Title: 9th grade English I.L2 Mr. Bath Room 403
19th grade English I.L2Mr. BathRoom 403
29th grade English I.L2
- Seating Charts
- Alphabetical . . . Helps me get to know you
quicker. . . . Thanks - Book distribution
- Get them covered
- Get a notebook/binder
3Figure Out the Puzzle
Connect ALL nine dots with four straight lines .
. .
4Figure Out the Puzzle
. . . You say, It cant be done!
5English I.L2
- But Wait! . . . What about staying in the box . .
. ? - I never said there was a boxyou imposed it!
6English I.L2
- Limitations are most often self imposed
- William James put it this way
- People, generally, become what they think of
themselves - Winners and Losers are really self determined
- Only the winners will admit to this
79th grade English I.L2Course Outline and
- Everything you need to know to be successful
this year - ..
8Letter to Yourself
- To Your name, graduating senior
- From Your name first week freshman
99th grade English I.L2PROCEDURES
- Arrive On Time Some of the most fascinating
and intelligent people I know aren't very prompt.
I expect you to be on time. See student
handbook expect detentions.
109th grade English I.L2PROCEDURES
- Attendance Mandatory you cant learn if
youre not here. Makeup work can snowball and
bury you.
119th grade English I.L2PROCEDURES
- Behavior The Golden Rule. You are mature
young adults and I expect you to act as such.
Mutual respect - no foul language raise your
hand, dont interrupt, dont criticize others,
129th grade English I.L2PROCEDURES
- Preparedness I expect you to come to class
ready to learn. Dont ask me to go to lockers
for pen/pencil, books, etc BE PREPARED. You
always need a textbook, your binder, and a
139th grade English I.L2PROCEDURES
- Involvement If you are bored and falling
asleep, it probably means you are sitting there
doing nothing. When you are tired, the best
thing to do is GET POSITIVELY ACTIVE. To get the
most out of something, you must involve yourself
with it. Therefore, I expect you to participate
in class. I dont expect you to always be
right, but I do expect you to try. Being
involved doesnt only mean raising your hand
and answering questions (although that is very
important) it also means active note-taking. I
definitely expect this.
149th grade English I.L2PROCEDURES
- Commitment I expect you to do your best on all
assignments. This means being committed to
trying your best, completing work on time, and
avoiding procrastination. I assign the work
because it enhances the learning it means
something at that point in the lesson. The
longer you procrastinate an assignment, the
farther it moves from its intended meaning. When
someone comes to me with pencil and paper in hand
at the end of the marking period and says, What
do I owe you? those assignment are no longer
about learning theyre merely about points.
Please dont do that.
159th grade English I.L2PROCEDURES
- Materials needed Each student must have a
binder containing paper designating separate
sections for class notes, a reading/writing
journal, and a folder for graded work. Students
should always bring this with them to class along
with a textbook and a pen/pencil.
169th grade English I.L2PROCEDURES Plagiarism and
According to Dictionary. COM, plagiarism is a
piece of writing that has been copied from
someone else and is presented as being your own
work and taking someones words or ideas as if
they were your own. Plagiarism is a crime and
will not be tolerated. Therefore, if a student
is found guilty of plagiarism he or she will
receive a zero for the assignment and a
disciplinary referral a record of the offence
will be kept on record in the guidance office.
Students caught cheating will receive a zero for
the assignment and a disciplinary referral. Work
involved in either incident cannot be made up.
179th grade English I.L2PROCEDURES Plagiarism and
If a student attempts to pass off another
students homework as his/her own, both students
are in violation of the academic integrity
policy. The students will both receive a zero on
the assignment and will be written
up. Turnitin.com In the beginning of the year,
we will set up Turnitin.com accounts. This
program scans documents submitted and identifies
any similarities between the students documents
and the entire internet, including the
Turnitin.com database. Students will be
required to submit most of their written work to
this program. Though the program does help to
detect plagiarism and cheating, it also helps
students to recognize their strengths and
weaknesses in paraphrasing and quoting.
189th grade English I.L2 GradesI use a variety of
grades throughout the year
- Tests 100 pts
- 50 questions
- - Multiple Choice
- - Matching
- - Short Completion
- Short Essays (4-6)
- - In class
- - Hand written
199th grade English I.L2 GradesI use a variety of
grades throughout the year
- Quizzes 20 - 50 pts
- 15 25 questions
- - Multiple Choice
- - Matching
- - Short Completion
- Short Essay
- - In class
- - Hand written
209th grade English I.L2 GradesI use a variety of
grades throughout the year
- Projects and/or Oral Presentations 50 - 100 pts
- Often group work
- Incorporates
- - Essay
- - Presentation Module (PPT)
- - Alt. Final product
219th grade English I.L2 GradesI use a variety of
grades throughout the year
- Essays / Compositions
- 50-100 pts
- Informal, hand written in class
- Formal typed outside of class can include
- - Research
- - MLA format
- - Works Cited page
229th grade English I.L2 GradesI use a variety of
grades throughout the year
- Class-work Homework(10-30 pts
- Usually informal, hand written in and out of
- class assignments.
- This will make or break some people.
239th grade English I.L2 Grades A Closing
- Each assignment is weighted on a point scale
based on the amount of work and thought
required. What concerns me is when students
submit work late. In an effort to alleviate this,
I will penalize 10 points for every day an
assignment is late. This also serves as a reward
for those who are consistently prompt. Also,
expect makeup tests and quizzes if you are absent
on the day of an evaluation - (I wouldn't choose this option).
249th grade English I.L2 Course Outline
- Quarter 1
- Introductory Activities
- Plagiarism
- The Five Paragraph Essay, Outlining, Thesis
- Statement, and MLA Formatting
- Journal Writing
- Vocabulary and Grammar
- Writing Assignments, including Research
- Essay (outlining, peer-editing, and final
- composition)
259th grade English I.L2 Course Outline
- Quarter 2
- Literary Terminology and Criticism
- Short Stories I Literary Elements, Figurative
- Expression
- Short Stories II Plot, Suspense, Surprise
Endings - Writing Assignments, including Research Essay
- Literary Analysis of Short Stories (outlining,
peer-editing, - and final composition)
- The Novel To Kill a Mockingbird (concludes in
quarter - three)
- Thematically Related Nonfiction and Poetry
Selections - Journal Writing
- Vocabulary in Context
- Midterm Exam Review
269th grade English I.L2 Course Outline
- Quarter 3
- To Kill a Mockingird Persuasive Essay
- Introduction to Poetic Forms and Expression
- Poetry Explication and Creative Writing
- Introduction to Drama
- The Life and Times of William Shakespeare
- Writing Assignments
- Journal Writing
- Vocabulary in Context and Grammar
279th grade English I.L2 Course Outline
- Quarter 4
- Drama Romeo and Juliet
- Romeo and Juliet Project
- Introduction to Epic Poetry and Greek Mythology
- Epic Poem The Odyssey
- Writing Assignments
- Journal Writing
- Vocabulary in Context
- Final Exam Review
289th grade English I.L2 Course Outline
- Mid Term Exam covers 1st semester
- Final Exam covers only material
- from 2nd semester