that it should be built up with the
    skin, flesh and bones of his sheep.
  • Gospel is true treasure of Church

German Political Situation Early 16th C
  • Germany (all of Central Europe) actually composed
    of separate dutchies, loosely confederated into
    the Holy Roman Empire
  • HRE goes back to Otto I in the 10th C
  • Diet an assembly of more important princes, or
    Electors, who administered much of Germany
    also chose the HRE
  • By 15th C Emperor almost always chosen from
    Hapsburgs who ruled Austria
  • Roughly three classes nobility, knights,
  • But a growing new class of merchants, small
    business owners Luthers father

German 16th C Social Unrest
  • Major nobility (electors) becoming increasingly
  • But recognized that Charles V was a very strong
  • Concerned that Pope could appoint powerful
    bishops and funds leaving Germany through simony
    and indulgence selling
  • Knights losing place in society
  • Rulers using lawyers for counsel and standing
    armies or mercenaries for military
  • Knights become mercenaries
  • Peasants economically oppressed by nobility and
    urban merchant class
  • Printing press is increasing literacy among

Luther and Politics
  • Luthers primary political supporter was Fredrick
    the Wise of Saxony
  • He establish University at Wittenburg
  • Protected Luther after Diet of Worms taking him
    to Wartburg
  • Battled Charles V and succeeded in getting the
    Peace of Augsburg signed
  • But Frederick also allied with Pope Leo X against
    Charles V and the Turks
  • Luther interpreted Rom. 13 as requiring
    Christians to support their rulers, regardless of

Luther and Peasants and Jews
  • Peasant unrest throughout 16th C
  • Misunderstand Luthers call to freedom of
    Christian and priesthood of all believers as call
    to greater social autonomy
  • Publish 12 Articles of Grievances of Peasants
  • Peasant Revolt of 1525 led by one of Luthers
    supporters, Thomas Muentzer
  • Luther repudiates Peasant Revolt, encourages
    nobility to crush revolt in Against the Murderous
    and Thieving Hordes of Peasants
  • Jews in 16th C
  • Recall popularly blamed for plague
  • Competitors to rising merchant class
  • Luther was deeply anti-Semitic, The Jews and
    Their Lies

Appeal to German Nobility, 1520
  • Three walls built around Roman Church
  • Popes decree that temporal powers have no
    jurisdiction over them
  • Only Pope can interpret Scripture
  • Only a Pope can summon a council
  • Luthers response
  • No difference between laymen and priests
  • Scripture does not say that only Pope can
    interpret Scripture
  • When Pope acts contrary to Scripture it is the
    duty of Christians to oppose him

Political Response Against Luther and German
  • Pope Leo X did not want to cross Fredrick the
  • Check on Charles V power
  • Wanted Germans to take up arms against Turks
  • Luther appeared before Diet of Worms, 1521
  • Luther is condemned by Charles V
  • Kidnapped by Fredrick the Wise and taken to
    Wartburg Castle to prevent capture by Charles V
  • Schmalkaldic League formed in 1531 by German
    nobles opposed to Charles V
  • Sporadic Battles between them and Charles V until

Peace of Augsburg, 1555
  • Cuius regio, eius religio, whose reign, his
  • Only valid for Lutheran and Catholic princes
  • Final answer to who is in charge the prince
  • Note there is still no separation of Church and

  • 1. Bokenkotter, Chapter 18, 19
  • 2. Archbishop Albert Mainz. The Commission of
    Indulgences in The European Reformations
    Sourcebook. ed Carter Lindberg. Malden
    Blackwell, 2000. 29-30.
  • 3. Martin Luther. 95 Theses, available at
  • 4. Martin Luther. Appeal to German Nobility and
    Babylonian Captivity of the Church. in The
    European Reformations Sourcebook. ed Carter
    Lindberg. Malden Blackwell, 2000. 36-39.
  • 5. Peace of Augsburg available at
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