Title: Practice Team Leader
1Practice Team Leader
Induction Training
2Objectives of session
- Overview of strategic plan 10 key themes
- Improving practice and service quality
- Sustaining and developing local services
- Increasing reach and local presence
- Explore what are our practice strengths,
challenges and opportunities - How can you build on these and continue to
3Strategic Plan- Ten Themes
- Raising awareness
- Influencing change and promoting rights
- Sustaining and developing local services
- Increasing reach and local presence
- Improving practice and service quality
- Investing in our people
- Research and collaboration
- Efficiency and effectiveness
- Raising funds and increasing support
- Developing innovations and creating new
4Improving practice and service quality
- Introduce, train and support new service role of
Practice Team Leader (PTL) - Every member of service staff will be trained to
the appropriate level on Promoting Excellence
Framework - Introduce a leadership training programme for all
managers - Ensure maximum use of professional development
fund - Support all staff to attain relevant level of
Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) and
registration - Ensure that the quality, delivery and content of
training programme is of the highest standard and
relevant to the issues faced by local staff and
services - Support services to develop and improve
transition planning post diagnostic support
service audit and quality approaches and person
centred support - Engage with relevant lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) organisations and develop an
organisational strategy to ensure equality of
access and treatment - Engage with relevant black and minority ethnic
(BME) organisations and develop an organisational
strategy to ensure equality of access and
5Sustaining and developing local services
- Develop new Enhanced Sensory Community Care
(ESCC) therapeutic model for people with advanced
dementia using our services and use this to
inform 2015 policy report - Open three new Dementia Resource Centres (DRCs)
each year - Develop a strategy for each region to promote
personalised support services and self-directed
support - Consolidate and build on the role of Link Worker
ensuring all Link Workers deliver on the 5 pillar
model and meet the new Post Diagnostic Support
HEAT target - Ensure that each service area provides a balance
of peer support activity and therapeutic group
activity - Ensure that the Dementia Advisor Network
continues to offer a high quality local service,
reaching as many people and carers as possible - Ensure that our services are financially
competitive and sustainable and local fundraised
contributions are used to add value - Make sure our services are the best possible
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7Increasing reach and local presence
- Recruit, induct and train six new Deputy Regional
Manager (DRM) posts - Each Regional Manager will develop a regional
strategy that will include supporting new and
existing membership engagement liaison and links
with branches regional fundraising focus and
strategy ensuring representation and policy
engagement in new integrated bodies - Develop a national campaign to increase members
and develop an on-going engagement strategy to
link members into both national and local
activity - Use social media to engage regionally locally
and extend reach - Develop Alzheimer Scotland online community
groups, blogs, live chat and QA - Put in place a clear database strategy
profiling, data capture, re-segmentation and
re-targeting - Review and develop Alzheimer Scotlands brand and
introduce across each region and nationally
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9What are our practice strengths
- What do we mean by dementia specific?
- How do we evidence this in our day services and
individual support? - What type of activities best support this and how
does this relate to each person's support plan? - Do we explain this to partners and families?
10What are our practice challenges?
- How do we deal with more complex care within same
staffing and budgets? - How do we continue to demonstrate we offer better
value for money in this funding climate? - How do we ensure all staff are driven by our
practice values and provide best possible
standard of care at all times?
11Role of Practice Team Leader
- So whats different?
- What do you want to change or improve?
- What is your role as a leader and change agent?
- What will you need to help you in this?
- What will your personal action plan be?
12Policy into Practice
13Human rights based approach
- Participation
- Accountability
- Non Discrimination
- Empowerment
- Legality
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16Personalised supports
- Mandatory training aligned to Promoting
Excellence Framework - Peer Support
- Person Power Module
17Support for carers
- Lloyds Live Well Officer - 3 year post
- Creative Breaks Fund - into year 3 (helping to
inform Self-Directed Support activities
18What else?
- Getting to know me
- KIS (NHS Key Information Summary)
- Sensory Programme (ESCC)
- LGBT champions
- Black Minority Ethnic (BME) work
- Telecare e.g. GPS systems
- Induction revision (training for trainers)
19Innovation in PracticeFrom dogs to clocks
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21Valuable Digital Applications for people affected
by Dementia
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23the game jam
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25Pocket Pal allows people to record personalized
support prompts for their daily tasks, such as
making coffee and washing clothes.
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28People may need to consider
- What information they need to make their decision
- What are their options
- What are the potential costs and benefits of each
option (this may be financial, emotional,
practical) - Do they have any experience of making similar
decisions or would they like to speak to someone
who has had a similar experience or is there a
resource you can signpost them to.
29Making transitions easier
- Always tell people from the outset about
transitions and how they will be informed and
supported during these times - What are the persons preferences what is
practical and possible to achieve within their
chosen preference? - Who is in their circle of support and how will
they be involved in assisting the person to make
their decision? - How can the person be supported to maintain links
to their community, spirituality and their social
networks? - What type of activities interest the person and
how can they be supported to engage in them?
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30- Identifying and communicating potential
transition points i.e when your service would no
longer be suitable for the person.
31- Talk to the person, their family and people who
know them well to gather information about how
they have managed other transitions in their life
and what their personal preferences are
32- Discuss transitions with the person and record
who else they may wish to consider involving at
these times
33- Advise when they likely major transitions points
will be and how you will communicate when those
points are approaching.
34- If there is a clear pathway in place for people
to transition, let people know what the pathway
35- Keeping the person and their family/ supporters
and other professionals informed when possible
transitions are approaching and discuss their
feelings about it.
36- Discuss the possible options available at the
transition point, ensure the person has the right
information, advice and support to enable them to
make an informed choice and agree a plan for the
37- Discuss possible transitions at outcomes focused
review session.
38- Consider the impact of the transition on the
persons sense of identity, independence and
self-esteem and agree a plan to minimise any
negative effects. Ensure family/carers/supporters
feelings are addressed within the transition
support plan.
39- Ensure support is in place for the person to
adapt to their new circumstances
40Risk Enablement
41- Risks should be taken to achieve specific goals
in the light of possible harms occurring - (David Carson 1988)
42- Pursue a course of action in order to realise
one or more beneficial outcomes, in the knowledge
that there are consequences or outcomes that
would be perceived as negative or harmful in
nature should they occur - (Saunders 1998)
43The Law
- The Health Safety at Work Act 1974
- The Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999 (Risk Assessment) - The Human Rights Act 1998
- The law requires reasonable professional conduct
according to appropriate standards
44The Law
- No law prohibits safe risk-taking
- Legal areas which affect practice
- Recklessness (criminal)
- Negligence (civil)
45Risk a matter of balance?
- Potential beneficial results
- Harms that might result
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47Justifying Risk Taking
- Make the possible positive outcomes explicit!
- Why are we taking these risks?
48Ethics and Benefits of Risk Taking
- Benefits judged more important than possible
harms - Risk taking is value laden but should consider
moral values - Outcomes can be beneficial, harmful or both
49Rights and Risks
- The right to exercise informed choice
- There may be tension between physical safety and
right to self-determination - There may be differing agendas
- Recognise strengths and abilities as well as
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50Decision Making
- A process
- Must be shared
- Must be monitored and reviewed
- Needs to be modified by people/circumstances
- Needs relevant expertise
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51Risk Management
- Risk will not
- usually be eliminated!
52Formal Approaches
- When
- Very serious outcomes are possible
- The situation is very complex
- Opinions differ and a consensus is not easily
reached - An existing plan is not working or is not adhered
to - On basis of experience probability of high risk
53The Planning Meeting
- Must be recorded
- Assessments and opinions shared
- Identify key stakeholders
- What do people have to gain or lose?
- Information available considered
- Recommendations made plan of action roles and
responsibilities arrangements to monitor and
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54Be a Risk Taker
- Support pwd in the taking of risks
- Feel good about the decisions you have made
- Understand and be able to explain to others why
you have made these decisions include
values/principles that underlie your decisions
55Case Study
- Mrs D has been attending your day service for 2
years. She has Alzheimers disease and you have
noted a marked change in recent months in Mrs Ds
abilities - One of the few activities Mrs D still enjoys is
being in the kitchen and helping with cooking and
clearing up. She now shows a greatly reduced
awareness of factors relating to her own safety
and that of others. She moves very quickly,
lifting and laying hot items and becomes very
irritated with anyone who tries to help her or
guide her away from hazardous activities. At
home, Mrs Ds husband has fitted a lock to their
kitchen door and doesnt let her in there at all.
He reports that although this keeps her safe, she
becomes extremely agitated and angry with him.
You have decided to carry out a risk assessment
because Mrs D says she loves being at the centre
so that she can be in the kitchen - Complete a risk assessment enablement plan for
Mrs D
56Being Person Centred and Planning Outcomes
57A good life for Alastair
- Case study
- How could Alastair
- be best supported?
58What do we mean by being person-centred?
- Person-centred thinking and planning is a set of
values and skills that involves asking questions
that keep the focus on the person and the
persons priorities for their own life. - The person is kept at the centre, and the
expertise of the person and those closest to them
are valued as key sources of person-centred
information about how the person wishes to live,
their hopes and dreams, their gifts and skills,
what is important to them, and what makes good
support for them. - Person-centred approaches provide an agenda that
is focused on the values of inclusion and on
enabling the person to live a valued life as a
contributing citizen and friend in the community
on their own terms.
59Person Power(person centred thinking ( acting))
- Whats important to/for you?
- The power of relationships friendship
- Circle of Support
60Personalising support
- The power of contribution!
- Gifts
61Loneliness and isolation
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- The impact or end result of services/supports on
a persons life - The person or carer is involved in identifying
desired outcomes setting goals in partnership
with services
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64A good life?
- What makes life worth living for you?
- Any themes emerging?
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65Title of presentation in footer
66Talking Points Outcomes
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67Having an outcomes focused conversation.
68Therapeutic Interventions? (8 Pillars model)
- What kinds of things are we doing?
- Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) ?
- Inheritance tracks
- http//www.playlistforlife.org.uk/
69The Nun Study
- Aging with Grace
- The Nun Study and the Science of Old Age How we
can all live longer, healthier and more vital
lives - By David Snowdon
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vnw2lafKIEio
70Capturing the Outcomes
71Participation empowerment
Agreement that everyone is very enthusiastic
about the group with the men saying that of
themselves and of the staff and volunteers
Always like outings so more of them would be
Whole layout is fantastic. Bigger than was led
to believe. Great place. Should be replicated.
gardens are kept nice- lovely If choice
between something like building being painted and
other staff, would choose staff how building
looks is not a priority.
72- How do we do this at the moment?
- Could we be more creative?
73Managing Staff
- Personalising approaches to recruitment
- Increasing staff retention satisfaction
- Balancing contracted/sessional staff
- Managing banked hours
75Personalising Approaches to Recruitment
- Standardised recruitment procedures
- Care Inspectorate requirements
- Areas to be standardised
- Advertising
- Application Form
- Shortlisting and interviewing
- Pre-employment checks
76- Areas that can be personalised
- Where to advertise
- Recruitment tests
77- Staff Retention
- Average length of service is 14 years.
- Key areas of turnover occur
- Within the first 6 months
- Between 3 4 years service
- Initiatives to reduce help improve retention
- Remember not all turnover is negative.
78Increasing staff retention satisfaction
- Staff Satisfaction
- 2013 Staff Survey - 86.4 level of satisfaction
- Line managers impact on staff satisfaction
- Communication team meetings
- Support Guidance supervision appraisals
- Autonomy control experienced staff
- Team working
79Balancing contracted/sessional staff
- Service Dependent
- Flexibility
- Risks
- High contracted hours/low availability
- Sessional staff can refuse shifts
- Employment law status
80Managing banked hours
- Key points when managing flexible contracts
- Regular monitoring
- Availability
- Review contract hours
- Communications
- Ownership
81 82Quality Control
83Service Audit
- Tool is currently being reviewed
- Can be used as a checklist to ensure standards
and procedures are being followed - Includes
- Self-assessment section (pre service audit)
- Main audit sections general quality check
- Personnel file audit template
- Enhanced Performance Checklist (spot checks)
- Carried out by Regional Manager or another
Service Manager
84Care Inspectorate (CI)
- 2 sets of guidance on intranet (care at home /
not care at home) - Guidance follows CI quality themes / statements
- Includes suggestions of possible evidence sources
from - Alzheimer Scotland policies and procedures
- Local service approaches
- Legislation and external guidance
- Be aware of different terminology used by CI
(personal plan) - Can be useful to gather documented evidence on
ongoing basis to present at inspection
85Customer Satisfaction Questionnaires
- Strategic Plan(2013-2016)...90 of people with
dementia and carers using our services rate them
very good or excellent - Results fed into Survey Monkey
- Services produce local summary report (template
on intranet) - Organisation-wide summary report produced by PDT
86Participation empowerment
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87Support Worker Feedback
- Vital aspect of evidencing quality of service
- Guidance on intranet for this
- Use of case studies/examples in how to feedback
effectively - Can be used at support supervision to
facilitate discussion and capture outcomes - Feed into review process and updating of support
plans as required
- Initial review at 6 weeks after service starting
- Ongoing reviews must be no less than 6 monthly
- Need to capture both outputs and outcomes of
support - Dont need to be face to face meetings be
guided by individual preference (recorded in
Support Agreement) - Can do telephone reviews
- Any changes to Support Plan/Risk Enablement Plans
must be signed and dated
89Feedback and questions