Title: Fall Workshop - 2000
1Your Plan in Action
PSAT Scores and College Planning
Bellevue School District 11th Grade Counselor
2First things first
- Please complete the College Search Survey
3Junior College Planning 3 parts
- Classroom presentations and PSAT results
- Counselor Tutorial
- College search and Finding Fit
- Applications and Letter of Rec
- Open tutorials
- Individual Meetings as requested
44 Major Parts of Your PSAT/NMSQT Results
Understanding Your PSAT/NMSQT Results
Your Scores
Your Skills
Your Answers
Next Steps
3 Test Sections
Critical Reading
Writing Skills
5Your Scores
Score You can see your projected SAT score online
in My College QuickStart (www.collegeboard.com/qui
Score Range
Percentile If you are a junior, your scores are
compared to those of other juniors. If you are a
sophomore or younger student, your scores are
compared to those of sophomores.
6National Merit Scholarship Corporation Information
The Selection Index is the sum of your critical
reading, mathematics and writing skills
scores. If it has an asterisk, you do not meet
all of the eligibility requirements for the
The Percentile compares your performance to that
of other college-bound juniors.
The Entry Requirements section displays
information you provided on your answer sheet.
7Your Skills
See how you did on each skill. The same skills
are tested on the SAT.
You can try hundreds of practice questions,
organized by skill, online in My College
QuickStart (www.collegeboard.com/quickstart).
8Your Answers
You will get your test book back with your
PSAT/NMSQT results, so that you can review the
questions. You can also review each test
question in My College QuickStart.
9Your Answers Student-Produced Responses
Some of the math problems required you to grid in
answers instead of selecting an option. For these
questions, you will see the correct answer(s)
written out.
10Next Steps
- Whats next?
- Use the access code on your report to log in to
My College QuickStart, a personalized college and
career planning kit. There you can - Search for colleges
- Get a personalized SAT study plan
- Take a personality test to find majors and
careers that fit you - www.collegeboard.com/quickstart
11My College QuickStart
12My College QuickStart
- My Online Score Report
- Projected SAT score ranges
- State percentiles
- You can filter questions
- Questions and answer explanations
13My College QuickStart
- My SAT Study Plan
- Personalized skills to improve
- SAT practice questions
- An official SAT practice test
14My College QuickStart
- My Personality
- Personality test
- Description of your type
- Tips for success
- Majors and careers that might be a good fit for
15My College QuickStart
- My College Matches
- Starter list of colleges
- Criteria to customize search
- Ability to save searches
16My College QuickStart
- My Majors Career Matches
- Major you chose
- Related majors
- Related careers
17My College QuickStart
Log in to your personalized account at
18Dont forget to Register!
- SAT SAT Subject Tests
- March 12th (Deadline Feb 11th)
- May 7st (Deadline April 8th)
- June 4th (Deadline May 6th)
- ACT Tests
- -February 12th (Deadline January 7th)
- -April 9th (March 4th)
- -June 11th (May 6th)
- Schedule at www.collegeboard.com
- See counselor for fee waiver if free or reduced
lunch - SAT prep options
- Score choice you can choose which test to send
to colleges.
- Schedule at www.act.org
- We recommend spring of junior year
- More aligned with high school curriculum
- Review your PLAN results from last year to help
you make an informed decision! - Sign up for ACT (writing)
- Most all colleges accept either SAT or ACT!
21College Admissions
- What are some things to consider in your college
- Lets see what one college expert says
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vAR_8VXlcq8c
22Whats in a Name?
- On a piece of scratch paper
- Brainstorm as many names of colleges you can
think of.
23Whats in a Name?
- How many people had UW on their list?
- Someone name a school that they dont think will
be on anyone elses list? - What Colleges/Universities did you name?
- What made those schools stand out?
- What are some similarities or differences in
those schools? - How will you decide what schools would be a good
fit for you?
24College Viewbook Search
- Look through the view books.
- Work in pairs. Someone take notes.
- Fill out the form and be ready to share!
25What are YOU looking for?
- Colleges are not the only ones who can be
selective YOU should carefully choose them! - What are you looking for?
- View books are only 1 way to search.
- What are some other ways you can find out about
26How do you pick a college?
- Picking a college is like picking a new best
friend - How do you pick your friends?
- Spending time together
- Learning about each other the interests you
share - Overlooking small things that might bug you (i.e.
the C- in that class last yearthe fact that the
laundry facilities are in the basement that the
whole campus isnt wireless) - Looking forward in the same direction- having the
same goals. - Substance vs. reputation status
27Next Steps
- Register and take the SAT and/or ACT
- Choose rigorous classes for senior year.
- Start building your list of colleges
- Attend the college Conference on January 27th at
Sammamish - Visit top choices over breaks
- Come see your counselor if you are stuck!