- Abraham D. Lee, Ph.D.,P.T.
- Department of Physical Therapy
- Office Collier Building 4206
- Phone 419-383-3437
- Email abraham.lee2_at_utoledo.edu
1. Muscle structure organization 2. Muscle
fiber type 3. Muscle action 4. Muscle
mechanics 5. Motor unit and its recruitment 6.
Local muscle control 7. Muscle plasticity 8.
3Muscle organization
- Epimysium wraps an entire muscle
- Perimysium wraps a bundle of muscle fibers. This
bundle is called fascicle or fasciculus - Endomysium wraps an individual muscle fiber
- Sarcolemma muscle membrane
- Myofibrils contractile filaments
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- Thin filament
- Actin filaments
- Troponin
- Tropomyosin
- Thick filament
- Myosin 4 light chains and 2 heavy chains
- Heavy chains
- Myosin head region heavy meromyosin
- Myosin tail region light memromysin
8Muscle pennation
- Longitudinal (non-pennated) architecture muscle
fibers in parallel to the muscle force generating
axis - Example biceps brachii, sartorius muscle
- In these muscles fibers are said to be fusiform
or spindle shaped. - Pennate architecture muscle fibers are
oriented at an angle or multiple angles relative
to force-generating axis. - Unipennate soleus-25 degree vastus medialis-5
degree - Bipennate gastrocnemius, rectus femoris
- Multipennate deltoid
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10Effect of pennation
Space saving
11Comparison b/n non-pennated pennated muscle
- Contraction
- Fiber packing
- w/ given volume
- Force loss due
- to pennation
- fiber
- Muscle force
- Production
Non-pennated Pennated
Fast Slow Less More No Yes Less Mor
e Less Greater Less Greater
12Muscle Fiber Type
13Muscle fiber type
- Type I,
- Slow-oxidative (SO) fibers
- Type IIa,
- Fast-oxidative-glycolytic (FOG) fibers
- Type IIb,
- Fast-glycolytic (FG) fibers
14Characteristics of different fibers
- Type I Type IIa Type IIb
- H H/M L
- H H/M L
- L H HH
- L H HH
- H M L
Mitochondria Resistance to fatigue Energy ATPase
activity Vmax Efficiency
L low H high M moderate A aerobic AN
anaerobic HH highest
15Muscle composition in athletes
- Type I Type IIa IIb
- 70-80 20-30
- 25-30 70-75
- 45-55 45-55
- 47-53 47-53
Distance runners Track sprinters Weight
lifters Non-athletes
Will fiber type change with training?
16Muscle Action
- Excitation-contraction coupling
- Type of muscle action
17Excitation-Contraction Coupling
- Nerve impulse generation and propagation
- Neuromuscular junction transmission
- Muscle action potential propagation
- Ca2 release from SR
- Ca2 binding to troponin
- Interaction of myosin head and actin
- Cross bridge moves tension development
- Ca2 taken up to SR
- Ca2 removal from troponin
- Relaxation
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19E-C coupling
DHPR dihydropyridine receptors RyR ryanodine
Other possible mechanism Inositol
1,4,5-triphosphate (InsP3) InsP3 receptor
activation Ca2 release from SR May play
a role in slow twitch muscle in developmental
stage (Talon et al., Am. J. Physiol 282
R1164-R1173, 2002)
20E-C coupling
21Sliding Filament Theory
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23Changes during shortening muscle action
- Sarcomere length (distance between two adjacent Z
lines) shortens - A band no change
- I band shortens
- H zone shortens
24Different type of muscle action (contraction)
- Isometric action
- Isotonic action (dynamic action)
- Concentric action
- Eccentric action
25Muscle mechanics
- It deals with how muscle force is generated and
26Factors that affect muscle force generation
- Rate of muscle stimulation
- Muscle length
- Joint angle
- Speed of action (speed of contraction)
- Muscle fiber type
- of MU recruitment
27Rate of Muscle Stimulation
28Muscle twitch
29Muscle tetanus
30Effect of Muscle Length
31Force-Length Relationship
- Isolated muscle
- In vivo human muscles
32Force-Length Relationship
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34Force-Length Relationship
- In vivo human muscles
- Two things are considered muscle length and
joint angle - In general, a group of muscles produces more
force (torque) when muscles are lengthened before
contraction. But some muscles do not follow this
35Shoulder muscles
Shoulder flexors (anterior deltoid) causes to
flex shoulder joint Shoulder extensors(posterior
deltoid) causes to extend shoulder joint
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37Knee flexors
- A person is lying on the stomach (prone position)
Lower leg
Knee joint
Hip joint
Knee flexors (hamstring muscles) causes to flex
knee joint
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39Hip flexors
- A person is lying on the back (supine position)
Lower leg
hip joint
Knee joint
Hip flexors (iliopsoas, sartorius) causes to
flex hip joint
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41Knee extensors
- A person is sitting on the bench
Knee extensors (quadriceps muscles) causes to
extend knee joint
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43Elbow flexors
Elbow flexors (biceps brachii) causes to flex
elbow joint
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45Force arm distance
46Effect of Velocity (Speed of Action)
47Force-velocity curve
48Effect of Muscle Fiber
49Effect of muscle fiber type on force
50Muscle Power
- Need to consider two factors
- 1. Muscle force
- 2. Speed of action
51Power-Velocity Relationship
- Power work/time (force x distance)/time
force x speed
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53Effect of muscle fiber type on power
54Factors that affect muscle force/power generation
- Rate of muscle stimulation
- Muscle length
- Joint angle
- Speed of action
- Muscle fiber type
- of MU recruitment
55Motor Unit
How does an individual generate appropriate
force for a given task?
56Motor Unit (MU)
Functional unit of movement
57Motor Unit (MU)
- MU consists of
- Single ?-motor neuron
- Muscle fibers innervated by
- the ?-motor neuron
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59Motor Unit (MU)
- Fast fatigable MU (FF)
- High twitch tension
- High fatigue index
- Fast fatigue resistant MU (FR)
- Intermediate twitch tension
- Intermediate fatigue index
- Slow MU (S)
- Low twitch tension
- Low fatigue index
60Reasons for different twitch tension in different
- Depends on number of muscle fibers and fiber size
- muscle fiber FFgtFRgt S
- Size of fiber FFgtFRgtS
61Relationship b/n MU Fiber type
- MU Fiber type
- FF Fast glycolytic
- FR Fast oxidative
- S Slow oxidative
62Motor Unit
- Muscle neuron fibers/MU
- Biceps brachii 774 750
- Gastrocnemius 580 1720
- First lumbrical 98 110
63Motor Unit Recruitment
- Follows the size principle
- Small neuron cell body and axon activated first
- Larger cell body and axon recruited later
- Example
of effort level (Intensity of exercise)
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65Gradation of Muscle Strength
- By increasing of MU recruited
- By increasing frequency of stimulation
66Local Control of Muscle Action
- Muscle spindle muscle length monitor
- Consists of 1) afferent nerves, 2) intrafusal
fibers 3) ?(gamma)-motor neurons - Golgi Tendon Organ muscle tension monitor
67Structure of muscle spindle
68Action of muscle spindle
69Nerve impulse pattern of afferent nerves
Rest Stretch Contraction Return to
70Speed of stretch on impulse discharge pattern
Clinical implications for individuals with
spastic muscle?
71Golgi Tendon Organ
- GTOltspindle in given muscle
- Composed of network of unmyelinated
- nerve fibers enclosed by fine capsule
- Activated by either muscle stretch or
- muscle contraction. More sensitive to
- muscle contraction.
- Activates inhibitory interneuron in spinal
- cord, which, in turn, inhibits ?-motor
- neuron of contracting muscle (agonists).
72Impulse discharge pattern of GTO during stretch
and contraction
73Plasticity of Muscle
- Metabolic and morphological changes to changes in
stimulus - Increased stimulus exercise training
- Decreased stimulus non-weight bearing, bed rest
and aging
74Endurance training
- Mode jogging, running, cycling, swimming, etc
- Adaptations
- of mitochondria
- size of mitochondria
- Oxidative enzyme activities
- Krebs cycle, beta-oxidation, ETS
- Some glycolytic enzymes
- Capillary density
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76Resistance training
- Strength
- Neural factor
- Muscle fiber enlargement (hypertrophy)
5-6 month resistance training using triceps
MacDougall et al, EJAP 4325-34
6 wk
78Resistance Training
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80Limb suspension(Non-weight bearing)
Berg et al., J. Appl. Physiol. 701882-1885, 1991
81Limb unloading on muscle strength and X-area
Knee extensor Strength
Dudley et al, in ACSMs Resource Manual, p.201
82Selective muscle atrophy with non-weight bearing
Dudley et al, in ACSMs Resource Manual, p.201
83Bed Rest
84Muscle strength change with bed rest
(soleus and gastroc.).)
Dudley et al, in ACSMs Resource Manual, p.203
85Changes in skeletal muscles with aging
- of muscle fibers
- Muscle area
- Fiber type distribution
- Muscle strength
86McArdle et al, in Exercise Physiology, p639
87Muscle fiber distribution with aging
Fiber Area
Age Type II Type I Type II 26.1 59.5 2944 36
63 35.3 63.2 2854 3509 42.6 51.8 3133 3361
54.5 48.3 2877 2802 61.6 45.0 2264 2120
Larson et al, J. Appl. Physiol 46451-456, 1979
88Muscle strength with aging
- A decline in muscle strength is associated with a
decrease in muscle mass. - A decline in lower extremity muscle strength is
related to poor functional performance - walking ability, balance, stair-climbing ability,
89Trainability of skeletal muscles with aging
- Frontera et al, J. Appl. Physiol., 641038-1044,
1988 - Untrained old men (60-72 yrs)
- 8 reps/set, 3 sets/day, 3days/week at 80 of
- 1 RM for 12 weeks training
- Thigh muscle X-area
- Knee extension and flexion strength.
90Leg strength
Frontera et al
1 RM max
91X-area of quadriceps
Frontera et al
92Physicians Role for Physical Activity
- Know followings names functions
- Muscle structure connective tissues, pennation,
- myofibrils
- Muscle fiber characteristics
- Muscle action E-C coupling
- Sliding filament theory changes during
contraction - Muscle mechanics force power-length-velocity
- MU elements, function, characteristics.
- Muscle action monitor muscle spindle and GTO
- Changes in muscle in training
- Changes in muscle w/ suspension, bed rest aging
94The End