Chapter 11 Physiology of the Muscular System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 11 Physiology of the Muscular System


Physiology of the Muscular System ... does not run low on ATP and does not experience fatigue Cardiac muscle is self-stimulating Smooth Muscle Tissue Smooth muscle ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 11 Physiology of the Muscular System

Chapter 11Physiology of the Muscular System
  • Muscular system is responsible for moving the
    framework of the body
  • In addition to movement, muscle tissue performs
    various other functions

General Functions
  • Movement of the body as a whole or of its parts
  • Heat production
  • Posture

Function of Skeletal Muscle Tissue
  • Characteristics of skeletal muscle cells
  • Excitability (irritability)ability to be
  • Contractilityability to contract, or shorten,
    and produce body movement
  • Extensibilityability to extend, or stretch,
    allowing muscles to return to their resting

Overview of the muscle cell
  • Muscle cells are called fibers because of their
    threadlike shape
  • Sarcolemmaplasma membrane of muscle fibers
  • Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
  • Network of tubules and sacs found within muscle
  • Membrane of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
    continually pumps calcium ions from the
    sarcoplasm and stores the ions within its sacs
    for later release

Overview of the muscle cell
  • Muscle fibers contain many mitochondria and
    several nuclei
  • Myofibrilsnumerous fine fibers packed close
    together in sarcoplasm
  • Sarcomere
  • Segment of myofibril between two successive Z
  • Each myofibril consists of many sarcomeres
  • Contractile unit of muscle fibers

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Overview of the muscle cell
  • Striated muscle Dark stripes called A bands
    light H zone runs across midsection of each dark
    A band
  • Light stripes called I bands dark Z line extends
    across center of each light I band
  • T tubules
  • Transverse tubules extend across sarcoplasm at
    right angles to long axis of muscle fiber
  • Formed by inward extensions of sarcolemma
  • Membrane has ion pumps that continually transport
    Ca ions inward from sarcoplasm
  • Allow electrical impulses traveling along
    sarcolemma to move deeper into cell

Overview of the muscle cell
  • Triad
  • Triplet of tubules a T tubule sandwiched between
    two sacs of sarcoplasmic reticulum allows an
    electrical impulse traveling along a T tubule to
    stimulate the membranes of adjacent sacs of the
    sarcoplasmic reticulum

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  • Each myofibril contains thousands of thick and
    thin myofilaments
  • Four different kinds of protein molecules make up
  • Myosin
  • Makes up almost all the thick filament
  • Myosin heads are chemically attracted to actin
  • Myosin heads are known as cross bridges when
    attached to actin
  • Actinglobular protein that forms two fibrous
    strands that twist around each other to form bulk
    of thin filament
  • Tropomyosinprotein that blocks the active sites
    on actin molecules
  • Troponinprotein that holds tropomyosin molecules
    in place

Myofilaments (cont.)
  • Thin filaments attach to both Z lines (Z disks)
    of a sarcomere and extend partway toward the
  • Thick myosin filaments do not attach to the Z

The mechanism of contraction
  • Excitation and contraction
  • A skeletal muscle fiber remains at rest until
    stimulated by a motor neuron
  • Neuromuscular junctionmotor neurons connect to
    sarcolemma at motor endplate (Figure 11-7)
  • Neuromuscular junction is a synapse where
    neurotransmitter molecules transmit signals

Excitation and contraction
  • Acetylcholineneurotransmitter released into
    synaptic cleft that diffuses across gap,
    stimulates receptors, and initiates impulse in
  • Nerve impulse travels over sarcolemma and inward
    along T tubules, which triggers release of
    calcium ions
  • Calcium binds to troponin, causing tropomyosin to
    shift and expose active sites on actin

Excitation and contraction
  • Sliding filament model
  • When active sites on actin are exposed, myosin
    heads bind to them
  • Myosin heads bend, pulling the thin filaments
    past them
  • Each head releases, binds to next active site,
    and pulls again
  • Entire myofibril shortens

The mechanism of contraction
  • Relaxation
  • Immediately after Ca ions are released,
    sarcoplasmic reticulum begins actively pumping
    them back into sacs (Figure 11-3)
  • Ca ions are removed from troponin molecules,
    shutting down contraction

Energy sources for muscle contraction
  • Hydrolysis of ATP yields energy required for
    muscular contraction
  • Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binds to myosin head
    and then transfers its energy to myosin head to
    perform work of pulling thin filament during
  • Muscle fibers continually resynthesize ATP from
    breakdown of creatine phosphate (CP)

Energy sources for muscle contraction
  • Catabolism by muscle fibers requires glucose and
  • At rest, excess O2 in the sarcoplasm is bound to
  • Red fibersmuscle fibers with high levels of
  • White fibersmuscle fibers with little myoglobin
  • Aerobic respiration occurs when adequate O2 is

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Energy sources for muscle contraction
  • Anaerobic respiration occurs when low levels of
    O2 are available and results in formation of
    lactic acid
  • Glucose and oxygen supplied to muscle fibers by
    blood capillaries
  • Skeletal muscle contraction produces waste heat
    that can be used to help maintain set point body

Twitch contraction
  • A quick jerk of a muscle that is produced as a
    result of a single, brief threshold stimulus
    (generally occurs only in experimental
  • The twitch contraction has three phases
  • Latent phasenerve impulse travels to the
    sarcoplasmic reticulum to trigger release of Ca
  • Contraction phaseCa binds to troponin and
    sliding of filaments occurs
  • Relaxation phasesliding of filaments ceases

Treppethe staircase phenomenon
  • Gradual, steplike increase in the strength of
    contractions seen in a series of twitch
    contractions that occur 1 second apart
  • Eventually, the muscle responds with less
    forceful contractions, and relaxation phase
    becomes shorter
  • If relaxation phase disappears completely, a
    contracture occurs

Tetanussmooth, sustained contractions
  • Multiple wave summationmultiple twitch waves are
    added together to sustain muscle tension for a
    longer time
  • Incomplete tetanusvery short periods of
    relaxation occur between peaks of tension
  • Complete tetanusthe stimulation is such that
    twitch waves fuse into a single, sustained peak

Muscle tone
  • Tonic contractioncontinual, partial contraction
    of a muscle
  • At any one time, a small number of muscle fibers
    within a muscle contract, producing a tightness
    or muscle tone
  • Muscles with less tone than normal are flaccid
  • Muscles with more tone than normal are spastic
  • Muscle tone is maintained by negative feedback

Graded strength principle
  • Skeletal muscles contract with varying degrees
    of strength at different times
  • Factors that contribute to the phenomenon of
    graded strength
  • Metabolic condition of individual fibers
  • Number of muscle fibers contracting
    simultaneously the greater the number of fibers
    contracting, the stronger the contraction
  • Number of motor units recruited

Isotonic and isometric contractions
  • Isotonic contraction
  • Contraction in which the tone or tension within a
    muscle remains the same as the length of the
    muscle changes
  • Concentricmuscle shortens as it contracts
  • Eccentricmuscle lengthens while contracting
  • Isotonicliterally means same tension
  • All of the energy of contraction is used to pull
    on thin myofilaments and thereby change the
    length of a fibers sarcomeres

Isotonic and isometric contractions
  • Isometric contraction
  • Contraction in which muscle length remains the
    same while the muscle tension increases
  • Isometricliterally means same length
  • Most body movements occur as a result of both
    types of contractions

Cardiac Muscle Tissue
  • Cardiac muscle
  • Found only in the heart, forming the bulk of the
    wall of each chamber
  • Also known as striated involuntary muscle
  • Contracts rhythmically and continuously to
    provide the pumping action needed to maintain a
    constant blood flow

Cardiac Muscle Tissue
  • Cardiac muscle resembles skeletal muscle but has
    specialized features related to its role in
    continuously pumping blood
  • Each cardiac muscle contains parallel myofibrils
  • Cardiac muscle fibers form strong, electrically
    coupled junctions (intercalated disks) with other
    fibers individual cells also exhibit branching
  • Syncytiumcontinuous, electrically coupled mass
  • Cardiac muscle fibers form a continuous,
    contractile band around the heart chambers that
    conducts a single impulse across a virtually
    continuous sarcolemma

Cardiac Muscle
  • Cardiac muscle
  • T tubules are larger and form diads with a rather
    sparse sarcoplasmic reticulum
  • Cardiac muscle sustains each impulse longer than
    in skeletal muscle therefore, impulses cannot
    come rapidly enough to produce tetanus
  • Cardiac muscle does not run low on ATP and does
    not experience fatigue
  • Cardiac muscle is self-stimulating

Smooth Muscle Tissue
  • Smooth muscle
  • Smooth muscle is composed of small, tapered cells
    with single nuclei
  • No T tubules are present, and only a loosely
    organized sarcoplasmic reticulum is present
  • Ca comes from outside the cell and binds to
    calmodulin instead of troponin to trigger a
  • No striations, because thick and thin
    myofilaments are arranged differently than in
    skeletal or cardiac muscle fibers myofilaments
    are not organized into sarcomeres

Smooth Muscle Tissue
  • Two types of smooth muscle tissue
  • Single-unit (visceral)
  • Gap junctions join smooth muscle fibers into
    large, continuous sheets
  • Most common type forms a muscular layer in the
    walls of hollow structures such as the digestive,
    urinary, and reproductive tracts
  • Exhibits autorhythmicity, producing peristalsis
  • Multiunit
  • Does not act as a single unit but is composed of
    many independent cell units
  • Each fiber responds only to nervous input
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