Title: Jeopardy Math Review
1Jeopardy Math Review
Evaluating Expressions One-Step Equations Two-Step Multi-Step Equations One-Way Two-Way Inequalities Absolute Value Absolute Value Inequalities
100 100 100 100 100
200 200 200 200 200
300 300 300 300 300
400 400 400 400 400
500 500 500 500 500
2Category 1 for 100
Evaluate the expression.
3Category 1 for 200
Solve the equation.
4Category 1 for 300
Evaluate the expression.
5Category 1 for 400
Solve the equation.
6Category 1 for 500
Evaluate the expression.
7Category 2 for 100
Solve the equation.
8Category 2 for 200
Solve the equation.
9Category 2 for 300
Solve the equation.
10Category 2 for 400
Solve the equation.
11Category 2 for 500
Solve the equation.
12Category 3 for 100
Solve the inequality by providing the normal
13Category 3 for 200
Solve the inequality by providing the bracket
notation solution.
14Category 3 for 300
Solve the inequality by providing the number line
15Category 3 for 400
Solve the inequality by providing the number line
16Category 3 for 500
Solve the inequality by providing the bracket
notation solution.
17Category 4 for 100
Solve the absolute value equation.
18Category 4 for 200
Solve the absolute value equation.
19Category 4 for 300
Solve the absolute value equation.
20Category 4 for 400
Solve the absolute value equation.
21Category 4 for 500
Solve the absolute value equation.
22Category 5 for 100
Solve the absolute value inequality by providing
the normal solution.
23Category 5 for 200
Solve the absolute value inequality by providing
the bracket notation solution.
24Category 5 for 300
Solve the absolute value inequality by providing
the number line solution.
25Category 5 for 400
Solve the absolute value inequality by providing
the number line solution.
26Category 5 for 500
Solve the absolute value inequality by providing
the bracket notation solution.