Title: Survival Spanish for Today
1- Survival Spanish for Todays Workforce
- Presented by Ed Rosheim, Workplace Languages
2A Little More Background
- Who we are
- Todays presenter
- Our approach
3Please get out your packets
- Favor de sacar sus paquetes
4KwikFix Spanish Conversation
- 1. Hola 2. Buenas tardes
- 1. Cuál es su nombre? 2. Mi nombre es _____ .
Y usted? - 1. Mi nombre es _____ . 2. Mucho gusto
- 1. Igualmente 2. Adiós
- 1. Hasta luego
5US Immigrant Population
- Immigrants are
- 1 in 9 U.S. residents
- 1 in 7 U.S. workers
- 1 in 5 low-wage workers
- 1 in 2 new workers
- A Quick Look at U.S. Immigrants Demographics,
Workforce, and Asset-Building - http//www.ncsl.org/programs/immig/immigstatistics
6Immigrants in the US
- Immigrants' hourly wages are typically lower than
those of US-born workers - Almost two-thirds of low-wage immigrant workers
do not speak English proficiently - One-third of the foreign-born population is from
Mexico or Central America
7Who is Hispanic?
- The US Census Bureau counts Hispanic or Latino as
an ethnicity, not a race - Hispanic refers to people whose language,
traditions or cultural heritage derive from any
of the Spanish-speaking countries and Puerto Rico - They may be bilingual, monolingual
Spanish-speakers or speak little/no Spanish - They may be of any single or mixed racial origin
8A Rose by any other Name
- Hispanic? Latino? Mexican?
919 Spanish-Speaking Countries
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Chile
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- Cuba
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Spain
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
- (Puerto Rico)
10Countries with Largest Spanish-Speaking
- Mexico
- Spain
- Colombia
- Argentina
- United States of America
11Countries of Origin
- Mexico 20,653,906
- Central South America 3,036,300
- Cuba 1,235,703
- Puerto Rico 3,389,358
- Dominican Republic 776,728
- Other countries 6,213,823
- TOTAL 35,305,818
- (2000 US Census)
12Please get out your packets
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- sus paquetes
13Verb Chart
English Verb Spanish Verb I (Yo)
Can Poder Puedo
Must/Should Deber Debo
To need Necesitar Necesito
To want Querer Quiero
To be Estar Estoy
To have Tener Tengo
To fill Llenar lleno
To take out Sacar Saco
To understand Comprender Comprendo
To speak Hablar Hablo
To listen Escuchar Escucho
14Verb Chart
English Verb Spanish Verb Command (1) Command (1)
To fill Llenar llene llenen
To take out Sacar Saque Saquen
To speak Hablar Hable Hablen
To listen Escuchar Escuche Escuchen
To begin Empezar Empiece Empiecen
To work Trabajar Trabaje Trabajen
To clean Limpiar Limpie Limpien
To end/finish Terminar Termine Terminen
To help Ayudar Ayude Ayuden
To prepare Preparar Prepare Preparen
To wash Lavar Lave Laven
15Please get out your packets
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- sus paquetes
16Practice with Dates Numbers
- 1) October 21 el veintiuno (21) de octubre
- 2) Monday, November lunes, el ocho (8) de
noviembre - 3) Thursday, December jueves, el primero (1) de
diciembre -
- Large, extended families
- Cousins often like siblings
- Grandparents, aunts/uncles often live with family
(or help provide for them) - Often send money back to family
- Padrino/Madrino
- Godparents, more than symbolic
- Patriarchal
18Last Name System
- María Sánchez Velazquez
- Sánchez fathers fathers name
- Velazquez mothers fathers name
- She goes by María Sánchez
- When she marries Alberto Diaz Gómez
- She becomes María Sánchez de Diaz.
- Her son, Juan, is Juan Diaz Sánchez.
19Last Name System
- Jill Lara Kushner is the daughter of Natalie
Kessler and Alan Kushner - What would her name be in the Spanish system?
- She marries Mark Bishop. What would her full
name be?
20Putting It Together
- Do you want ? Quiere ? (key-air-ay)
- How? Cómo? (koh-moh)
- How many? Cuántos? (kwahn-tohs)
- How much? Cuánto? (kwahn-toh)
- What? Qué? (kay)
- When? Cuándo? (kwahn-doh)
- Where? Dónde? (dohn-day)
- Who? Quién? (key-en)
- Why? Por qué? (pohr / kay)
- At what time? A qué hora? (ah / kay / oh-rah)
- Examples
- What do you want?
- How many do you want?
- Where do you want it?
21Please get out your packets
- Favor de sacar
- sus paquetes
22US Hispanic Population
- Hispanics now comprise 1 in 7 of US population
- 2005 41.3 million
- 2000 35 million
- 1990 22 million
- Mexicans comprise more than half of the Hispanic
population (20 million) - Hispanics accounted for half of the population
growth from 2003-2004 (total 2.9 million)
23Hispanic Purchasing Power
- Today 700 billion
- By 2010 1 trillion
24Please get out your packets
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- sus paquetes
25Other Praise Words
- Fantástico!
- Excelente!
- Lo agradezco I appreciate it
26Please get out your packets
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- sus paquetes
27How Are You?
- Are you _____? Estás _____ ?
(ay-stahs) - Yes, I am _________ Si, estoy ______ (see /
ay-stoy) - No, I am not _______ No, no estoy ______ (no /
no / ay-stoy) - Are you _____ ?
- fine, OK, good, swell bien (bee-ayn)
- busy ocupado (a) (oh-koo-pah-doh)
- hur lastimado (a) (lah-stee-mah-doh)
- sick enfermo (a) (en-fair-moh)
- tired cansado (a) (kahn-sah-doh)
28Please get out your packets
- Favor de sacar
- sus paquetes
29English Proficiency
- The Limited-English Proficient (LEP) population
has doubled from 1980 (6) to 2000 (12), to 25
million adults
30What do we do about LEP?
- Help them learn English
- Academic classes at community colleges, night
school, community organizations - Workforce ESL
- Increases efficiencies, improves customer
service, decreases turnover - Build their confidence
- Often know more than theyre comfortable saying
- Butoften understand more than they can say
31What do we do about LEP?
- Translate training manuals, recipe guides,
performance reviews, newsletters, paperwork - Provide interpreters for employee meetings,
performance reviews, complaints
32What do we do about LEP?
- Learn their language
- Academic
- Occupational
- Increases efficiencies, builds trust and loyalty
- Lets work on learning some!
33Muchas Gracias!
- For more information and
- free downloadable files visit
- www.workplacelanguages.com