Title: What is An Actuary?
1What is An Actuary?
21 The Actuarial Profession!
Based primarily on Work Environment, Income,
Future Outlook and Stress
47 Accountant 51 Surgeon 55 Nurse 58
Psychologist 61 Architect 79 Judge
98 Electrical Engineer 104 Stockbroker 120
Economist 125 Chemist
150 Bartender 152 Real Estate Agent 162
Bank Teller 196 Oil Rig Worker
3Is Actuarial for You?
If youre considering pursuing a career as an
actuary, you should possess many of the following
- Be a strong math student.
- Have the ability to problem solve and think
logically. - Enjoy both individual work as well as team work.
- Be tech savvy.
- Be committed in order to study for exams.
4What does an Actuary do?
- Actuaries are experts in quantifying and reducing
risk - They apply probability, statistics and risk
theory to financial problems involving future
uncertainty - They are often found in
- Life Health Insurance (pricing, reserving,
asset management, investments) - Property Casualty Insurance (natural disasters,
home, auto, agricultural, pet) - Pension Wealth Modeling
- Academic Government Organizations
Actuaries in the Workforce Salary
Information Winning the Lottery! - A Tricky
Problem Actuaries at School Perks at the
University of Manitoba
6The Actuarial Profession
Actuaries in the workforce
- Three professional bodies look after
qualification to become an actuary - Fellowship 8 -10 professional exams (outside of
school) - Graduating students pass 3-5 exams
- Pass remaining exams while working
Society of Actuaries
7Employer Location
Actuaries in the workforce
8Career Paths
Actuaries in the workforce
- Insurance
- Hierarchical organizations
- Ambitious and talented individuals are promoted
- Progress from technical to managerial to business
leader - Actuaries are commonly executives of major
insurance companies such as Manulife, Great-West
Life, Sun Life and many others
9Career Paths
Actuaries in the workforce
- Consulting
- Flatter organizations
- Technical support
- Consultants
- Consultants must be
- Technically strong
- Good relationship managers
- Strong communicators
10Career Paths
Actuaries in the workforce
- Non-traditional
- Academics
- Government regulators
- Demographers
- Profession expanding into other industries
(especially finance, agriculture, and even
11What will this career do for you ?
Actuaries in the workforce
- Dynamic and challenging work
- Exceptional chances for personal growth
- Highly respected profession
- Work where you want
- Very strong compensation throughout your career
12Salary Information
This data is from 2011/2012 Asper School graduates
Annual average starting salary by major
Accounting - All 38,042 Accounting - CA
Only 35,735 Accounting - CA Excluded
41,200 Actuarial Mathematics 60,833
Finance 42,864
- It is common for Actuaries to double their
starting salary within five years!
13Salary Information
Life HealthOctober2012 0-0.5 yrs(excl.sign-on) 0.5-2.5 yrs 2.5-4.5 yrs 4.5-6.5 yrs 6.5-9.5 yrs 9.5-14.5 yrs 14.5-19.5yrs 19.5 yrs
1 exam 50-58 54-69 55-72
2 exams 54-64 55-75 60-80 66-86
3 exams(MLCMFE1) 56-69 58-81 64-87 70-93
4 exams 60-74 62-89 65-93 72-101 75-110
4 exams FAP 1 66-92 68-101 76-111 82-122
ASA 72-101 77-114 84-128 95-144 96-160 110-234 121-244
FSA 97-146 104-158 118-198 131-245 148-348 163-403
- D.W Simpson Actuarial Survey 2012 (U.S Dollars)
- The top and bottom 10 are excluded from this
14Set for Life
Winning the Lottery! A Tricky Problem
- Question
- On your 18th birthday, you bought a Set for Life
ticket, scratched it and won! You have two
options for the grand prize - Option A 1 million today, or
- Option B 1000 per week for 25 years
- (1000 x 52 weeks x 25 years 1.3 Million)
- Which would you choose?
15It depends
Winning the Lottery! A Tricky Problem
- If interest rate 0
- No opportunity cost
- Option A 1 million lt Option B 1.3 million
- Choose option B 1000 per week for 25 years
- If interest rate 4
- Choose option A 1 million today
16Actuarial Studies at U of Manitoba
Actuaries at School
- Offered through Warren Centre
- Students can choose to do their Actuarial degree
through either the Asper School of Business or
the Faculty of Science - Actuarial Program background
- Began in 1912 (last year was our 100th
anniversary!) - Hundreds of grads have become actuaries
- One of the only Canadian schools to offer
actuarial studies with a business degree
17Actuarial Studies at U of ManitobaUndergraduate
Degrees (3 choices)
Actuaries at School
B. Comm. (Hons) Actuarial Maths
B. Sc. (Hons) Actuarial Maths
B. Sc. (Hons) Actuarial Maths Statistics (Joint)
18Internships Co-Op Program
Actuaries at School
- Actuarial students are offered high paying summer
positions. - Gives students an opportunity to experience
actuarial work before they graduate. - Students can relocate for the summer or stay
local in Winnipeg. - American companies provide a unique summer
internship experience as students get to live
with other interns and experience life in New
York, Boston, Chicago and Hartford.
19Recruiting at U of Manitoba
Actuaries at School
- Companies that actively recruit on campus
- Great West Life, Wawanesa, Mercer, Aon Winnipeg
- Manulife, Sun Life, Mercer Toronto / Waterloo
- PBI, Mercer Vancouver
- Towers Watson Calgary, Chicago
- Allianz Minneapolis
- Cigna Hartford and Philadelphia
- Irregular recruiters
- Deloitte, New York Life, MetLife New York
- Co-Operators Regina
- MPI - Winnipeg
- SGI Saskatchewan
- You can apply anywhere!
20What to take in Year 1
Actuaries at School
Science Route
- Required Courses (24 credit hours)
- MATH 1500 1700 Calculus
- MATH 1300 (or MATH 1310) Linear Algebra
- ECON 1010 1020 Economics
- STAT 1000 Statistics
- Written English requirement
- Recommended Electives (6 credit hours)
- COMP 1010 Computer Science and
- GMGT 1010 Business Society
21Bachelor of Commerce In Actuarial Math
Actuaries at School
Business Route
- Enroll in the Asper School of Business
- Three routes
- Through University 1
- Three - year program after University 1
- Direct Admission from High School
- Four year program
- Transfer from another institution
22Actuaries at School
Business Route
Bachelor of Commerce In Actuarial Math
- Direct admission criteria
- High school graduation
- Five full grade 12 credits in courses designated
S, G or U - Over three courses (Pre-calculus 40S or Applied
Math 40S, plus English 40S, plus one other 40S
course) - Minimum 60 grade in each, and
- Minimum 85 average over the three courses
23What to take in Year 1
Actuaries at School
Business Route
- Key Courses
- (6) MATH 1500 MATH 1700 - Calculus
- (3) MATH 1300 Linear Algebra
- (6) ECON 1010 ECON 1020 Economics
- (3) STAT 1000 Statistics
- (3) Written English requirement
- Recommended Electives
- (3) GMGT 1010 Business Society two of
- (3) GMGT 2060 Management Organizational
Theory - (3) GMGT 2070 Intro to Organizational Behaviour
- (3) MKT 2210 Introduction to Marketing
24Perks at the University of Manitoba
- State-of-the-art computer lab (new Bloomberg
Terminals) - Recently renovated Albert D. Cohen Management
Library - Beautiful modern building (with tables instead of
desks!) - Small classes
- Accessible professors
- A diverse and well run set of Student
25Perks at the University of Manitoba
- University of Manitoba Actuarial Club
- 160 Members spanning two faculties
- Many social events throughout the year
- Provide academic and professional resources
- Interview workshops, Excel workshops, networking
events, textbook/manual exchange, study sessions,
mentor/tutor programs
26Is Actuarial for You?
- You should
- Be a strong math student.
- Have the ability to problem solve and think
logically. - Enjoy individual work as well as team work.
- Be tech savvy.
- Be committed in order to study for exams.
27Questions ?
28Contact Us
- Contact U of M Actuarial Club (UMAC)
- Umac_exec_at_lists.umanitoba.ca or the website
- http//www.umanitoba.ca/actuary_club/
- Contact Warren Centre for Actuarial Studies
- Jeffrey.Pai_at_ad.umanitoba.ca Jeffrey Pai 474-6412
- http//www.umanitoba.ca/asper/academic_depts_centr
es/dept/actuarial - click on Student Resources Programs
- then Requirements
- Useful Website for more information
- http//www.beanactuary.org/