Title: CCSDS Overview
1CCSDS Overview
Mike Kearney CCSDS Management Council
Chairman CCSDS General Secretary NASA MSFC
EO-01 256-544-2029 Mike.Kearney_at_nasa.gov April
2CCSDS Overview
- The goal For Space Data Systems, enhance
interoperability and cross-support, while also
reducing risk, development time and project
costs, for government, industry, agencies,
vendors and programs. - Interoperability between agencies teams
translates to operational flexibility, capability
and access to additional resources - CCSDS Started in 1982 developing at the lower
layers of the protocol stack. The CCSDS scope
has grown to cover standards throughout the ISO
communications stack, plus other Data Systems
areas (architecture, archive, security, XML
exchange formats, etc.)
3CCSDS composition
- Produces International Voluntary Consensus
Standards - Agency-led international committee
- Currently 11 Member agencies
- Currently 26 Observer Agencies
- Currently 135 Commercial Associates
- 160-180 attendees at Spring/Fall meetings
- Also functions as an ISO Committee
- TC20/SC13 - Space Data Info Transfer Systems
- Represents 17 nations
hina CAST/China CSIR/South Africa CSIRO/Australia
urope GISTDA/Thailand HNSC/Greece IKI/Russia ISRO/
India KARI/Korea KFKI/Hungary MOC/Israel NCST/USA
O/Pakistan TsNIIMash/Russia TUBITAK/Turkey USGS/US
A/China CSA/Canada DLR/Germany ESA/Europe FSA/Russ
ia INPE/Brazil JAXA/Japan NASA/USA
4CCSDS Overview
- Security
- Information Architecture
- Space Addressing and Naming
- Delta-DOR
- Time Code Formats
- Time Correlation/Synchronization
Systems Engineering
Cross Support Services
Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services
Mission Ops Info. Mgt. Services
Space Internetworking Services
Space Link Services
- RF Modulation
- Space Link Coding Sync.
- Multi/Hyper Data Compress.
- Space Link Protocols
- Ranging
- Next Generation Uplink
- Space Data Link Security
- Long Erasure Codes
- Planetary Communications
- Optical Coding and Mod
- Onboard Subnet. Services
- Onboard Application Services
- Wireless WG
- Onboard Plug-n-Play
- CS Service Mgt
- CS Transfer Svcs
- Cross Support Architecture
- Reference Arch.
- Space Packet Protocol
- Asynch Messaging
- IP-over-CCSDS Links
- Motion Imagery Apps
- Delay Tolerant Networking
- Voice
- Data Archive Ingestion
- Navigation
- Info. Pack. Registries
- Spacecraft Monitor Control
- Digital Repository Audit/Certification
- Packet Utilization Std.
Thirty-six working groups (some in formative
stages )
5CCSDS Structure and Organization
Systems Engineering
Mission Ops Info. Mgt. Services
Cross Support Services
Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services
Space Link Services
Space Internetworking Services
6CCSDS Relationships with ISO
Missions / Programs
Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services
Systems Engineering
Space Internetworking Services
Mission Ops Info. Mgt. Services
Space Link Services
Cross Support Services
7Some Organizational Interrelationships
- Typical IOAG communiqué to CCSDS
IOP Interoperability Plenary highest level
interagency agreements on space interoperability
- R 12.9.1 The IOAG requests the CCSDS
- to initiate the transition to an end-to-end
networked communications architecture by - developing a standard for CCSDS encapsulation
service - developing the DTN suite as standards
- developing a recommended practice for the
deployment of the IP suite.
IOAG Interagency Operations Advisory Group
interoperable mission support infrastructure (Comm
Nav only)
CCSDS open international standards for space
mission interoperability
SFCG Space Frequency coordination Group space
agency spectrum management forum
Close Coordination for Internetworking
IOAG SISG Space Internet Strategy Group New
Intl agreements for Internetworking (ISO Layer
3) in Space
8Some Organizational Interrelationships
OMG Object Management Group Industry standards
for exchange of application information among
vendor products CCSDS/OMG have some common
standards and periodic joint meetings
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IRTF
Internet Research Task Force Open international
standards for IP suite and DTN CCSDS uses such
industry standards as a basis, whenever possible
ECSS European Consortium for Space Standards -
European regional standards for space mission
support CCSDS/ECSS coordinate on compatible
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics North American regional standards
for space mission support Regional Standards
coordination, and AIAA provides Secretariat
support for CCSDS, ISO TC20/SC13 and SC14
11 Sampling of technical topics
- New Low-Density Parity Check codes
- LDPC codes provide better performance in space
environment - New codes specific to mission environments (Near
Earth, Deep Space) - Agencies currently downselecting from multiple
options - XML activities in many areas
- Data Archive, Registries, Repositories, etc.
- CCSDS XML Special Interest Group (SIG) working
towards consistent approach across multiple
standards - Spacecraft Monitor and Control (SMC)
- One of the most active working groups,
considering name change to Mission Operations
WG because of current ground focus - Service Oriented Architecture approach to
application-level services - Goals Interoperable monitor/control services,
application portability between flight/ground or
between partner agencies. - New sub-areas starting Time services,
automation services, planning/scheduling
services, remote software management svcs. - XML Telemetry and Command Exchange (XTCE) also in
this area - Worked jointly with OMG, getting broad acceptance
12Sampling of Technical Topics (Cont.)
- Recently approved new work areas
- Delay Tolerant Networking
- Voice and Motion Imagery (Video, etc.)
- Cross Support Architecture
- Proposed new work areas
- Optical channel coding
- Planetary Surface Comm
- Space Data Link Security
- Long Erasure Codes
- Spacecraft Onboard Plug-n-Play
- Other New Technology Areas
- IP-over-CCSDS
- Asynchronous Messaging Service
- Wireless (onboard and planetary surface)
- Multi/HyperSpectral Data Compression
13Recent CCSDS Status
- NASAs Constellation program
- Shuttle replacement, human missions to ISS,
Lunar, and beyond - CCSDS with Constellation involvement will enable
interoperability with internationals in advance
of formal intergovernmental program/project
agreements - Recent Membership News
- China admitted as full member
- Thailand, Turkey admitted as observer agencies
- Next meeting April 20-25, 2009
- Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
- Visit www.ccsds.org for info.
14CCSDS Summary
- Take-home message Still much work to be done
- Enabling interoperability between international
agencies for future missions both Earth-Orbital
and Exploration - Long-range vision automated routing and delay
tolerant networking for deep space crosslinks
between spacecraft and surface systems - Near-term need evolutionary approach to sustain
cross-support agreements with other agencies. - Organizations with a stake in the future of Space
Operations and the expertise to contribute to
CCSDS should become engaged.