Title: Simon Dobson
1Two dose Q-HPV Vaccine Study
- Simon Dobson
- BC Childrens Hospital
- Vaccine Evaluation Centre
- Child Family Research Institute
- Vancouver
- University of British Columbia, Canada
- I have carried out vaccine clinical trials for
- Merck
- GlaxoSmithkline
- Novartis
- Sanofi Pasteur
- Dynavax
- I have been on Advisory Boards for
GlaxoSmithkline and Merck - I have been on the National Advisory Committee on
Immunization (Canada)
3Why do this study?
- Cervical cancer is second most common cancer in
women worldwide (500,000 per year) - HPV vaccines offer the opportunity of primary
prevention - Barriers are vaccine cost and accessibility
4Why do this study?
- Pre-licensure studies showed that 9-13 year olds
responded better to the vaccine than 16-26 year
olds - Would it be possible to use this better response
as an opportunity to use two instead of three
5Study Funded byBritish Columbia Ministry of
HealthThe Provincial Governments of Quebec and
Nova Scotia
6Trial design 2 dose versus 3 dose HPV vaccine
study a phase III post licensure randomized
controlled trial
Sample Size N825
Study group 1 9-13 year olds females N260
Study group 3 16-26 year olds females N305
Study group 2 9-13 year old females N260
Study arm, Gardasil 0 and 6 months
Control arms, Gardasil 0, 2 and 6 months
Primary outcome Anti-HPV 16 and 18 GMT, t 7
7Primary Endpoints
- Differences in Geometric Mean Titres (GMT) of
antibodies to HPV 16 and HPV 18 at Month 7 - Non-inferiority will be declared if lower bounds
of the adjusted 95 CI of GMT ratios for HPV 16
and HPV 18 are greater than 0.5
8Geometric Mean Titres in the Intention To Treat
Dobson S et al. JAMA 2013
9GMT Ratios in the Intention To Treat Population
Dobson s et al. JAMA 2013
- Following a 2 dose regimen in 9-13 year old
girls, antibody responses to HPV-16,-18,-6,-11
were non-inferior through 36 months, as compared
to a 3-dose regimen in young adult women
11GMT Ratios in the Intention To Treat Population
Dobson s et al. JAMA 2013
12Why is this important?
- Better use of resources
- Protects more girls
- Worldwide, saves lives
13But.. Still need answers to two questions
- What is the duration of protection?
- This is known for neither 3 doses nor 2 dosesyet
- Does 2 doses work as well as 3 doses?
- A Canadian study has started
- Extended 2 1 schedules are also possible