Title: ????? t?t?? d?af??e?a?
1A Comparative Study of Texture Features for the
Discrimination of Gastric Polyps in Endoscopic
D. Iakovidis1, D. Maroulis1, S.A. Karkanis2, A.
1 University of Athens Department of
Informatics Telecommunications Realtime
Systems Image Processing Laboratory
2 Technological Educational of Lamia
Department of Informatics Computer Technology
2Gastric Cancer Polyps
- Gastric Ca is the 2nd Ca-related cause of death
- Rarely alarming symptoms
- gt40 appear as polyps
- Gastric polyps are visible tissue masses
- protruding from the gastric mucosa
- Adenomatous polyps are usually precancerous
- Gastroscopy is a screening procedure with
- which polyp growth can be prevented
Computer Science
Computer-Based Medical System (CBMS) to support
the detection of gastric polyps
- Increase endoscopists ability for polyp
localization - Reduction of the duration of the endoscopic
procedure - Minimization of experts subjectivity
4Previous Works
- Detection of gastric ulser using edge detection
- (Kodama et al. 1988)
- Diagnosis of gastric carcinoma using
epidemiological - data analysis
- (Guvenir et al. 2004)
5Previous Works
- Detection of colon polyps using texture
analysis - 1. Texture Spectrum Histogram (TS)
- (Karkanis et al, 1999) (Kodogiannis et al, 2004)
- 2. Texture Spectrum Color Histogram Statistics
(TSCHS) - (Tjoa Krishnan, 2003)
- 3. Color Wavelet Covariance (CWC)
- (Karkanis et al, 2003)
- 4. Local Binary Patterns (LBP)
- (Zheng et al, 2004)
6Texture Spectrum Histogram
(Wang He, 1990)
- Greylevel images
- 3?3 neighborhood thresholded in 3 levels
- V0 central pixel, Vi neighboring pixels, i 1,
2, 8 - Texture Unit TU E1, E2,, E8
- Totally 38 6561 possible TUs
- Feature vectors formed by the NTU distribution
7Local Binary Pattern Histogram
(Ojala, 1998)
- Greylevel images
- Inspired by the Texture Spectrum method
- 3?3 neighborhood thresholded in 2 levels
- Totally 28 256 possible TUs
- Feature vectors formed by the NTU distribution
8Texture Spectrum and Color Histogram Statistics
(Tjoa Krishnan, 2003)
- Color images (HSI)
- Inspired by the Texture Spectrum method
- Feature vectors formed by 1st order statistics
on the - NTU distribution in the I-channel
- Energy Entropy
- Mean, Standard deviation, Skew Kurtosis
- In addition color features ?C from each color
channel C
9Color Wavelet Covariance
(Karkanis et al, 2003)
- Color images (I1I2I3)
- Discrete Wavelet Frame Transform (DWFT)
- on each channel C
- Co-occurrence statistics F on each wavelet band
B(k) - Feature vectors formed by the Covariance of the
- cooccurrence statistics between the color
10Experimental Framework
- We focus only on the textural tissue patterns
- Gastroscopic video 320?240 pixels
- Region of interest 128?128 pixels
11Experimental Framework
- 1,000 Representative video frames
- Verified polyp and normal samples
- 4,000 non-overlapping sub-images 32?32 pixels
12Experimental Framework
- Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- 10-fold cross validation
- Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC)
- Accuracy assessed using
- the Area Under Characteristic (AUC)
- We have considered texture as a primary
- discriminative feature of gastric polyps
- Four texture feature extraction methods were
- considered
- Their performance was compared using SVMs
- and ROC analysis
- The development of a CBMS for gastric polyp
- detection is feasible
- Color information enhances gastric polyp
- discrimination
- The discrimination performance of the spatial
and - the wavelet domain color texture features is
- comparable
- The CBMSs developed for colon polyp detection
- can reliably be used for gastric polyp detection
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