Title: ??T??S? S?????O?? ??????? ??? ????????? ??F????S?????????T???: ???S?????? ??????
1??T??S? S?????O?? ??????? ??? ?????????
??F????S?????????T??? ???S?????? ??????
2?a???µat?d?? ?., ?at??? G., ??a??p????? ?.,
?a?asa? G., ?µa?at?d?? ?.,?a?af??a? ?. ??s?a??d??
- ?? ?a???????? tµ?µa ?f?a?µ??????? tµ?µa
- G.?. Tessa??????? ? ????? ??µ?t????
- ? sa??a??d?? d?aß?t?? ?? µetaß????? s??d??µ?
p???a?e? ?????e? e?d???? ep?p????? ?p?? a?t? t??
µ????a??e??p??e?a?. ? d?aß?t???
aµf?ß??st??e?d?p??e?a s?et??eta? ?µesa µe t??
d????e?a t?? sa??a??d? d?aß?t? ?a? t? ep?ped?
???µ?s?? t?? sa??????.
4?p?d?µ??????a ?.?.
- S????te?? a?t?a t?f??s?? st? d?t??? ??sµ?
- ?et? ap? 20 ?t? ??s?? ? s????t?ta t?? f???e? t?
- G??????e?a?t?µe??? µ??a??sµ??
- ??ata?a?e? st? µetaß???sµ? t?? p???????
(s?ss??e?s? s??ß?t????) - G?????????s? p??te????
- ???e?a??? µ??a??sµ??
- ??ata?a??? e?d??????? ?a? ?p?st????t???? ??tt????
- ?p?f???e?? t????e?d?? ?a? a??pt??? ?e?a??e???
6Classification of DiabeticRetinopathy
Neovascularization (4 categories)
Nonproliferative (NPDR) 1. Early to moderate
NPDR 2. Severe NPDR (preproliferative)
Proliferative (PDR) 1. Non-high-risk PDR 2.
High-risk PDR
7(No Transcript)
8Non-Proliferative DiabeticRetinopathy (NPDR)
9Severe NPDR (Pre-Proliferative)
10Proliferative DiabeticRetinopathy
11Treatment of DiabeticRetinopathy (Ocular)
- Laser
- Focal for macular edema
- Pan-retinal for neovascularization
- Vitrectomy
- Medications
- ?a µe?et??e? ? eµf???s? t?? d?aß?t????
aµf?ß??st??e?d?p??e?a? se s????t?s? µe t?? s?st?
???µ?s? t?? sa??a??d? d?aß?t? ?a? t?? d????e??
13????d?? - ?????
- ?e?et????a? 300 as?e?e?? p?? pa?a?????????ta?
ap? t? e??te???? d?aß?t??????? ?at?e??
ad?a?e?pt?? ta te?e?ta?a 7 ?t?.
14?a?t?t?ta ??e??a?
F??? 135 ??d?e? (45,6) 165 ???a??e? (54,8)
?????a ?.?. 66,3 ?t? (e???? 28 82 ?t?)
??p?? S? S? t?p?? 1 16 (5,4) S? t?p?? 2a 184 (61,3) S? t?p?? 2ß 100 (33,3)
?????e?a S? ?.?. 10,37 ?t? (e???? 1 37 ?t?)
15- ?? as?e?e?? ?at? t?? p??s??e?s? t??? st?
?.?.?. ?p?ß?????ta? se ??e??? s???e???µ????
e??ast???a??? pa?aµ?t??? e?? a?? ?t?? p??s??µ??a?
?ept?µe?? ?f?a?µ??????? e??tas? µe ß???s??p?s?. - ?a µe?et????ta st???e?a t????a? se
epe?e??as?a µe t? stat?st??? pa??t? SPSS 14.0.
- 78 as?e?e?? ( 26 ) pa???s?asa? µ?
pa?a??????? stad??? d?aß?t??? aµf?ß??st??e?d?p??e?
a. ? d????e?a t?? sa??a??d? d?aß?t? st???
as?e?e?? a?t??? ?ta? ?at? µ?s? ??? 12,5 ?t?.
17(No Transcript)
18- ? d?a??µa?s? t?? t?µ?? t?? Hba1c eµfa???eta?
p???de?t??? ?????te?? - ( 8,47 ) s???????µe?? µe t?? µ?s? ??? t??
de??µat?? ( 7,21 ).
19???µ?s? d?aß?t? st?? d?? ?µ?de?
?.?. 8,47
?.? 7,21
20- Se 19 e??a?t?? d?ap?st????e e?????? t??
e???µ?t?? t?? ß???s??p?s?? se ß??ße? pa?a???????
stad??? e?? ?? 7 ?p?ß?????a? se ?e?ape?a
f?t?p???a? µe laser.
21(No Transcript)
22- ?????pte? s?µa?t??? stat?st??? s??s? t??
d????e?a? t?? Sa?. ??aß?t? ( plt0,001 ) ?a? t??
eµf???s?? ß?aß??. ?µfa???eta? de, ap???t?
s?s??t?s? t?? ßa??t?ta? t?? e???µ?t?? ?a? t??
s?st?? ???µ?s?? t?? ????a?µ?a?.
23?µf???s? ß?aß?? se s?es? µe t?? d????e?a t?? S?
Plt 0,001
24???µ?s? d?aß?t? st??? as?e?e?? µe ???
?.?. 9,57
?.? 8,41
- ? eµf???s? ?a? e?????? t?? d?aß?t????
aµf?ß??st??e?d?p??e?a? ß??s?eta? se s????t?s? µe
t?? s?st? ????a?µ??? ???µ?s? ?a? t?? d????e?a
t?? sa??a??d? d?aß?t?. - ? ???µ???µe??? sa??a??d?? d?aß?t?? ?a??ste?e?
s?µa?t??? t?? eµf???s? t?? d?aß?t????