Title: Establishing an Enterprise-wide Data Warehousing Strategy
1Establishing an Enterprise-wide Data
Warehousing Strategy
- By Michael G. Miller
- National Director - Enterprise Intelligence
Butler Technology Solutions - mgmiller_at_butler.com
- Introduction
- Current State of Data Warehousing
- Current Problems / Potential Solution
- Establishing the EDW Strategy
- Utilizing the Zachman Framework
- Questions (hopefully) Answers
3Butler International
- Today, through our 50 offices,
- 6200 Butler employees serve
- over 1600 client companies
- worldwide.
4Butler Awards
- Arthur Andersens 1998 International Best
Practices Award, one of top three companies
worldwide in Exceeding Customer Expectations, and
number one regionally. - New Jersey Technology Council Award for Customer
Service Company of the Year in 1998 - Internet Business Network Award, ranked as one of
the top 6 Third Party Recruiting Web Sites in
5Butler Technology Solutions Areas of Expertise
- Enterprise Applications Solutions
- Enterprise Relationship Management
- E-Commerce
- Enterprise Intelligence
- Enterprise Network Solutions
- Network Design, Construction, Operation,
Assessment, etc. - Quality Assurance Solutions
- Testing Automated, Manual, Performance, etc.
- Staff Augmentation Solutions
6Butler Technology Solutions Clients
- American Re-Insurance
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7Current State of Data Warehousing
- Good news bad news
- The good news
- Data Warehouse is no longer considered bleeding
edge or leading edge technology. - It is now considered a main stream technology and
in many cases, a mission critical technology. - The bad news
- Data Warehouse is no longer considered bleeding
edge or leading edge technology. - It is now considered a main stream technology and
in many cases, a mission critical technology.
8Current State of Data Warehousing
- More bad news
- In many organizations,
- Data Warehouse is thought of as just another
application development effort, - rather than,
- as a whole new platform or whole new
environment, separate distinct from the
operational systems.
9Enterprise Data Warehouse Construction...
...the toughest data warehousing problems have
nothing to do with the technology-they have to do
with delivering value to the users, maintaining
the data warehouse, and shifting from a
transaction-processing to a decision support
- Larry Greenfield Datamation, 3/1/96
10Original ProblemOperational System Stovepipes
M a r k e t i n g
A c c o u n t i n g
M a i n t e n a n c e
P r o d u c t i o n
I n v e n t o r y
H u m a n R e s o u r c e s
S a l e s
F i n a n c e
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n
11Data Warehouse Stovepipes
90 Day Data Warehouse
30 Day ODS
M a r k e t i n g
A c c o u n t i n g
M a i n t e n a n c e
P r o d u c t i o n
I n v e n t o r y
H u m a n R e s o u r c e s
S a l e s
F i n a n c e
T r a n s p o r t a t i o n
15 min. Data Mart
12Current Problems
- Stove Pipe Data Warehouses
- Stove Pipe Data Marts
- Stove Pipe ODSs
- Results in Islands of Information
13Islands of Information
Marketing DM ISLAND
Financial DM Island
Customer ODS Island
Product DW Island
143 Stages of Data Warehousing
- Stage 1 Reporting
- Stage 2 OLAP
- Stage 3 Data Mining
15Strategy Architecture
- Microsoft says Where do you want to go today?
I say - Where are you today?
- Where do you want to be tomorrow?
- What is the gap between where you are today
where you want to be tomorrow? - Can you bridge that gap in the time allotted?
16Utilizing the Zachman Framework
- Now..
- Identify a Enterprise Data Warehouse strategy to
successfully bridge the gap set your direction,
- Using the Zachman Enterprise Architecture
Framework as a vehicle for communication.
17Enterprise Architecture A Framework
18Enterprise Architecture A Framework
19Column 6 Motivation (Why?)
- List of Major Business Goals/Strategies/
Critical Success Factors - John A. Zachman
20Column 6 Motivation (Why?)
- What are the current major
- Business Goals?
- Business Strategies?
- Critical Success Factors?
- Compensation Methods?
21Column 6 Motivation (Why?)
- What are the future major
- Business Goals?
- Business Strategies?
- Critical Success Factors?
- Compensation Methods?
22Column 6 Motivation (Why?)
- What is the gap between the current future
major - Business Goals?
- Business Strategies?
- Critical Success Factors?
- Compensation Methods?
23Column 6 Motivation (Why?)
- Can you bridge the gap between today's
tomorrows business goals, strategies, critical
success factors in the time allotted?
24Column 2 Function (How?)
25Column 2 Function (How?)
- How do you do what you do?
- Current Functions
- Current Processes
26Column 2 Function (How?)
- How do you intend to do what you do? (future)
- Future Functions
- Future Processes
27Column 2 Function (How?)
- What is the gap between today's tomorrows
functions and processes?
28Column 2 Function (How?)
- Can you bridge the gap between today's
tomorrows functions processes in the time
29Column 4 - People (Who?)
- List of Organizations important to the Business
- John A. Zachman
30Column 4 - People (Who?)
- Who are todays organizations for EDW?
- Who are the current
- EDW champions?
- EDW opponents?
- EDW customers (users)?
- EDW general management?
- EDW consultants?
- EDW product vendors?
- EDW other parties?
- Ex. Stockholders, Investors, Venture Capitalists,
31Column 4 - People (Who?)
- Who are tomorrows organizations for EDW?
- Who are the future
- EDW champions?
- EDW opponents?
- EDW customers (users)?
- EDW general management?
- EDW consultants?
- EDW product vendors?
- EDW other parties?
- Ex. Stockholders, Investors, Venture Capitalists,
32Column 4 - People (Who?)
- What is the gap between today's tomorrows
organizations for EDW? - What is the gap between current future
- EDW champions?
- EDW opponents?
- EDW customers (users)?
- EDW general management?
- EDW consultants?
- EDW product vendors?
- EDW other parties?
33Column 4 - People (Who?)
- Can you bridge the gap between today's
tomorrows organizations for EDW in the allotted
34Column 4 -Who is your Customer?
Executive Management Focus Long Range (1 year
) Perspective External Future
Middle Management Focus Mid Range (30days to
1yr.) Perspective External/Internal Recent
Operations Focus Short Range (1-30
days) Perspective Internal Now
35Column 1 Data (What?)
- List of Things Important to the Business
- John A. Zachman
36Column 1 Data (What?)
- What current things are important to the
business? - Customers/Markets
- Products/Services
- Suppliers
- Money
- Employees
37Column 1 Data (What?)
- What future things are important to the business?
- Customers/Markets
- Products/Services
- Suppliers
- Money
- Employees
38Column 1 Data (What?)
- What is the gap between today's tomorrows
39Column 1 Data (What?)
- Can you bridge the gap between today's
tomorrows data in the time allotted?
40Column 5 Time (When?)
- List of Events Significant
- John A. Zachman
41Column 5 Time (When?)
- When do significant events/cycles currently
occur? - Ex. Data created, process occurs, location
becomes operational, person hired, customer
cancels order - Ex. Merger, Acquisition, Divestiture, Web Site
crash, Reorganization, Downsizing, Rightsizing,
etc. - Ex. Earthquake, hurricane, other acts of God.
42Column 5 Time (When?)
- When will significant events/cycles occur in the
future? (Faster, slower, not at all) - Ex. Data created, process occurs, location
becomes operational, person hired, customer
cancels order - Ex. Merger, Acquisition, Divestiture, Web site
crash, Reorganization, Downsizing, Rightsizing,
etc. - Ex. Earthquake, hurricane, other Acts of Nature.
43Column 5 Time (When?)
- What is the gap between current future
significant events/cycles? (Rate of Change)
44Column 5 Time (When?)
- Can you bridge the gap between today's
tomorrows events / cycles in the time allotted?
45Column 3 Network (Where?)
- List of Locations in which the Business
Operates - John A. Zachman
46Column 3 Network (Where?)
- Where are todays
- Operations currently conducted?
- Operations managed (from)? Tactical Level
- Operations directed (from)? Strategic Level
- Customers located?
- Other stakeholders located?
- Ex. Regulators, Stockholders, EDW Consultants,
47Column 3 Network (Where?)
- Where are tomorrows
- Operations to be conducted?
- Operations to be managed (from)? Tactical Level
- Operations to be directed (from)? Strategic
Level - Customers located?
- Other stakeholders located?
- Ex. Regulators, Stockholders, EDW Consultants,
48Column 3 Network (Where?)
- What is the gap between today's tomorrows
49Column 3 Network (Where?)
- Can you bridge the gap between today's
tomorrows locations in the time allotted?
50E.D.W. - S.W.O.T Analysis
- Internal View
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- External View
- Opportunities
- Threats
51Determine EDW Strategy
- JAD Strategy Sessions
- Document Strategy
- Begin to develop architecture
52Enterprise Data Warehouse Architecture
53Future Direction
- Think Business Information Portal
- Think XML
- Think Wireless (any time, any where)
54The End Thank You
- Any further questions contact
- Michael G. Miller
- National Director - Enterprise Intelligence
- Butler Technology Solutions
- 3601 Algonquin Road 323
- Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
- 847-506-7456
- mgmiller_at_butler.com