Using Context - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Using Context


Title: Slide 1 Author: Tom Atkinson Last modified by: Tom Atkinson Created Date: 5/18/2004 4:04:05 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Using Context

Chapter 5
  • Using Context

Lecture Launcher
Your college campus is the context
(surroundings) for your education. Give an
example of a person, place, or idea that exists
in the context of your college campus. How does
the context help you understand that person,
place or idea more fully?
Chapter 5 Brief Outline
  • Using Context to Identify Parts of Speech
  • Using Context Clues to Find Meaning

Chapter 5 Vocabulary
  • bridging context clues
  • connotation
  • contrast clues
  • comparison clues
  • example clues
  • experiential context clues
  • literal
  • text context clues
  • denotation
  • punctuation clues
  • definition clues
  • linking verbs

Chapter 5
Using Context To Identify Parts of
Speech Parts of speech help you know the
meaning of a word.
Chapter 5
  • Identify the part of speech of the underlined
  • My history class was cancelled today.
  • You can register for all your classes online.
  • Voting for the election of Student Government
    officers will be in the Student Center ballroom.
  • College algebra is the prerequisite for other
    math courses.
  • Where can I get a copy of todays campus

Chapter 5
  • Using Context Clues to Find Meaning
  • Text Context Clues- written clues to a words
  • 1. Punctuation Clues- consist of commas,
    parentheses, brackets, etc.
  • 2. Definition Clues- a second kind of context

Chapter 5
  • Use text context clues to identify the meaning of
    the boldfaced word.
  • I want to graduate magna cum laude (with great
  • 2. Microbiologythe study of microorganismsis
    a required course for nursing students.
  • The Bursars Office is a college treasurers

Chapter 5
  • Using Context Clues to Find Meaning
  • Bridging Context Clues- Use words in the text to
    help you find meaning
  • Contrast clues- Point to opposite meanings
  • Comparison Clues- Show how to or more things are
  • Example Clues- Tell you that an example, or
    explanation, or a new word or words to follow

Chapter 5
  • Use bridging context clues to identify the
    meaning of the boldfaced word.
  • Science courses such as geology or astronomy
    fulfill general education requirements
  • 2. Alpha Xi Delta, as well as other sororities
    on campus, participated in the fundraiser.
  • 3. The provost and other campus leaders spoke
    at the Honors Assembly.

Chapter 5
Using Context Clues to Find Meaning C.
Experiential Context Clues- can sometimes be
harder to use than other context clues because
they rely on your background knowledge
Chapter 5
  • Use your background knowledge to identify the
    meaning of the boldfaced word.
  • When our math professor caught students cheating
    on the test, he was irate.
  • Sue was despondent after her boyfriend broke up
    with her.
  • Dr. Kinneys honorarium for serving as the
    organizations advisor was 100.

Chapter 5
LEARNING TIP Interacting with Instructors in
the Classroom Think about the students in one of
your classes. Which one makes a good impression
on the instructor? Which one does not make a
good impression? How do these students differ?
What kind of impression do you want to make?
Chapter 5
REFLECTION What aspect of using the context to
identify meaning poses most problems for you?
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