Title: Karen Sobel, lorrie evans
1Apples and Oranges A Comparison of Proprietary
Chat Reference Software Versus Free Instant
Messaging Services
- Karen Sobel, lorrie evans Nina McHale
- Auraria Library
- Denver, Colorado
2Proprietary Chat vs. IM
- Definitions
- Proprietary chat software products/services
- Tutor.com, LivePerson, QuestionPoint, etc.
- Regional consortia such as AskColorado and the
Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities
that typically use this software - Free IM products/services
- libraryh3lp, meebo, AIM, Yahoo!, etc.
- Are they mutually exclusive?
- Should libraries offer both?
3What Well Cover
- Karen user/provider perspectives and concerns
- Student users
- Staff providers
- Lorrie the public services perspective
- History of both proprietary and IM services at
Auraria - Detailed comparison of AskColorado and
AskAuraria! (libraryh3lp) - Nina the technical stuff
- Display, implementation, tech support
4Two User Populations
- Students using the chat services
- Library faculty and staff operating the services
- each with different needs and concerns
5Students at Auraria
- Auraria Library serves a student body of 40,000,
comprised of three populations - Community College of Denver two-year community
college - Metropolitan State College of Denver four-year
college - University of Colorado Denver university
- Many students are from other nations and cultures
- Mostly commuting population
- Many low income
- Split between traditional and non-traditional
- Average student age 28
6Faculty and Staff Concerns
- But Ive never used IM or other chat
- What if I cant keep up with the students? Will
they get impatient with me? - Will we ever get prank chats or time wasters?
- Would our patrons be comfortable with this?
- We already have so much to do
7Staffing Questions
- Should we provide chat/IM service the entire time
the desk is staffed? - Is it appropriate to have paraprofessionals staff
a chat/IM service? - Should the person on back-up provide chat/IM
reference service? - What is the triage procedure when the
desk/phone/chat are all busy?
8AskColorado at Auraria Library
- AskColorado began in 2003 as a regional and
consortial program offering chat reference
service to Colorado residents. - With our large and diverse student population, we
felt the need to provide a flexible form of
reference service. - AskColorado would provide just that, with
excellent support from the Colorado State Library - Proprietary software used is Tutor.com
9Auraria Library Participation in AskColorado
10AskColorado Use Statistics
11History of IM Chat at Auraria Library
- 2006/2007 started experimenting with chat boxes
in class pages (Meebo) - Very little activity and participation
- Spring 2008 Services Task Group recommended
investigating possibilities for adding IM chat
service - Summer 2008 Testing and use of IM from the
Librarys home page, branded AskAuraria!
(libraryh3lp) - Extremely active
- 16 chat sessions in the first 6 hours
12Interface Comparison
13Access/Integration into Library Web Space
14Policies and Behavior
15Psychological Aspects
16Display AskColorado Login Screen
17AskColorado Chat Interface
18AskAuraria! Patron View Chat On
19AskAuraria! Patron View Chat Off
20AskAuraria! Librarian View Pidgin Client
21Implementation AskColorado
- Tutor.com software needs to be installed with
extensive configurations on staff workstations to
support all features - Day-long training sessions are offered at library
sites throughout the state through the State
Library AskColorado coordinator - We heart Kris Johnson!
- Minimum staffing commitment 2-10 hours/week
- Cost 300-1500 annually
- Easy to integrate (link) to no customization
22Implementation Process AskAuraria!
- Create account, queues, and operators on
libraryh3lp server (libraryh3lp.com) - Integrate code into Librarys web site
- Web Librarian set up account, queues, operators,
and code on Library home page in one evening - Install Pidgin chat client on staff workstations
- Training approach has been more piecemeal Hey,
do you guys want to try this? - Four staff members volunteered to monitor the
queues initially seven others have since
volunteered to join - Internal training is being offered and planned
- New web page templates will include chat on all
pages - Free!!!
23Technical Support
24The Benefits of Both
- Including chat box on the Librarys home page
provides immediate access to Auraria Library
staff - When a staff member is online, chat box with
simple instructions is displayed - When no one is monitoring the queue, a list of
all other reference options is displayed - For the most part, the pros and cons of both
kinds of chat service are cancelled out when
implementing both
25Questions? AskAuraria!
- Karen Sobel
- Reference Instruction Librarian
- karen.sobel_at_ucdenver.edu
- Lorrie Evans
- Head of Library Instruction
- lorrie.evans_at_ucdenver.edu
- Nina McHale
- Web Librarian
- nina.mchale_at_ucdenver.edu
- Slides available http//library.auraria.edu/nmch